Kitten likes Chicken

Jiang Ying Yue had worked into the night and craved some fried chicken. Covering herself in an oversized jacket and ripped jeans she left her small apartment in the middle of the night to satisfy her craving. There was a small place nearby that always stayed open late and served great spicy chicken. The idea of the crisp chicken and savory spices making her mouth water. While she had little interest for thing appetite was huge and an evident foodie. As she stood at the counter making an order, she felt a presence behind her. Ignoring the danger she continued to finish her order and pay so that she could quickly leave. When she finished paying she felt a mouth next to her ear.

"So like things spicy?"

Ying Yue shuddered as his minty breath blew into her ears. She immediately recognized the cold arrogant voice. It was him.

It had been two days since she met him and while she tried to deny it - she had thought about him a lot. It was her first time meeting a man who dared to act like that in front of her, let alone a man who she hesitated to brutally beat. She was not the one to get swayed by looks but she knew that his face was sinful. While she struggled to get out of his hold he felt his muscular arms flexing as he caged her while his rock body pressed against her. She knew that he was looking for her but had assumed he gave up when she no longer saw any activity researching her background.

Ignoring the man behind her, she stepped aside to wait for her order. She felt his stare burn into her back but maintained a cool front. Turning around and responding to him would only feed his insufferable ego.

"What's wrong kitten ... a big bad wolf's got your tongue?"

Her ears burned, 'this man! Who does he think he is! Always calling me kitten and bringing up this stupid wolf analogy. Ignore him Ying Yue, he'll lose interest eventually.'

Xi Long stood behind her as he watched her ignore him. Although she wore an oversized jacket, this one did not have a hood, he saw her ears tinge red as he continued to whisper into her ear.

'Cute, I wonder how the rest of her skin would look like red from my teasing...'

Bending down he whispered into her ear again - "you can try to ignore me but trust me kitten, I am not a man that easily gives up.'

Ying Yue grew angry after hearing his words. 'Why won't he leave me alone! Did anyone even talk to him, why is he still talking?!'

Seeing her order she grabbed the packed meat and stormed out of the restaurant. She made quick steps towards her apartment as she heard footsteps following her. Speeding up she attempted to outrun him but she could hear his steady steps following her at any pace she chose. Burning with irritation she turned around to glare at the man who dared to once again ruin her night.

She was stunned. Fully intending to rip this man to shreds she turned around with her feet ready to kick him but her body stayed still as she saw his face. It had been two days but the man in front of her managed to become more attractive. The pale moon glow shined on his face, he was dressed casually today and she surprisingly preferred this look. His black hair was unruly, tempting her to run her hands through his locks and feel it between her fingers. His face was sharp with high cheekbones and a strong masculine jaw. His lips were a dark red that looked as though it tasted like dark wine. Those lips which were currently seductively smirking at her right now.

Xi Long had followed her out of the building quickly abandoning his confused friend. Her small body moved fast as her dark black hair moved in tune with her. Her hair was the colour of a raven and his fingers itched with the need to run his hands through it. He inwardly chuckled as she changed her speed and tried to get rid of him but following her was child's play. No matter what she did, he was not letting her go tonight.

Suddenly the petite form in front of him turned around and his hearted beating erratically. As she turned he first saw her iconic fierce eyes glaring at him with irritation.

She was gorgeous - a fallen angel.

Her small face was bordered with raven hair, eyes fierce but sparkled, a small pointy nose and red lips that made his inner monster come out with the intention of tasting what promised him sweet nothings. Of all faces he could have imagined, it would not have compared to the view he saw now.

"What do you want! Stop following me and leave me alone."

"What I want? I want you." Xi Long chuckled.

Ying Yue was in disbelief, 'did he just say that he wants me?'

"Listen. I do not care who you are or what your game is but I am not in the mood of your games. Get the fuck away from me - I will never be yours."

"Don't make promises you can't keep kitten." Xi Long was enjoying their banter, seeing her respond back with poison on her tongue was attractive. He could never be with a white lotus, he much preferred women who held their ground and were fierce. Watching her face burn with anger and her lips slightly ripped from the continuous bitting, he felt his control slip through.

Stepping forward with each statement, he cornered her into the wall of the brick house beside where they stood. The woman who just a minute ago had been raging at him, ready to take his head off had turned quiet as he stalked towards her.

"Not going to say anything? Well kitten, I told you a big bad wolf's got your tongue."

At this, Ying Yue came back to and coldly responded back "There is no big bad wolf, do you have no other analogies? Less stupid ones?"

"Oh but there is. I said it before I'll say it now, I am the big bad wolf." With that he leaned forward and bent his head to right in front of her face. Leaning his weight forward he caged her against the wall, leaving but a tight space for her to escape and did what he wanted to do since he met her.

He kissed her.