
With All Hallows Eve fast approaching, I spent all of today helping mum and dad at home. Dad isn't due to start his job at the new office until next Monday.

The outside of the property is all stone but was pretty grimy and needed a good cleaning up. I spent most of the morning jet washing the whole house while dad cleared the garden and mum baked.

I am very thankful that Adam taught me how to 'switch on' the Werewolf strength or my arms would have given out after an hour. Between jet washing and lumberjack'ing I am actually getting the start of some nice arm muscles going now.

The afternoon was spend doing more clean up jobs. Mowing the lawn, inspecting the well that we found about a hundred meters from the house, stacking firewood.

The well was pretty interesting, still intact with running water but some kind of carved out safe space down there. Not a small space either. We used a rope ladder to go down and inspect the walls and that's how we found it.

The area was roughly a hundred meters square and possibly connects to the house on one side though looks to be bricked over now. All the sides and ceiling have been reinforced so that it doesn't collapse. There were multiple raised areas with what looked like a collapsed bed, seating and shelving.

I think someone may have lived there at some point. Whether it was their choice or not is another question entirely. There were no remains though which gave me some comfort.

Dad is going to get a surveyor out to confirm the area is safe and if it could be converted at all or access from the house restored.