
I was supposed to be working today but mum has come down with something so I'll work tomorrow and Friday instead. Adam was very understanding, Werewolves rarely get sick so if we are unwell its worse than even man flu.

Dad took care of cleaning the house and cooking while I continued the tidy of the outside. It's a lovely property but does need a lot of care to make it truly nice again.

I borrowed some tools from work that Adam was kind enough to drop off. There were overgrown shrubs and trees not to mention a lot of fallen debris to clear up. If any of the wood was large enough to carve, Adam kindly offered to pick all of it up and make us something with a piece or two for the garden and sell the rest. A kind of get well soon gift for mum.

I was out there pretty much all day, cleared four shrubs, found a massive old stump that took both dad and I a good two hours to pull up. There were tons of fallen branches and such that will make great kindling. Adam popped over just after half past four. Apparently he has a great idea for the stump but needs to speak with the workshop to make sure it's viable.

Other than that it was a pretty quiet day. Sara only popped over long enough to swap hoodies as she was aware of mum being unwell. I did take the opportunity to press her up against her car and kiss her thoroughly. I might have been helping around the home all day but I'd been thinking about doing that for most of it.

She is one hell of a kisser, though her wandering hands are very distracting. It was all I could do to resist inviting her indoors and carrying on. My parents already know we're testing the waters. There is no way I could hide the change in my scent from them.

I'm pretty sure all the local Werewolves are aware as Sara's scent has been changing as well. I can smell myself on her and want to enhance it. The mingled scents are intoxicating and enticing.

We resisted though and Sara went on her way with a promise to return tomorrow afternoon when I finish work.