Primal Geass

Resources capable of restructuring spiritual passageways were incredibly rare due to the fact that these passageways were very delicate and ephemeral by nature. They could only be reformed by elixirs that had spiritual properties. All sects and organizations would value these types of treasures with their lives and would only allow their greatest prodigies to consume them.

The last resource was placed in Giselle's hand. It was a plant that looked like a rather large four-leaf clover. Each leaf on the clover was a different shade of green, but aside from that it had no redeeming features. Yet despite this, Giselle almost felt her soul leave her body when she read the system prompt. 

[Item: Celestial Tetrafoil

Rating: S-

A legendary four-leaf clover known as the Celestial Tetrafoil, its emerald leaves harbouring the essence of profound enlightenment. For cultivators seeking communion with their elemental affinities and aspirations of becoming divine hosts, this ethereal clover holds unparalleled significance.

Consuming a single emerald leaf from the Celestial Tetrafoil initiates a transformative journey within the cultivator's mind. A surge of qualitative improvement washes over their consciousness, deepening their elemental connection with their primary affinity. The clover's enchantment not only sharpens their mental acuity but also sets the stage for a divine symbiosis.

The true marvel unfurls when four individuals, each having consumed a leaf, gather in close proximity. The Celestial Tetrafoil responds to their shared destinies, cultivating a profound harmony among their minds, bodies, and souls. In this small sacred space, a mystical resonance occurs, creating a 60% Harmonization—an unprecedented fusion of elemental energies.

Legends foretell that those attuned to the Celestial Tetrafoil can unleash extraordinary feats of magic, their collective potential magnified by the clover's harmonizing essence, making them more suitable for containing divine energy!]

Giselle was horrified by what she was seeing with her eyes. If she and her sisters took this four-leaf clover, not only would they get a permanent improvement in their elemental affinities, but their bodies would become far more suitable for containing divine energy, making them more appealing to deities!

Catching the eye of a deity was the dream of many a cultivator. Giselle had always wanted to make contact with a darkness-type deity. But her body was not at a level that could host much divine power despite her spiritual attunement to quite a few divinities.

But what truly caught her eye was the high harmonization rate. Harmonization was what allowed the 4 maidens to fuse their abilities into one and attack with Great Valkyrie's Blade. For that spell their Harmonization rate was only at 10%. If it were to reach 60%, then not only would the spell increase in terms of power, but they would collectively gain extra benefit from being more in tune with each other, such as being able to cast more combination spells or even using this state to open Doors that are normally out of reach.

'At 60%, all four of us can even reach the 6th door and our yin physiques will be even more powerful.'

Giselle was already envisioning a future where their combined might was capable of slaying a savant such as Gianluigi Remus with only one Great Valkyrie's Blade.

"Guys, let me see, I don't know anything!" Complained Sophia by the side. Giselle and the others snapped out of their stupors and quickly shared the information of their respective fruits with the others. This time, their reactions were even more extreme.

Alone, the elixir would undoubtedly result in a great evolution. But together, these results were even more absurd.

Giselle asked Will for a moment so that she and her sister could talk, to which Will agreed. 

The ladies huddled together and spoke telepathically with each other about multiple topics. But there was a key point they had all agreed on quickly. They must accept this agreement!

There was no need to mention the demerits of death. On the other hand, if they consumed these fruits, they would experience a leap in strength far beyond what others thought them capable of. This alone was more than enough to motivate them greatly.

Ordinarily, they were all assured of passing level 100 and obtaining the quantitative evolution. This evolution increased their lifespan, the amount of energy they could use and the scale of all their abilities. This was also the stage where one started to actively fuse concepts into their abilities. 

Alas, level 125 was the qualitative evolution. This was an evolution of one's three vessels according to what concepts and abilities one had mastered before that point. This often resulted in class evolutions and sometimes even class changes. Unique classes of a certain mould were not granted at the beginning but were rather gained at level 125!

Savants were those that were guaranteed to go through a great evolution at level 125 receiving a powerful legacy that could push them to the next watershed.

There was a good chance that these ladies could reach level 125, but on their current course, their evolutions would most likely be minor and they would have ended up on the lower tier of level 125 users. On the other hand, with these resources, there was no doubt that they would have top-tier evolutions, giving them a chance to achieve a Savant Grade of talent.

Giselle and Lisa did not need to wonder how Will would enforce their servitude, because the tool he was going to use to achieve this was one of the rewards from the fall of the World Boss.

[Item:Primal Geass

Rating: S-

A Primal Geass stands as a sacred covenant, its origin rooted in the skin of primordial beings that once witnessed the birth of the universe. This extraordinary parchment, crafted from the hides of these ancient creatures, transcends the mundane nature of typical contracts. When one inscribes an agreement upon this mystical skin, the very fabric of the dao, the universal order, weaves its influence into the words, solidifying the pact with an ethereal power.

The essence of the primordial creatures, intricately infused into the parchment, acts as a conduit to the fundamental laws governing existence. Any contract etched upon this sacred surface becomes a manifestation of cosmic principles, binding the participants in a manner that surpasses mere mortal promises.

However, this sacred bond comes with dire consequences for those who dare defy its terms. If the contract is shattered, if the sacred vows are broken, the Dao enacts a ruthless punishment. The transgressor faces the ultimate cosmic retribution—complete obliteration of the soul from the eternal cycle of reincarnation.]

The Primal Geass parchment unfolded as a relic of profound enchantment, its surface woven from the ancient skin of primordial beings that had once borne witness to the cosmic genesis. The material, both resilient and ethereal, carried a texture that resonated with the wisdom of epochs long past. The parchment's hue was a subtle blend of earthy tones, reminiscent of the creatures' ancient majesty.

Upon closer inspection, one could discern faint, shimmering patterns etched into the surface—glyphs that appeared to dance with the remnants of the primordial essence. The touch of the parchment was both delicate and substantial, evoking a sense of connection to the very forces that had shaped the universe.

When a quill graced the parchment's sacred surface, it responded with a subtle hum, as if awakening the latent energies within. The Dao, ancient and unwavering, began to weave its unseen threads around the written words, infusing them with an otherworldly potency. The script itself seemed to pulse with a faint, celestial glow, signifying the union of mortal intent and cosmic influence.

The girls didn't mind leaving their families and the sect for power as the rewards were simply too great, they were however worried about the terms Will would impose on the Geass. After finishing off their discussions, Giselle, representing all the weary maidens, walked towards Will and asked, "We only have one question before seeing your terms. Why choose us? With these resources, you could have chosen much more talented people to work for you for an even longer period of time."

If she were in his shoes, she would never have given away such resources to cultivators such as them, so she and her sister wanted to know why they were chosen in particular.

"Call it a calculated investment. As for the details, that's on a need-to-know basis, and y'all don't need to know."