Accepting Terms  

Will quickly produced the Geass parchment and threw it at the girls. Giselle caught it and showed it to her sisters. The terms were exactly as he had said. They were to fight as his devout soldiers and servants for 50 years. After which they were allowed to be free. During their servitude, he would supply them with cultivation resources and they would in return, put their lives on the line to fight for him and work to build his organization. He promised to not make them do anything shameful and also promised to help them contract deities of their own in due time. 

There was however one more requirement he had put. They were not allowed to discuss the events of that day with any third party. They were to go back to Frozen Asgard and only come to meet him at Tsimikas, his Nation in his Branded Dungeon. Their main duty was to watch over his nation and help him grow without exposing their identities as his servants for the time being. The idea was for them to grow Tsimikas as if it were their own territory while in the sect. 

They would only be allowed to reveal their identity as his servants at the right moment at the right time.

Once their identities had been fully revealed, they would continue to protect Tsimikas and Earth on his behalf if and when required.

The terms of the contract were not that bad, and the ladies grew to accept the current situation. Their loss in this battle was starting to seem more like a blessing in disguise. 

However, they were at the end of the day Truthseekers. One's Truth became weaker if they lied or avoided truth often. They could only hide this identity for so long. They were asked to be his spies in the Frozen Asgard Sect for 3 years at most. Afterwards, they would be free to join him in an official capacity.

At times they would throw furtive glances at Will, thinking that perhaps it would not be so bad to serve him, since it was on a temporary basis. Little did they know that Narcissus' charm had already planted a seed deep within their hearts.

'It's unfortunate that these guys were so close to me when I was contracting Narcissus.'

Narcissus had warned Will that he should avoid women and possibly men when making his contract with him because the overflowing charm and his appearance could plant a seed of reverence within those observing. Will precisely intended to use this seed to pull these ladies to his side. He was confident that with time, their admiration of him would not stop at something as superficial as beauty. To Will, such people made for perfect low-ranking subordinates.

'Like Aizen said, Admiration is furthest from understanding.'

For subordinates he respected like his Tsimikas citizens, Will valued their opinions and freedom of thought. But for genocidal maniacs like the Frozen Asgard Maidens, Will did not mind them being mindless followers whose only purpose was to fight. As far as he was concerned, it was already merciful of him to not have wiped them out.

Giselle and her sisters steeled their resolve as they walked forward to sign the contract. They did not want to die and wanted to become stronger. They wanted to rise up the pyramid of the cultivation world and they did not want to be restricted by their sects and families. If all they had to do to achieve this was to sacrifice 50 years, then where was the harm in that?

Will saw that his charm was reducing, but he did not mind. The point of his charm effect was just to make their impression of him better in their hearts. Will was intentionally reigning it in according to instructions he had been given by Narcissus and he was pleased to discover that his Area was indeed much easier to control than before.

At this moment in time, at a different location, Tsimikas was a hub of noise and activity. For the past few days, due to a massive expansion, the town had been growing at a rate visible to the naked eye. It had only been two days since Will had entered Fafnir's Grave, but the former village had already entered the realm of Branded Dungeon Towns!

In Branded Dungeons, Nations had levels called forms. One would start with a Village. The next form was Town. Then City, then State, then Nation!

The crew's victory in Koiladas Tis Moira had allowed Tsimikas to develop into a local behemoth that many respected and even more feared. Not only were they feared for the military prowess that the group was showing, but they were even more respected for the way their leader is said to have dispatched Reinhardt's underlings.

Reinhardt was the most powerful Town in the alliance against the ogres and one of the most famous nations in Kolladas Tis Moira. They bordered Ta Dasi and were somewhat close to Tsimikas' location. It was named after its pompous leader and was in an alliance with 7 other towns of similar standing with Reinhardt at the helm.

Reinhardt was the child of a powerful user from a neighbouring region that had control of a powerful City, hence he had been able to swagger around the regions without fear of reprisal. Unfortunately, Will did not fear his background and had casually dispatched most of Reinhardt's underlings within a few seconds in a display of strength that made Tsimikas the talk of the nearby regions.

Will had spared Reinhardt with a threat meant for the latter's parents. It went without saying of course that Reinhardt's parents were infuriated by Will's actions and took action immediately, dispatching a large army to attack Tsimikas in order to regain face. In their minds, Will had kept their son alive to leave a way out for himself, hence they were confident in their stance. Unfortunately for them, Will was playing with the sheep to eat the tiger.

Will and the Senbonken contingent had long hoped this and planned for an appropriate course of action during the initiation of the Centralized Tripartite Soul Brethren Contract. Wars were the fastest way to grow in a Branded Dungeon. Hence, the more wars one wins, the better the growth. 

The first step of their war plans was building a Mage Tower within Tsimikas. Within branded Dungeons, some options allowed for the system to build specific structures for you as long as you had enough points. But the key part was that, for a small fee, these structures could be created within a day!

Will had used up most of his points buying Alice the Mindmeld Dan, a pill that allowed one to dive into the memories of others, but he still had enough to purchase one special building for his newly promoted town! The Mage Tower!

Mages Towers were buildings that allowed presiding mages to integrate with the city and allowed for the mages to utilise their magic through the city so long as they were within the tower.

If a water mage were to have a powerful enough Mage Tower, they could summon tidal waves at will. If a fire mage had such a tower, they could raze entire mountains to the ground in seconds. If an earth mage had such a tower, they could even summon a meteor shower capable of great destruction!

The first individual to bind the tower determined what kind of abilities the tower could boost. Unfortunately, the Mage Tower could only suit one type of individual. A town could only have 1 Mage Tower, thus once the tower took on certain traits, only similar types of mages could utilise it.

The decision was made to have Alice bind to the tower. She and Tobias had similar traits, both being mental cultivators and mages that primarily relied on their space element affinity. The Space element was rare and had countless uses. Once the Senbonken Contingent returned to Earth, it was supposed to be Tobias who ran Tsimikas while the others assisted him with public security and war matters.

In the last two days, aside from the Mage Tower, Tsimikas had gone through many extraordinary changes.






Villager Satisfaction:43

Form: Town

Regents: Queen Abyss, Wonderland Princess, Duke Kevin Dull

Specialities: Mythril Mines, Swordsmanship, Water Element Manipulation.

Nation Power Boosts: Water/Metal/Spirit/Spatial Cultivation, Mental Energy Cultivation, Sword Cultivation, Specialist Creation, Truth, Intent, Fate]

Nation Power Bonuses: 150% Extra Experience, 40% Attack Bonus, 80% Chance of Specialists being born, 25% Chance of Spiritual Cultivators being born, 1% Chance of Practitioners being born]

Wonderland Princess was Alice's username and was now what she was known by. Her beauty had garnered plenty of fame, while her intelligence and telepathic skills had become a nightmare for those who had ill intentions for Tsimikas.