Letty’s Challenge  

As Duke moved on the battlefield, his presence became like a beacon in the dark. The divine energy flowing through him illuminated his figure, turning him into a living embodiment of celestial grace. His foes, caught in the midst of their pursuit, were stunned into a stupor. It was as if Duke had become a celestial deity walking amongst mortals, his very existence demanding attention and admiration.


The transformation wasn't lost on those who witnessed it. All his foes paused in awe, their eyes drawn to Duke's radiant form. Even the normally bloodthirsty cultivators, momentarily forgetting their aggression, found themselves captivated by the celestial beauty that Duke now possessed.


In this moment of divine transformation, Duke stood not only as a formidable archer with the power of multiple legacies but also as a beacon of divine allure. The battlefield, once marked by chaos, now held a surreal stillness as all marvelled at the transcendent transformation brought forth by the divine power of Narcissus.


The divine power fueled not only his physical prowess but also the witty charm that defined Duke. Amid the battle, he taunted his adversaries with light-hearted humour, each word carrying the weight of celestial energy. The angry cultivators, caught off guard by this unexpected turn, found themselves momentarily disoriented.


Hou Yi, pleased with Duke's utilization of Invictus, nodded in approval. "Well done, Duke. Let the divine power flow through you like a torrent. Unleash the essence of Invictus in every arrow you loose. Narcissus is an archer after all, so your compatibility with Invictus should be high."


With each passing moment, Duke's divine-fueled abilities reached new heights. He employed Yang-fueled archery spells with unparalleled precision, the celestial energy enhancing their destructive force. The befuddled and charmed cultivators, now faced with a cultivator empowered by the divine, struggled to counter Duke's onslaught. Once they managed to resist his charms a bit, they started a mad counter. Their efforts were fueled by a great fear of Duke's abnormal means.


However, the battle remained fierce, and Duke, though empowered by Invictus, continued to face overwhelming odds. The celestial glow around him wavered as fatigue threatened to dim its brilliance. Yet, with unwavering determination, Duke pressed on, drawing strength from the divine energy that coursed through him.


In the ensuing chaos, Duke fought with a celestial fervour, a mortal temporarily elevated to divine heights. Invictus, the gift from the prideful deity Narcissus, became the driving force behind each arrow, each witty remark, and each evasive manoeuvre. The battlefield resonated with the clash of celestial energies as Duke, gravely injured yet resolute, faced his foes with the power of the heavens at his side.



Two days earlier, in a secluded pocket dimension.


Deep within the foreboding depths of the ancient dungeon, Letty stood resolute before the entrance to the legacy of Hela, the formidable Norse goddess of death. The subterranean passages were shrouded in an oppressive atmosphere, where shadows clung to the cold stone walls like spectres of the past. As she ventured deeper, the pervasive aura of death and darkness enveloped her like an icy embrace.


The lower levels of the dungeon were marked by the haunting motifs of the death and darkness elements, a testament to the enduring legacy of Hela. Letty's hazel eyes, brimming with predatory confidence, surveyed the ominous surroundings. Her mastery over soul magic resonated with the eerie ambience, allowing her to traverse the labyrinthine corridors with an almost instinctual familiarity.



With each step, the ancient necromantic architecture unfolded, revealing skeletal motifs and dark incantations etched into the very stones. Undeterred, Letty conjured Soul Explosions with a mere flick of her fingers, disintegrating the skeletal sentinels that guarded the passages. The ethereal detonations echoed through the cavernous expanse, leaving no trace of opposition in their wake.


Yet, the true trials awaited her in a vast chamber pulsating with a malevolent energy waiting for her at the end of the maze. The undead within had assembled in sinister formation—a legion of zombies, their limbs dragging with relentless determination, advanced alongside liches whose dark magic crackled in the air. Banshees wailed mournful cries, their haunting echoes reverberating through the cavernous expanse. The legacy of Hela demanded an offering of souls, and Letty, with a sly grin, was more than willing to oblige.


Raising her bony legion from the crypts, Letty commanded skeletal warriors clad in ancient armour adorned with mysterious symbols. Their loyalty was absolute, evidenced by the necromancer's indomitable command over the forces of death. As the two undead forces clashed in a symphony of chaos, Letty's hazel eyes remained cold and calculating, her gaze flickering across the battlefield like a predatory raptor.


The zombies surged forward, a relentless tide of decay, clashing with the skeletal warriors. Liches hovered above, casting spells that crackled with dark energies. Banshees wailed, their haunting cries creating an eerie chorus that reverberated through the cavern. The dance of death unfolded, each movement a calculated step in the macabre ballet of the underworld.


Sensing the tides shifting against her, Letty summoned the power of Soul Explosions. Dark energies erupted in bursts of ethereal force, disintegrating clusters of undead foes. Bones scattered, and dark magic dissipated in the wake of her calculated strikes. However, the Norse horde pressed on, their relentless advance threatening to engulf even the indomitable necromancer.


As the battlefield descended into chaos, Letty realized that the weight of the legacy she sought to claim was more profound than she had anticipated. The line between victory and defeat blurred, and the stakes became clear—the power she sought to wield came at a cost. Yet, the indomitable spirit that defined Letty spurred her on.


In a desperate bid to turn the tide, Letty channelled the spiritual magic of her Soul Regalia. With an incantation that echoed through the very bones of the dungeon, she called upon the souls within her command. A torrent of ethereal power surged into her being, transforming her into a conduit of death and darkness. The cavernous chamber vibrated with an ominous resonance as the dark energies swirled around her, amplifying her necromantic prowess to unprecedented heights.


The legacy of Hela beckoned, and Letty stood at the nexus of destiny. The feeling of uncertainty hung in the air, but the smirk on Letty's lips was a harbinger of the impending arcane storm about to be unleashed upon the underworld. The legacy of Hela was within reach, and Letty, with an air of imperious dominance, prepared to claim it.


As she stood amidst the swirling energies of the dungeon battling multiple undead legions, she suddenly felt a shift within her being. It had been roughly two days since she had entered this dungeon, but the entire time she had felt cut off from Will and the rest. Now, however, she felt her connection to them rebuild itself. There was only one explanation for this.


'Master must have signed the contract with Narcissus!'


The divine energy of Narcissus channelled through Invictus, began to weave its magic upon her. Her hazel brown eyes, once intense and mysterious, now sparkled with an unearthly radiance, reflecting the essence of divine beauty.


The raven-black hair that cascaded down her shoulders took on a lustrous sheen as if touched by the fingers of celestial stylists. Each strand seemed to dance with a life of its own, responding to the divine energy that coursed through Letty's veins. Her perfect figure, already alluring in its necromantic grace, now became an epitome of supernatural beauty.


The effect wasn't lost on the undead horde that surrounded her. The skeletal warriors, liches, and banshees, though devoid of life, couldn't help but be entranced by Letty's newfound allure. The divine energy not only enhanced her physical beauty but also radiated an enchanting aura that transcended the boundaries of life and death.


Seizing the opportunity presented by the mesmerized undead, Letty gracefully weaved her way through the battlefield. Her movements, a dance of death and beauty, left the undead momentarily stunned. The skeletal warriors hesitated, the banshees momentarily silenced, and even the liches found their attention diverted from their dark incantations.