Sword Kaiser Returns!

"I am the arrow that strikes the heavens and yet knows no redemption!"

Will's chant caught the attention of the others as a small portal appeared in the centre of the giant banshee. A small energy sword came out of the portal and whizzed into Will's free hand. As the small blade of energy appeared in front of the ladies, they could not help but look at each other in distress as they did not have time to process what was happening.

This was without a doubt the most well known technique within the SSS Manual. And Will's chant furthermore ratified their thoughts.

Will's figure burst forth as he struck at the stuck Banshee with his energy blade from the front while Achilles approached the banshee from the side.

"Solitary Sword Sovereign First Chapter: Sword Kaiser!" Will shouted.

Lisa panicked as she realized that there was no time to act, so she rapidly sent orders to her sisters.

"If they take down that banshee, it will ruin our plans greatly! Not only would they gain a ridiculous amount of experience and titles, but they would without a doubt receive incredible rewards. We should take them down and finish off the banshee ourselves because it's in a weakened state!"

The other girls agreed and swiftly took action. Alison, being the spatial mage took action first as she was able to teleport directly next to Will. 

"Space Lock!"

Alison pointed a finger at Will once she reached his side, in an attempt to lock the swordsman in place while he was holding the Sword Kaiser Blade made of the Banshee's essence. Similar to Super Large Scale spells, there was a great backlash for high level skills if they were not completed, and Sword Kaiser was one of those skills. Unfortunately, Alison realized that what she had locked was empty space whike Will had swiftly spun around and flanked her. 

He released a small blade light that she easily evaded. Alison, more confident in herself after evading a close blow from the fast Will, snickered and decided to put some space between her and her opponent as she tried to teleport herself away from the environment, only to find out that she had lost her connecting to the space around her.

"What's happening?"

Will smirked and said, "I wasn't cutting you, I wanted to isolate you from the world around you, just like I did to the banshee. The Breath of Solitude is still active you now."

It was in that moment that everything clicked for Alison. The Breath of Solitude was not a single use attack but rather a state of being that allowed one to use Breath infused strikes powered by Solitude. In such a state, a Solitary Sword Sovereign could easily isolate any being on a similar level.

Will had first attempted this against Jingsung Ha in his battle against the latter's Restricted Avatar. He was able to Isolate the Seventh Scion of Ha from the rain around him. 

Will had become much stronger and was much more proficient at both the Breath and Solitude, so he was able to isolate the banshee from its own spell, causing the spell to collapse in on itself.

'He has isolated me from the space element around me. That means to a certain degree, he also has the space element!'

Alison was horrified as she heavily relied on her ability to teleport to do battle. Not only that, Will had isolated her from the entire space around her, making her unable to use any space skills outside a certain radius from her body. This made her unable to use 80 percent of her spells, putting her on the defensive.

Meanwhile, the other three had been hoping that Alison would keep Will busy while Achilles clashed with the banshee. They were confident that Achilles would not be able to slay the banshee by himself, and would at most critically injure it. Then while he recovered from the clash, they would swoop in and kill both Achilles and the banshee. After which they would gang up on Solitary, who was supposed to be suffering from a Sword Kaiser and Breath of Solitude backlash after being locked in place.

Unfortunately, Sword Kaiser had not been disturbed in any way. In fact, it was still active, much to their shock. The fact that Will was using 2 SSS skills simultaneously horrified the women. This was no longer simply multi tasking, but was no different from having two separate minds working as one!

The ladies did not know about Dual Mind and thus could only attribute it to talent.

On the other battlefield, Achilles was fast approaching the banshee, but he was still lacking a bit of energy. Will was supposed to coordinate with him to finish off the banshee, but he was otherwise predisposed. Achilles gritted his teeth and continued on. Despite knowing that he was only lacking a little bit of power to kill the creature, he still pushed on.

It was at this moment that Achilles felt a huge surge of power flow into him from the Metalos Blade in his hand. This humongous power was something he was all too familiar with as it was the spiritual power he could draw from the blade!

Achilles looked down, and saw that his blade had changed once again. It was now much more pronounced, while multiple engravings had been added onto its body. Its presence became much more pronounced while the spiritual power coursing through it still filled Achilles with two times the power he previously had. Achilles looked up and saw that the Metalos Blade that had been lodged in the Agonised Banshee's body had long since disappeared. 

Achilles understood how Metalos Surge worked and understood exactly what had happened. Lyra had left only one blade on the battlefield! 

The Agonised Banshee watched on in abject horror as the threatening feeling it got from Achilles spiked to new heights, alerting the creature of Achilles new threat level.

'That human is a threat to me now!'

Achilles roared as he moved forth to strike the frozen banshee. It was locked in place by Sword Kaiser, and he intended to use this opportunity wisely.

The Frozen Asgard ladies wanted to move, but Will had stopped right next to Alison. He had not attacked her, and instead, looked at the banshee while his tetragranium katana was pointed at Alison. His intentions were clear: If they moved, she would die!

The Devastated Banshees tried to take action and assist their king, but a few casual swings from Will's katana would end them instantly. In Will's current yin boosted Swordborn state, he could release a strike powered by the Breath of Solitude within an instant, one that could travel hundreds of meters in less than a second.

Distances of a few hundred meters meant nothing to him. Thus hundreds of Devastated Banshees died while rushing to protect their king.

Achilles took this opportunity to approach the stranded Agonised and roared, pushing all his spiritual and physical faculties to the peak!

"Die you filthy demon!"

With a single sky splitting diagonal slash, the Banshee was split into two parts. A large shockwave made up of countless energies spread out into the environment. Immediately afterwards, a cloud of dust and kicked up making it impossible to see clearly.

Will stomped the ground with a breath infused step, resulting in all the dust clearing. The revealed environment was quite different from what was there before! 

Before the clash, they were on an ordinary riverbank, with the only visible landmark being the large skeletal structure representing the entrance to the underground dungeon. Now however, a large gorge had opened up on the ground right next to the skeleton. The gorge was like a canyon that endlessly stretched to the depths of hel itself. 

On the other hand, the Agonised Banshee had been split diagonally; with parts of it face having been sliced off. The half that had the majority of its head remained suspended in the sky due to Sword Kaiser remaining active while the larger half that had most of its lower body fell ungracefully onto the ground. 

As soon as the lower half landed, a sword made out of energy pierced into Agonised Banshee head floating in the skies, resulting in a second explosion of energy that spread outwards into the riverbank!