The Dust Settles

By the time the dust had cleared and the ladies were now able to properly take stock of what had happened, the Agonized Banshee's corpse had long since vanished while the remaining Devastated banshees had fled the scene. The giant corpse had become a flood of experience so bright it looked like a swarm of millions of fireflies. The ladies had to wait until the light phenomenon faded before they could make a move. 

"Undead banshees fleeing a battlefield. This isn't something you see often." Mused Narcissus as he watched the scene with a smirk.

Jingsung Ha crossed his arms and responded, "They could sense that the Sword Kaiser Will had made was infused with the power of death. The fact that such an attack was able to slay their master has made them wary. They have no intention to fight a being with a greater power over death than them."

"Indeed. Will has managed to reach our requirements for contracting a deity with this performance."

"Exactly, that's what matters. The boy was able to properly infuse Death type energy into his being and fuse it into a Sword Kaiser. He was also able to maintain the Breath of Solitude and Sword Kaiser at the same time as his yin state and Swordborn Constitution. He has truly utilized Dual Mind to its fullest." Jingsung Ha was quite pleased with Will's performance so far as he was already quite different from the man that had first entered the dungeon.

First Will had gone through Negative Feedback Adjustment [1], improving his mind greatly. Then Will; had learned how to control his mental energy field qualitatively and quantitatively. Now Will had strengthened his connection to the metal element by applying the Conductivity, Malleability and Ductility concepts into his skills.

The Conductivity concept greatly strengthened Will's ability to control the flow of energy. The Malleability and Ductility concepts allowed Will to change the shape of his metal element abilities. 

Malleability was the ability to form sheets from metal, while Ductility was the ability to form strings from metal. This is what allowed Will to release a string like blade light that turned into a curtain capable of surrounding the Agonised Banshee. To properly apply Solitude, Malleability and Ductility were required concepts one should master. 

Ductility allowed Will to stretch a blade light while malleability increased the surface area his blade light had. This allowed him to 'wrap' the humongous banshee and isolate it from its own Super Large Scale spell. 

Will had also teamed up with Achilles and Lyra, bringing out their strengths and creating useful combinations, such as when he launched the Metalos Blade with Magnetic Repulsion with Lyra increasing the Blade's size just after Will released it.

Achilles also had to time his movements so that he would clash into the Banshee at the right moment as well. All three of them had to be in sync. The fact that they were all connected through Lyra's abilities and Will's Conductivity concept allowed their movements to have better harmonization. 

"Now that the boy has learned how to focus his own Area and has mastered the basic abilities of a Solitary Sword Sovereign, it's about time for him to contract you." Jingsung said as he looked at Narcissus.

Narcissus laughed, "Hold on Seventh Scion, he still has a problem to deal with here. Let's wait for him to finish off these girls then we can start. I assure you, I look forward to this as much as anyone. The Realms of Perspective have been a headache I've been trying to deal with for a while now."

The reason Narcissus wanted to have a Contract of Equals [2] with Will was so that he could also learn the Realms of Perspective. This was the only way a deity could learn a new type of skill unrelated to their current divinities.

Near Will, Achilles bruised and languid figure approached Lyra and fell next to his comrade. Achilles was extremely fatigued and pain assailed him from every direction, inside and out. He barely had the mental faculties to proceed and was now in his most vulnerable state.

Lyra was also not in a good state. Unlike Achilles, his damage and fatigue were less of a physical issue and were more of a spiritual problem. 

'At this rate I can only keep up these buffs for 5 minutes at most.'

Will's Conductivity concept allowed him to increase the rate of energy output, but it also increased the burden on Lyra spiritually as his mind and soul were what kept these buffs active. Metalos Surge had already been cancelled out while Mana Pool Connection, Elemental Affinity and Call of the forest were on their last legs.

Lyra telepathically informed Will of his state but the latter simply replied with a 'Don't worry, I got this.' and continued on with his actions. Lyra chose to trust in Will and did his best to focus so he could keep his buffs active for a little bit longer.

Will ignored the glowing treasures left behind by the Agonised Banshee and looked at the system prompt that had appeared in his vision.

[Congratulations for defeating a World Boss! The system has decided that you contributed 72% to the creatures down fall and have thus received the titles Death's Advocate and World Boss Destroyer!

Due to the significance of your achievement, the system will directly increase your level by ten levels and will provide you with a single teleportation talisman!]

Will was curious to know what these titles did and thus opened up his menu so he could see what they offered.

[Title: Death's Advocate (Upgradable)

Effect 1: The closer you are to dying, the stronger you become.

Effect 2: When facing undead or death type creatures, your attacks deal 250% more damage

Effect 3: Affinity with death type attribute has increased by 10% 

Title: World Destroyer

 Effect 1: When facing a World Boss, the World Boss will experience a 20% decrease in strength

Effect 2: When facing a World Boss, user will experience a 15% increase in elemental affinity]

Will was gobsmacked by these effects. He knew that he would receive a lot of rewards, but he was surprised by just how useful these titles were. Will cared far more about the 3rd effect of Death's Advocate, as all Solitary Sword Sovereign skills and energies were powered by Death. 

10% may not seem like much, but it was an incredible amount to Will who was still developing. There were also many undead and death type creatures in the universe, especially demons and ghosts. Many a human cultivator suffered countless debuffs or unfavorable scenarios, such as the intangible skill they often had. Now Will didn't have to worry about such things.

The fact that the title was upgradable was also a boon that made Will feel as if this was all worth it. Will could already feel the Death type energy he had only just gotten accustomed to surging with incredible force in his dantian.

His Yuan was made of many energies and attributes. These included Solitude, water, metal, space, spirit, earth, Swordforce, Yin, Anti Divinity, Entanglement, Truth, Radiant Energy and Bloodlust. Now, the final piece of the puzzle, death, had been added to the equation. Will had mastered all these abilities to different levels and thus was not proficient with all, but he didn't need to master every single one. He just needed to coordinate them in the right manner to achieve the result he desired. 

World Destroyer was also not to be underestimated. World Bosses were not common, but they gave bountiful rewards. These two effects would make it much easier for him to face his next World Boss and potentially receive even more rewards. Unfortunately, before Will could check out what the Teleportation Talisman was, he caught a movement from his mental energy field.

Will snickered and said, "Where do you think you are going?'


Within an instant, four limbs spraying out blood covered the floor!