The Ultimate Programmer  

The moment the Mage Tower had been built, Alice had bonded with it, causing it to adapt to suit her needs. Alice's Class, Qiankun Scholar, was a class that allowed one to become stronger through spatial magic and arcane runic magic. In other words, the more knowledge she had, the stronger she became! The Mindmeld Dan did not just combine memories; it also allowed Alice to pick up Woodsy's perspective; in other words, any skill Woodsy read about or learned that Alice could use would end up becoming a permanent part of her!

Woodsy did not have an information-type class, so she was not able to capitalize on her trip to the Gate of Knowledge, similar to how one can read many books and can only remember key parts. But Alice did not forget. She could not only learn what Woodsy knew and pick up skills like intent, but she could also learn things Woodsy was unable to understand or remember!

Qiankun Scholars were extremely good at space attribute spells and telepathic skills. They treated runes like programming languages to create incantations. If one treated runes as programming languages, then The Gate of Knowledge was an opportunity that allowed Alice to become the ultimate programmer!

But that was not the only application of the Mindmeld Dan; it also created a temporary spiritual connection that also allowed others to enter each other's spiritual space. Alice had a curse worm implanted in her memories that Woodsy was helping her deal with. Now that they could enter each other's spiritual realms and exchange perspectives, Alice could have the powerhouse Woodsy enter her mind and assist!

Just after the Centralized Tripartite Soul Brethren Contract had been initiated, Duke had undergone an evolution of his physical body thanks to the pure yang seed Will had given him while Letty had taken the key she had been given and used it to teleport to Hela's Legacy ground. Alice's job had been to use the Mindmeld Dan to go through Woodsy's memories. 

As Alice did this, she activated the contract and her Qiankun Scholar information-sharing skills to share her spiritual journey into Woodsy's memories, allowing Letty and Duke to benefit from her as well. Although they could not remember everything like Alice, they did pick up a lot on concepts and their affinities as Woodsy had gone through a lot of knowledge she could not use due to her lack of familiarity with the Gate of Knowledge.

If one entered a library without the assistance of a librarian, there was a good chance that they would float through piles of useless information before they found what suited them. Thankfully, much of this 'useless information' was useful to Duke, Letty and Alice! And Alice made for the perfect librarian, allowing them to only receive what they needed.

Alice used her natural skills to browse through the knowledge and strengthen her understanding of runic magic and spell theory. She also improved her understanding of space and concepts related to space as well. Immediately after applying the dan, Alice was able to apply her first concept! 

Alice also assisted Letty and Duke by compressing all the data she thought they could use and transforming it into information packets that she placed in their subconscious, allowing them to browse through when necessary. 

Alice also gave Woodsy and Merlin similar packets as well. Now everyone could benefit in some way from Woodsy's trip. Achilles and Lyra were still not ready for this process due to them having weak minds, and thus it was decided that they would receive the packets after they returned from Fafnir's grave. It was believed that Negative Feedback Adjustment would strengthen their minds, allowing them to be able to deal with the procedure. 

Duke had divinity within him so he could handle the process while Letty was born with an inherently powerful soul. Merlin and Woodsy were already above level 125 so there was no need to worry about them. Tobias had an information-type class and a strong mind, the strongest among the Tsimikas Locals, thus he just made the cut.

Thanks to Tobias' natural intelligence and class-related abilities, he was able to quickly process the data packets, becoming perhaps the greatest beneficiary from the Mindmeld Dan aside from Alice herself.

Alice and Tobias became so strong after the Mindmeld process, that Woodsy believed that they qualified as Supreme Candidates on Earth. Especially Alice, who was well on her way to conquering the worm that Hanzo had implanted in her mind.

With Woodsy's assistance, Alice was already close to devouring the worm's abilities. She was already capable of casting illusions and placing her enemies into an inescapable dreamscape. She could only do this to weaker foes, but with time and with mastery of her runic programming, this could turn into a frightening ability!

Alice's Class also had space-related skills such as portal creation and space isolation, which allowed her to isolate the space around her protecting her from attacks. Her also direct attack was Spatial rend, a modifiable basic spell like Water Blade. But because the skill was classless and modifiable, it was also limitless in Alice's hands as she could programme it with her runes.

The Mage Tower adapted well to Alice's abilities and became the central hub of the city. Through it, she could sense each and every movement within a certain radius of Tsimikas. It would not be an exaggeration to say that in Tsimikas, she was omniscient and clairvoyant!

Within the sprawling Mage Tower that pierced the sky, Alice stood in a secluded office, the air charged with the scent of ancient tomes and magical artefacts. Her form was encased in tight-fitting leather armour, a second skin that clung to her curves with a daring allure. The armour left little to the imagination, each contour an echo of a seductive mystery that seemed to defy the very laws of reality.

Smooth as the finest jade, her flawless skin was a canvas untouched by imperfections. The soft radiance of her complexion gleamed under the ambient glow of enchanted crystals that adorned the office walls. Blonde locks flowed freely down her shoulders, resembling liquid sunlight cascading down a heavenly stream. Her blue eyes, windows to an attractive wisdom that transcended her youthful appearance, sparkled with an ethereal depth that could not be concealed.

The figure she cut was so seductive, so perfectly sculpted, that it seemed mathematically unsound. A living equation of grace and allure, Alice commanded attention with an otherworldly charm that extended beyond the mere physical.

In this sanctum of magic, Alice possessed not only captivating beauty but also formidable telepathic abilities. As she surveyed the developing town below, a realm in the throes of progress, her mind reached out like tendrils of ethereal energy. The distant threat of an invading army, a convergence of mages and warriors from a faraway land, loomed on the horizon.

Beside her, Tobias, a stoic and scholarly mage with glasses perched upon his nose, acted as her telepathic companion. The two shared a mental connection, a silent passage through which thoughts flowed seamlessly. Alice began to decipher the intricate puzzle of the approaching enemy.

"The threat level is significant," Alice conveyed through their telepathic bond. "A potent mix of magical prowess and battle-hardened warriors. We must be prepared for a formidable challenge."

Tobias, his demeanour unwavering, nodded in acknowledgement. "Troop distribution is uneven. Mages are concentrated on the flanks, while warriors form a solid front. The balance can be exploited."

As Alice delved deeper into the minds of the invaders, she unravelled the elemental tapestry that defined their forces. Fire-wielders, earthbound warriors, and agile air manipulators were identified and catalogued in her mind. The information flowed effortlessly between Alice and Tobias, a choreography of thought that mapped out the enemy's strengths and weaknesses.

"Their elemental traits are clear," Alice relayed. "We can exploit vulnerabilities in their formation. Mobilize the town's defences accordingly, Tobias."

The Mage Tower, perched on the precipice of knowledge and power, became a strategic hub where the fate of the developing town hung in the balance. Alice, a vision of enchanting strength, and Tobias, the embodiment of scholarly composure, stood united against the encroaching darkness. Through the silent dance of telepathic communion, they forged a plan to safeguard the town from the impending invasion, their minds a beacon of resilience in the face of magical adversity.

'I will make sure Will's plan succeeds.'