Contagion Distillation Blast

In response, Will walked forward, each step opening a Door and he focused on his true enemy. He allowed Achilles to dispatch the tangible Banshees while he personally took care of the intangible ones. Since the Metalos Blades only had a narrow gap in their encirclement, the banshees could only pass through a few at a time due to their large frames.

Thanks to the spiritual nature of the Metalos Blades, the banshees could not phase through them, thus they could only go through in small groups. 

Regardless of how far Achilles was or how intense the momentum was becoming, he was still able to make each shot hit true. Even Will was impressed by this show. Although the momentum increased the might of his blows, it also weakened his accuracy. The fact that his shots were still accurate despite his angular momentum was a testament to his mental prowess and skill with the bow.

By the time Will had taken his 4th step, he had already opened 4 doors. The Swordforce and yin-type aura leaking out of him was enough to intimidate the Banshees, causing the originally fearless and intrepid creatures to hesitate to approach him. Will walked on as if he could care less and started to chant.

"'Harmony in the mind, chaos in nature. The Dao begot one. One begot two. Two begot three. And three begot the ten thousand things. The ten thousand things carry yin and embrace yang. They achieve harmony by combining these forces."

With each word Will spoke, his countenance changed ever so slightly, as if his being was resonating with a piece of the universe with each syllable. 

The girls watching above turned to Lisa, who was the most knowledgeable about Solitary Sword Sovereigns, but the woman in question remained quiet and shrugged. She was not familiar with most of the chants of the SSS skills. 

The SSS manual was rarely used and hard to master, thus it was rarely studied. Most only knew of the more infamous skills but aside from that there was little to no information that mortals like them had access to, hence all they could do was watch. 

Lisa was not sure what Will was doing, but she did notice something odd. Between each break in his sentences, Will was taking a longer breath than usual. 

Cultivators at higher levels did not need to breathe as often or as deep, as the stronger they became the less they needed energy from respiration. However, some methods of cultivation promoted breathing methods and instead chose to rely on cultivation fuelled respiration. 

'Last time I checked, the SSS manual shouldn't have any breathing techniques. Unless…' Lisa came to a frightening conclusion as she saw Will walk toward the gap Lyra had allowed in the encirclement of Metalos Blades. 

At this point, Will and Achilles had already dispatched almost 50 Devastated Banshees and the numbers were still increasing, because, despite the fear the Banshees had of Will, the Agonised Banshee still goaded them forward.

As Will walked, Sword Intent blew out of his body, but what was truly impressive was how controlled it was. Sharp Metal Element Swordforce intertwined with the tetragranium katana in Will's right hand.

This was the greatest output of Swordforce he had ever produced. Will's mind was focused. He stopped walking and raised the ice katana in preparation for stepping forward and slashing.

'Breathe in.'


'Breathe out'


Will started to breathe in and out at specific intervals. Each time he did, he took in large amounts of air.

At first, all the breaths did was make wind that could rustle pieces of small debris a few meters away. But with each second, with each breath, the winds got more turbulent. And the breaths became more violent.

After having performed dozens of breaths, he focused his concentration to the max and felt his inner workings through his connection to the blade. Will could feel power surging into the sword, using his body as a conduit. It was a complicated process that the boy made look easy.

Will's heart tightened as he decided to take action. World energy rumbled within him but in the outside world, it became eerily silent with the exception of the winds, like an abandoned graveyard.

At this point in time, the banshees were no longer attacking Will as the Agonised Banshee did not want to lose its fuel. It was confident that Will could not do it much harm and instead focused on its grand spell. The spell it was about to cast was called Contagion Distillation Blast. It allowed the Banshee to absorb the dragon-force-imbued poisonous mist, concentrate it into a death-infused orb and cast it at a location of its choice.

Dragons were the pinnacle of all beasts, and dragon force was one of the most potent forces in existence. The Agonised Banshee was of draconic descent, thus it could channel dragon force to a certain degree, allowing it to exhibit destructive might far above what other World bosses could do. Not to mention that it was surrounded by a miasma and minions it could consume freely to fuel itself, this was simply the best environment for it to fight!

Will did not disturb the creature and watched on in glee, 'That's right, keep feeding yourself. I want you nice and fat for when I gut you like a fish.'

Will remained with sword raised. He knew of Contagion Distillation Blast. In fact, Will knew all of the Agonised Banshee's skills. He had created this environment specifically to force the Agonised Banshee to use this particular skill. 

If the creature had chosen to fight with other abilities instead, while it would have lost more minions, the battle would have been much harder for Will and his companions. But now, the Agonised Banshee was following Will's plan and it was not even aware.

Will continued to breath and eye his opponent, waiting for the opportune moment to strike. The Agonised banshee was no fool and could tell that Will was up to something, as the ambient World Energy around Will started to flow into him in an odd way. 

With each breath, wave after wave of world energy coursed into Will's tiny frame, the intensity of each flow becoming greater and greater with each passing second. Nevertheless, the Agonised Banshee still looked down upon the weak mortal beneath it and did not intend to stop what it was doing.

The Frozen Asgard maidens were far more knowledgeable than the banshee and thus quickly picked up on what Will was doing.

"That Solitary Sword Sovereign is using The Breath." Muttered Giselle after confirming her suspicions. 

Intent was the most common of the higher senses and was used by every high-tier cultivator to a certain degree. But the Breath was different. It, like Truth, was an extremely rare higher sense with strict requirements for its user. Unlike Truth however, it carried a heavy burden on the body and required extremely high elemental affinity, leading to most only being capable of utilizing it when approaching level 200. 

It was a power that allowed one to become a conduit for World energy, without having to patiently build up a large reservoir of qi or mana within one's body.

Every mortal in that dungeon was a Truthseeker. That meant that every user and mortal present in Fafnir's Grave could use Intent and Truth, already making them the cream of the crop. Now, Will had revealed that he could use a 3rd higher sense, a feat that these ladies had only seen a handful of people achieve within their generation.

"3 higher senses, just like Ulysses. And he is a bonafide Solitary Sword sovereign. This swordsman is dangerous."

At that moment, all the girls raised Will's value to the peak possible at their level. While they did not place him at the same level as Ulysses and Mercedes, he was quite close. Now, none of the maidens felt that they were worthy of being Will's equal in terms of talent. Such was the significance of the Breath.

"Even with the Breath, he can't survive the banshee's super large-scale spell. Even if he harmed it now, it would not disturb the casting as it has already established the spell." Added Alison.

Lisa sighed and decided to give her 2 cents on the matter, "Normally, you would be correct. But don't forget, he is a Solitary Sword Sovereign. Giselle, do you remember the 7th technique in the SSS manual?'

Giselle took a moment to go through her memory as she had barely heard anything about it. But in the deepest recesses of her mind, a memory surfaced, allowing her to remember the skill.

"Solitary Sword Sovereign 7th Chapter: The Breath of Solitude!"

Giselle almost shouted this out as shock was plastered all over her face. When she finally remembered what Lisa was guiding her to think of, the banshee was about to drop the orb of dark mist-like matter that formed above its palm. 

Alison, in her agitated state, was about to teleport the girls away, but a firm hand from Lisa stopped her, "Sister, we are not in danger. Trust me, none of us want to miss what's about to happen."