Climatic Showdown  

As the intensity of the battle reached its zenith, the Frozen Asgard Maidens, united by the unexpected boost from Lyra's indiscriminate Elemental Affinity, stood in perfect synchronization. The air crackled with yin and metal element energies, creating an otherworldly aura around them. Will, now relegated to the sidelines, observed the unfolding spectacle with a mix of fascination and anticipation.

'I knew these guys had some sort of combination skill. I didn't know it was this interesting. I hope they are worth the investment I'm making here.' Will narrowed his eyes as he carefully observed the maidens, in an attempt to fully understand what they were doing. He was already well versed in the basics of spell casting thanks to Wodin's teachings, so it was not hard for him to understand the crux of what was happening.

Lisa, with her primary affinity for metal, emerged as the focal point of the impending onslaught. The other three maidens, Giselle, Sophia, and Alison, positioned themselves strategically in the form of a triangle behind Lisa, ready to channel their mana into Lisa's impending spell.

The maelstrom of dark metal element energy surrounding the maidens began to swirl and converge as they synchronized their energies. The atmosphere thickened with a palpable sense of impending power, and the air resonated with the harmonious hum of their combined mana.

Lisa, with newfound strength from Lyra's affinity, raised her hands, drawing in the mana from her companions. Their energies intertwined, creating a dazzling display of ethereal lights. The air crackled with an electric intensity as Lisa began to chant an ancient Norse incantation.

"By the forge of fate and the echoes of the Norns, weave our energies into the blade of destiny. Let the Great Valkyrie's Blade be forged in the crucible of yin and metal, a weapon of divine retribution!"

The maidens, now fully attuned to each other, poured their mana into Lisa, who absorbed it with an almost transcendent focus. Their auras intertwined, blending into a seamless tapestry of power. The armour of Valkyrie's Guard glowed with an intensity that mirrored the imminent release of their collective might.


Will was surprised by just how well the maidens were able to synchronise their energies. He could not help but marvel at the girls, because what they were doing was much more complex than it appeared to be.

'The reason they can all synchronize so well is their affinity for each other's energy fields and roles. Giselle has the most mental energy and uses her darkness element to devour and direct the flow of energy, acting as the brain. Alison's mind is smaller than Giselle's but it has a higher quality. She is using her space element abilities to lay out an invisible matrix and is summoning mana from another dimension, similar to Metalos Surge.

Sophia's mental energy is adaptable, just like the water element itself and acts as a buffer, making sure that all the minds are able to adapt to each other. Her mental energy is also capable of forming various shapes, allowing her to link various nodes within the invisible matrix to each other.' Will analysed.

Lisa's mental energy was durable, tough, stable and most balanced of the others. Will could sense faint whispers of cosmic law emanating from Lisa, causing him to take her even more seriously than before, 'She also has the Conductivity, Armament and Sharpness Concepts. This is why the other three can channel their energy through her using their secondary metal element connection.'

The dark metal element energy swirled around Lisa, coalescing into a magnificent blade that seemed to draw its essence from the very fabric of the cosmos. The Great Valkyrie's Blade, a manifestation of their combined power, shimmered with an otherworldly glow.

As the maidens continued to channel their mana, the energy around them intensified, reaching a crescendo that echoed through the battlefield. The air crackled with the anticipation of the impending spell. Will, watching from the sidelines, couldn't help but be captivated by the sheer magnitude of their collective effort.

When the time was right, Lisa raised the Great Valkyrie's Blade high above her head, the energy within it humming with a deafening resonance. The maidens, their eyes reflecting a determination that transcended the battlefield, unleashed the spell towards Will with a force that seemed to defy the very laws of nature.

The Great Valkyrie's Blade, a convergence of yin and metal, sped towards Will, leaving a trail of ethereal energy in its wake. The air itself seemed to shiver in acknowledgement of the impending impact. Will, facing this formidable manifestation, smiled in defiance as he braced himself for the clash that would determine the fate of the battlefield.

High up in the skies, Narcissus, Jingsung and Adelda were watching the show beneath with rapt attention.

Adelda had only played the part of a silent observer during Will's entire journey, but so far she was quite pleased by his progress.

When Will first reached level 99, he was like a glass cannon. He had a powerful output, but his foundations were incredibly weak and he had little to no knowledge of how he could properly utilize his abilities. Now he was much different from before.

In her opinion, the boy's greatest gain was learning how to control and manipulate his mental energy field. Will's mind was his greatest weapon, and now he could use it properly, his strength had experienced an exponential increase.

'The Centralized Tripartite Soul Brethren Contract, Lord Odin's upgrades to his vessels, negative feedback adjustment and learning how to apply his mental energy field. These four events have drastically changed him from a powerful prodigy from a Lower World to a true savant capable of causing waves in the universe. I'm very impressed. Now, all that's left is for Narcissus to contract Will.'

Adelda shifted her sights to Will and pondered. She was not sure if Narcissus was the right fit for Will to contract. Of all the deities that were allied with Modus on this matter, Hercules, Athena, Odin and Odysseus were in her opinion much more suitable. However, Modus and Odin had chosen for Narcissus to do so instead.

Narcissus did not have many abilities or abilities. In fact, he was deemed one of the most useless of Zeus' children.

'Zeus adopted him and made him royalty, but that still doesn't change the fact that he is the descendant of a river deity and water nymph. His abilities are rather mid-tier when compared to most deities and nothing about him stands out except for his spiritual skills.' She pondered.

He was well known for his archery, water magic, odd illusion and charm-based skills. But at the end of the day, he was a support-type fighter, meant to assist more than taking an active role. This was why he was often compared to Loki. Unfortunately, Loki was at the high tier of Gods and was no longer someone Narcissus could see as a rival because Loki had now mastered the Realms of Perspective. This mastery allowed Loki's position to skyrocket in the hierarchy of deities.

'Even if Will creates a contract with Narcissus, what benefits could he possibly gain? There are better water deities such as Poseidon, and there are better spiritual deities such as Odin. Why Narcissus in particular?' As Adelda struggled to find an answer to the question, Will finally took action beneath her!

A small ribbon of light had manifested at the tip of Will's blade. This ribbon of light was of course Will self-made skill, House of Chamberlain: Unbound Vector!

Unlike before where Anti-Divinity was the main power fuelling it, the skill was now adjustable. It only needed fuel, a frame, and power to act as its flesh.

"It's fuelled by Truth, Solitude and Death, while Yin Energy is making up the frame. Sword force is acting as the flesh while the Breath is allowing him to control its output. It's incredible how he has managed to balance so many abilities together.'

Will had only recently gained access to the power of Death, hence Adelda could not help but look forward to seeing what Will would do!