Lisa’s Betrayal

Lisa's figure was darting for the loot that the World Banshee had left behind. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the loot of a World Boss had could cause Worlds to fight each other to extinction. 

The aura that the handful of treasures on the ground was releasing was so enticing that Lisa could not sit still, thus she moved for the loot while Will was still distracted by his system prompt

Will sneered in response and said, "Where do you think you are going?'


Within an instant, four limbs spraying out blood covered the floor!

All it took was one slash for Lisa to stop dead in her tracks. She stared horrified as Alison, who had been standing a few metres from Will, had lost all of her limbs to his sword. Will grabbed Alison's long blonde hair and dragged her on the ground as blood oozed out of her injuries.

"Alison!" Sophia cried.

Alison's face was contorted in pain and shock as everything happened too fast. By the time Will had pulled her up by her hair, the world around her was already starting to spin as she had simply lost too much blood. 

Will released a burst of yin qi that froze her injuries preventing her from losing more blood, but this did little to reduce the impact of what he had done.

"How could you do that to a defenseless maiden?" shouted Sophia in anger. Alison was in so much pain that tears started to streak down her beautiful cheeks. Seeing that usually emotionless and calm face cry touched at Sophia's heartstrings greatly. The fact that Will was dragging the woman by her hair did not make for a pleasant sight either.

"Oh, so now when your lives are at risk you conveniently become maidens. Funny enough, I thought we were all cultivators fighting for our lives on the line." Will said with a smile as he dragged Alison over. 

Giselle was tempted to move, but a quick stare from Will made her slow down.

'He noticed my minute movements? Just how sensitive is his perception?'

Sophia quivered in anger and pointed at him, "How is this behavior of an honourable man? To mutilate a maiden and humiliate her in such a manner?"

Will laughed and responded, "I'm sorry, I find it a bit difficult to call you young ladies maidens, since you have casually slaughtered thousands. Besides, I come from a world that believes that men and women are equal. On and off the battlefield. I don't care if you are fair, innocent, cute or sweet, if you are on the battlefield and come at me, you are my enemy, and I will treat you as such. 

So in the next few seconds I want you to make a choice. You can choose to act like real maidens and give up, allowing me to do whatever I want, or you can continue to act like warriors and fight with honour on your side instead of conveniently mentioning your gender when it suits you. I am neither tolerant nor patient when it comes to hypocrites like you lot, so choose wisely. You have ten seconds; otherwise, I will have her experience a pain worse than death. My sword can do more than cut limbs."

The Frozen Asgard maidens were stunned by Will's words. They all came from matriarchal societies where women were worshipped and looked up to and men were only seen as manual labour and sacrificial pawns. Even men from patriarchal cultures still did their best to come onto the girls better sides, constantly showering them with compliments such as 'otherworldly beauties' or 'fairies' in an attempt to win their affections.

Only those like the Veritas were opposed to them the way Will was acting. The ladies had no idea who this man was or where he came from. All they knew was that he was related to a male Frozen Asgard practitioner. This relation was all they had to go on. 

'Assuming his word is the same world that Peerless Dao Master is from, then Peerless Dao Master must also carry the same type of thinking.'

Giselle was the calmest of the lot and quickly came to a conclusion. They could not test this man's patience!

Many men in worlds dominated by the Frozen Asgard Sect had suffered. They have been quite a few instances of radical patriarchal terrorists rising up in Frozen Asgard Territories. These territories also tended to produce the greatest number of male Frozen Asgard practitioners. Giselle was starting to believe that this Peerless Dao Master was from a world with these types of patriarchal terrorists that had anti female agendas.

"Lisa, stand down, we need to tread carefully here." Giselle warned. Lisa on the other hand had a different mindset all together.

She looked at the loot the World Boss had dropped and her sights focused on one particular object. It was an odd purple fruit that resembled a lemon. It emanated concentrated metal and yin aura that made Lisa feel incredibly refreshed. Lisa had no idea what that was, but she was confident that if she consumed even a small portion of that fruit, she would experience a great increase in strength.

'If I eat that, my status within the clan and the sect would rise. I could even surpass Francis and even Natasha!'

Lisa's full name was Lisa van der Merwe. She was from the same clan as Francis. But unlike Francis she was from a side branch of the clan, while Francis was the favoured daughter of the Clan Matriarch. Even though Lisa and Francis had little difference in terms of talent, the clan invested many more resources in Francis due to her station. This meant that no matter how much effort Lisa put, the greatest she could achieve in life is being Francis' equal.

'If I had received half, no! Even a quarter! If I had just received even just a quarter of the resources Francis had received then i would have long since reached Natasha's level.'

The fruit in front of her was a resource that the entire Frozen Asgard Sect would be willing to destroy a small world for, of that she was confident.

"Giselle, I'm sorry, but I need that fruit."

The moment Lisa said those words; Alison felt her world crash around her. Alison, Giselle, Sophia and Lisa were close because none of them were from prominent backgrounds. Neither had received opportunities that allowed them to reach the peak of what they could achieve individually. They had chosen to become comrades in arms because their abilities matched well and had the ability to combine, allowing them to surpass prodigies far above their own stations. 

Now Lisa was not hesitating to sacrifice Alison to increase her own strength. Sophia, who often looked up to Lisa, was horrified by what she was seeing. 

"Well I love how loyal you ladies are. It fills me with joy and envy to see the close knit bonds between you." Will said sarcastically as he chopped the back of Alison's head. The latter fainted immediately and lost consciousness.

"I don't think she needs to see what's about to happen here. Lyra, catch!"

Will unceremoniously threw her body toward Lyra while the others watched in silence. Giselle wanted to interfere and catch her, but since again a stare from the full force Will stopped her in her tracks. 

Lisa on the other hand gritted her teeth and ran for the fruit. Within an instead, she had opened up 3 Doors and her figure was bursting with power. 

She also activated Valkyrie's Guard and brought herself to the strongest state she could achieve individually within such a short time frame.

Lyra caught Alison's unconscious body and looked at trails of tears still leaking from her eyes. He felt a bit of pity for her, but Achilles exasperated voice woke him up from his stupor, "if we were in a different place at a different time, I guarantee you she would not hesitate to dismember you into a dozen pieces just because you stared at her wrong. These whores have killed countless innocents to train their vile arts. They only see us as disposable slaves and continue to commit atrocities without remorse. They deserve no pity from any living creature."

Lyra sighed because he agreed with his brother at the end. His pity for her quickly faded as he realized the fact that, were she in power, there would never be a circumstance where she would pity him.

While all of this happened, Lisa moved closer to her target. Her heart beat with enthusiasm as she was only an arm away from the fruit. 

"Snake, who said you can touch my stuff?"