Duke’s Transformation

As the battles raged on, Duke faced powerful cultivators in their thousands, a relentless tide that tested his mettle. Hou Yi's ethereal figure, visible only to Duke, observed every move, offering guidance and occasional words of wisdom. The archer deity seized the opportunity to impart the secrets of Yang-fuelled archery spells.


"Duke," Hou Yi began, his voice echoing through the chaos, "archery is not merely about the precision of your aim or the strength of your pull. It's about understanding the ebb and flow of energy, about harnessing the power of Yang to overcome the challenges that befall you."


The celestial archer continued with a lengthy discourse on archer theory, discussing the disadvantages some archers face and how to overcome them. Duke, despite the onslaught of adversaries, absorbed every word, his determination unwavering.


Two days and two nights passed, the battlefield bearing witness to Duke's relentless endurance. He fought with a charisma that earned him the respect of both allies and foes. Hou Yi, pleased with his pupil's progress, continued to guide him through the intricate dance of arrows.


Duke's body was getting more and more accustomed to using divine energy, but he was still not able to use much of it. This was different from when he first received the inheritance as there was a surplus of divine energy in the bow left for him to use. Now he needed to receive it directly from Hou Yi, convert it in his body and learn how to channel it. This resulted in him only being able to cast 3 of the Skills from Hou Yi's Legacy. A weakened version of Solar Burst Arrow, Yang Veiled Shield and Phoenix Arrows.


However, Duke, though resilient, bore the scars of countless battles. In a moment of respite, hidden from the prying eyes of his adversaries, he took a knee. The wounds were many, and fatigue had settled into his bones. Hou Yi's figure, surrounded by the throngs of powerful cultivators, appeared before Duke.


"Well done, Duke," praised Hou Yi. "You've shown resilience and adaptability. Now, let me impart one final lesson." Duke listened intently as Hou Yi continued, "In the face of overwhelming odds, sometimes retreat is the wiser choice. Live to fight another day, my pupil."


As Hou Yi's words hung in the air, a change in the atmosphere caused Duke's expression to change. It was a small tug on his spirit, letting him know that his connection to Will had been restored.


'Will's done it!'


Excited for what was to come, Duke refused to run and steeled himself for the next phase of the battle. The angry cultivators closed in, unaware of the wisdom Duke had gained from the archer deity. Gravely injured yet determined, Duke prepared to face the tide once more, knowing that every arrow he released carried the essence of Yang and the guidance of a deity.


Just as Duke faced the encroaching tide of angry cultivators, determination burning in his eyes, he felt a sudden surge of energy. The air around him shimmered, and a celestial glow enveloped him as a powerful force descended. It was Invictus, the divine energy granted by Narcissus to Will through the Centralized Tripartite Soul Brethren Contract!


Hou Yi, his figure ethereal yet imposing, stood by Duke's side. "Do not hesitate! Completely embrace the divine power of Invictus. Let it flow through you and fuel your abilities. It is the essence of strength drawn from the heavens."


In that moment, Duke felt the influx of Invictus coursing through his veins. The wounds that marred his body began to glow with a radiant energy, and fatigue lifted like a dissipating mist. The divine power heightened his senses, and a newfound strength surged within him. Strength that surged from a narcissistic pride he had always carried with him.


Duke's pride in his vision had its roots in a time before the apocalypse when he was just a nerdy observer navigating the vast expanse of the internet. In those days, he surfed the digital waves, soaking up information from every corner of the globe. His penchant for constant watching and observing cultivated a sense of superiority and a skewed belief in his own omniscience.


The pre-apocalyptic world seemed to unfold at his fingertips through screens and pixels, reinforcing his conviction that he held a unique perspective, a vision unmatched by those around him. It was a pride that stemmed from the illusion of knowing more, of seeing more than the ordinary eye could perceive.


However, everything changed when he found himself under the tutelage of Hou Yi, the Sun Chasing archer. Under the watchful eye of the legendary deity, Duke's pride in his vision underwent a profound transformation. Hou Yi, recognizing the potential within Duke, encouraged him to embrace his unique perspective and hone it into a formidable skill.


As Duke delved into the teachings of the Sun Chasing legacy, his vision transcended the confines of the digital realm. It became a force to be reckoned with, a keen insight into the nuances of the world around him. The pride that once rested on the shaky foundation of digital voyeurism solidified into a genuine confidence, backed by the wisdom imparted by his celestial mentor.


No longer was Duke's pride a mere illusion of knowledge; it had evolved into a tangible skill, a tool honed by the guidance of a deity. The Sun Chasing archer's encouragement had not only validated Duke's unique way of seeing but had elevated it to a level where it became a source of strength. In the face of adversity.


Invictus allowed one to turn their resolve into divine power suitable for the host. Hence, Duke turned his pride into yang-type divine power within his own body. This divine power was not as potent as Hou Yi's, but it was easier to control and he could use greater amounts of it. It was entirely his own, and all he needed to do was believe in his sight!


'In this world, I am clairvoyant!'

With renewed vigour, Duke drew his bowstring, each movement imbued with the divine essence of Invictus. As he released the arrow, it carried the force of celestial energy, striking his foes with unparalleled precision. The celestial glow trailed behind the arrows, leaving a cascade of defeated adversaries in their wake.


Duke did not even bother casting any of his skills and simply released arrows imbued with yang divine energy born from Invictus. What could ordinary cultivators do against divine power shot from a divine bow?


As Duke stood on the battlefield, bathed in the residual glow of Invictus and the celestial energy from the Sun Chasing Legacy, he felt an additional surge of power. This time, it wasn't the raw strength coursing through his veins but a transformation that resonated on a profound level. The divine power of Narcissus harnessed through the intricate threads woven by celestial energies, flowed into him.


Duke's blonde hair, once radiant under the sun, took on an ethereal glow as if each strand held the essence of divine light. His blue eyes, always sharp and keen, now sparkled with an irresistible charm that seemed to draw observers into their depths. The transformation wasn't merely physical; it was a manifestation of Narcissus' divine influence on Duke's very being.


His skin, kissed by the sun and marked by the battles he had faced, became more than fair—it became luminescent. The fair complexion now carried a celestial radiance, accentuating his features in a way that surpassed mortal beauty. Duke's aura, once powerful, became a force of irresistible magnetism. It pulsed with an otherworldly charm that reached out to those around him, leaving them entranced and captivated.


Hou Yi watched Duke's transformation with a keen interest. He was pleased with the boy's progress so far.


'Duke has the highest potential from Will's tripartite brethren. But he needs more time to reach his peak as compared to the others. No matter, under my guidance he will become an amusing mortal.'


A glint of mischievous scheming shone through Hou Yi as he watched Duke descend onto his foes.