Casting Aside Grudges  

The ambiguous words he threw out afterwards only served to further complicate the scene, implicating her, as now most of the observers believed she had struck some sort of deal with him! Alison did not want to be implicated with the swordsman, but she had no way of explaining why he would be willing to use loot from a World Boss on her. 

'Sister, I know we had a disagreement earlier, but I need to know what kind of deal you made with Solitary!'

A telepathic message from Giselle reached Alison. The latter paused for a moment but chose to truthfully respond to Giselle's question. Even though her sisters had left her for dead, she could not bring herself to trust a stranger and still felt that the safer bet was to choose her sisters.

There was a chance that Solitary wanted to divide and conquer them. In Alison's mind, once he had defeated Giselle and Lisa, she and Sophia would be next, as there was no logical reason to keep them alive. Alison believed that there was the possibility of Will willingly sacrificing a reward from the Boss to sow discord and disharmony between her and her sisters.

Although she still bore a grudge against Lisa and Giselle, she still cared about her sect and found it difficult to abandon years of camaraderie for a single mistake.

'Once we leave this dungeon, I will cut ties with them, but for now, I need my sisters to defeat this man.'

Alison relayed everything that had happened and her thoughts to the others, including Sophia. Alison also asked that the four of them unite to deal with Will, and then they could split the rewards later.

Lisa and Giselle were thrilled that Alison was still on their side, as this greatly increased their chances of survival. This had also been Giselle's intention when she had contacted Alison. But the ladies were still doubtful of Alison's story and subsequent theory as to why the swordsman had used such an important resource on her.

Sophia remained silent and hesitated to act, but Alison sent her a message asking her to trust her. Sophia was far more inclined to listen to Alison because she was also afraid of being abandoned. But after seeing that Alison was willing to team up to defeat Solitary and share the rewards, Sophia was also a bit tempted.

No matter what had happened, a few facts remained true. They had excellent combination skills, they were from the same sect and there were enough rewards for them to all share. Grievances between them could be dealt with after the arrogant and dangerous male in front of them was dealt with. In the end, her disdain for men and her pride in her sect allowed her to make a swift judgment.

During this time, Will had been casually blocking Lisa's blows while they discussed telepathically. Will was happy to act like he saw nothing while the girls communicated becaus ehe had a plan in mind, but for it to work, the fish had to take the bait.

'This is only possible because of the Realms of Perspective. Im'm starting to understand why Narcissus wants this ability so much.' 

The reason Will had been able to control the aggro of the Banshees and force the Frozen Asgard maidens was of course the Realms of Perspective. Will had first used the Realms of perspective to defeat Gianluigi, but now, thanks to going through multiple trials and some training from Jingsung and Narcissus, his control of his mind had improved by leaps and bounds. 

Will's ability to pull the attention of an enemy was the first Realm: One Point Perspective. This allowed Will to pull an opponent's intent towards himself. This was only possible if the opponent had directed a minimum amount of killing intent at Will. It also required Will to have a stronger mind and have the ability to defend his own mind from the flood of killing intent entering his mind. Will's mind had suffered greatly from absorbing too much of Gianluigi's intent and Will remembered the event vividly. 

If one was targeted by One Point Perspective, it was difficult for those without strong spirituality to detect what was happening because targeting one via intent was a subconscious action. Similar to how one needs to see where they are walking, but they do not need to be looking down to walk. One can sense their killing intent by focusing on a target they chose, but they were unable to sense if their intent was pulled away by a target unless they were mentally sensitive.

Will kept on applying One point Perspective and waited patiently. It had been almost exactly one minute since he dropped the curtain of darkness. According to Lyra, he only had a couple of minutes left until Lyra was down for the count. 

Will had a plan, but for it to work, certain events had to play out. Thankfully, his plan seemed to work, as Alison suddenly teleported next to Sophia!

Afterwards, she teleported Sophia next to Lisa and Giselle. The moment Alison and Sophia arrived, Lisa's expression became a bit more solemn while a trace of guilt flashed across Giselle's face. Alison remained expressionless while Sophia remained taciturn. 

Once the four maidens were together, their mana churned as they began to synchronize their mental energy fields.

Will could sense that all four of the ladies were about to do something, but he had no intention of doing anything. Instead, he simply stood there with an arrogant snicker on his face.

Sophia started to remember how Will had embarrassed her thoroughly and thoughts of revenge surfaced in her mind. 

'He isn't attacking us at all. Could he really be confident of facing our combined efforts?'

Sophia was angry at being looked down upon, but she was still quite weary of Will. Not only was he skilled in unusual abilities, but he also had 3 Higher Senses. But the girls were confident. Not only because of their teamwork but because of Lyra's spell.

All Frozen Asgard Maidens had to have either the metal or the water element alongside having a yin physique. The girls could not activate their physiques at will like their opponent. But they had other means of achieving the same effect. 

It just so happened that one element linked all four of them. And this just so happened to be the element that Lyra's indiscriminate Elemental Affinity had boosted!

Lyra's spell not only strengthened his allies, but it also strengthened all human cultivators within a certain region, regardless of what faction they belonged to. Lyra could do nothing as his Elemental Affinity was not something he could control. Even though Lyra was Will's companion, he could no longer take part in the battle and watched from the sidelines. The battle was now Will alone versus Lisa, Alison, Giselle and Sophia. The maidens had all been greatly boosted by Lyra's elemental affinity, but metal was only their secondary element, with the exception of Lisa.

Metal was Lisa's primary element so she felt the greatest strength boost. This was one of the reasons she was able to stand confidently in front of Will. The other 3 also felt great strength and this only became more evident with time.

As their mental energy fields resonated, the yin and metal element world energies in the atmosphere thickened even more. The ladies started to exude colder denser dispositions as their bodies underwent subtle transformations.

Lisa's silver hair gained a pale white hue while Giselle's fiery red hair seemed to become slightly less colourful. Sophia's black hair gained a visible white sheen while Alison's blonde hair became a light shade of yellow. Their irises gained a white ring of light as they were all able to fully activate their yin physiques. 

Will watched in amusement as the other 3 also activated Frozen Asgard Armour: Valkyrie's Guard. Armours covered in mystical energy materialized around them, covering them from head to toe in plating and regalia. They each manifest different types of wands but their auras were all united in an oddly harmonious manner.

As their armours materialised and their energies synchronized, all four of the maidens reached the peak of their powers as they each reached a point where they each had four doors open.

'Wow, these guys are really going for it.' Will mused to himself.

By the time the girls were finished, they were surrounded by a maelstrom of dark metal element energy and all their killing intent and malice were focused on Will, and that was exactly what he wanted!