Troublesome Man

It was deadly silent.

She was against a brick wall facing the arrogant man she unfortunately met two days ago once again fighting him. It seemed to be a routine for them for him to capture her within his arms. She stubbornly glared at him and fought against his muscular body. He left only a small space for her to escape but it would force her to press herself very close to him and something tells her that getting closer was not going to help the situation.

She was frustrated. All she wanted was to enjoy her fried chicken but here she was being held against her will.

'Hmph, you act very proud for someone I can throw easily away from me.'

She internally grumbled, knowing fully well that this man was an exception to her brutal ways.

'Why am I always weak when I meet this man?? Jiang Ying Yue -- what is wrong with you???'

His hips jabbed into hers as he leaned forward.

"I said if before and I'll say it now - I am the big bad wolf."

Before she could even process his words she saw his face lean forward and suddenly felt cold soft but slightly rough lips against hers. His masculine scent covered her and became the only thing she could smell as he took captive of her mouth. It took all of her willpower to keep her face blank but her ears flamed red. A warm feeling started bubbling in her stomach as his lips moved against her. His hand had slowly fallen to her waist, her skin slowly burning under his touch. He was gentle as he kissed her and her breathing slowly turned heavy.

Xi Long was in heaven.

He succumbed to his temptations and kissed her and oh how did he enjoy it. Her lips were soft as he lightly moved his mouth against her. Her natural scent of light flowers and linen only further enticed him to keep going. His cute kitten was fierce so the scent surprised him but it fit her perfectly - he could bottle it if he could. Her hands continued to pound against his chest but weaker than before. He chuckled inwardly, 'cute.' Her body had given up but her mouth remained still against him. Slightly irritated at her lack of response he bit her lip. When she gasped he took the chance to plunge his tongue into her mouth and completely taste her. Her taste was intoxicating, she tasted like bittersweet berries.

He wanted more.

Pressing himself even closer to her, he tilted his head and moved his mouth deeper and harder against her. His self-control was slipping as he completely dominated her. His breathing turned harsh as he tightly gripped her small frame. When he felt her run out of air only then did he slowly pull back away from her. He was hesitant to stop, his desire to kiss her again clouding his mind. Glancing at the woman in front of him, his desire that he tried hard to calm came back like a volcano. Her eyes were dazed and bright while her lips were swollen and red from his attack. Closing his eyes he leaned in to her neck and breathed heavily. He tried his best to control the beast inside him ready to come out and claim this woman as his.

The first time he met her he knew she was different but now meeting her again he knew that his interest was more than curiosity. A dark feeling grew inside him, he wanted to her to be his and only his. Possessiveness filled him but he kept it deep inside lest he scares her away. He was not going to let her escape from him time and time again, he will win her heart and mark her as his.

Pulling away from her he released his tight hold on her but kept her within his embrace.

"What's your name?"

Ying Yue was still dazed his burning touch keeping her from focusing. She was well trained in a lot of things and her self control was nothing less than a monk but this attraction was not something she could have prepared for. She could torture and man and make him beg in seven different languages but her physical interaction with men in a romantic sense was zero to nil. While she was slowly breaking out of her daze, she accidentally answered his question - "Ying..." but caught herself before she could completely reveal her name.

'Ying Yue! You're acting like you've never seen a man before?? I cannot believe I almost gave him my real name.'


"Ying Ying is my name."

Xi Long chucked, he was surprised that his kitten had such a cute name but knew that she probably wasn't telling the truth, the hesitation in her voice being proof enough. She cleverly left her last name out but he would find out soon her true identity. He had a feeling she was hiding more than just her name.

Jiang Ying Yue now fully conscious realized she was still being held against the wall and the fact that this man stole her kiss sunk in. Anger flared inside of her, bringing up her hand she quickly hit the side of his neck and a pressure point in his forehead. Creating some distance she lifted her leg up and hit in inner thigh. He grunted and moved back several steps, taking the chance she turned and ran down the street at her maximum speed. She took several sharp turns and made sure not to lead anyone towards her apartment. Only after she ran a far distance and made sure no one was following her did she return back to her apartment nearly two hours later. Making it inside she leaned against her front door and closed her eyes. She had lost her first kiss tonight but glancing at the white package gripped in her hand - "but at least I still have my fried chicken."

A black car pulled up outside her apartment and a man sat in the front staring at the front door. A sinister smile took over his face as he gazed at the building his woman ran into moments before.

"I got you now kitten."