A Goddess

Kim ting always thought his brother deserved it the most.

The reporters were shocked to see the two young masters from the most prestigious family appear for a small banquet like this, afraid that they may miss the chance to get some hot news, the reporters surrounded the two brothers and started to throw countless questions.

Reporters:" first young master Kim, what's the reason for your sudden appearance? "

" were you invited to the banquet? "

" according to the source, first master Kim never attended these type of small banquet, so what's the reason for your appearance? "

" young master Kim are you acquaintance with any of the family among the four collaborators?"

" first young master ....first young master "

Kim tan stood their still, feeling annoyed. He had a special reason to come here, he wanted to enter the banquet to see that special person but these reporters were not allowing him to go inside and were asking him a bunch of questions.

Seeing his brother frown, Kim ting laughed inwardly. He knew his brother was not as patient as he used to be and he was very much eager to see someone. Afraid that his brother may make all the reporters present here lose their job, he stepped forward to answer them hurriedly.

Kim ting:" yes we were invited to the banquet, the second young master of the jin's and my brother have a good relationship, we don't have any other motive, it's just some personal matters. So now, will you please excuse us " after giving a simple answer, he gave them a charming smile killing tens of reporters heart at a time. Taking the opportunity when the reporters remained dazed, Kim Tan and Kim ting entered the banquet hall unhurriedly.

When Kim tan went inside, he frowned when he did not see that someone. He had especially wore a nice suit, designed by a top designer especially to attend this banquet only to get the first best impression from that someone, but when he did not see that person, his mood became dull.

Seeing his brother's expression turning sour each second, Kim ting coaxed his brother " bro, don't worry. It might take some time for her to appear. Just wait for a bit and....you came here very early, so you have to wait for a long time "

Kim tan asked doubtfully:" are you sure she'll come "

Kim ting:" yes! According to our source, she will definitely attend the banquet "

Kim tan:" hmm, okay "

The two brothers headed towards the bar which was present at the corner, to keep themself away from limelight. As soon as they entered, they have already become a candy for many young women there. Seeing the two prince, all the young women became so well mannered and tried to show their elegance acting all beautiful and pretty. But they were not a candy but were like durian for Kim tan's eyes. For him, his only candy was that someone.

The celebration banquet continued, more and more people started to enter. Quite sometime later, a black Benz car pulled in front of the red carpet. Out of the car came a beautiful woman, who was just twenty-four years old, wearing a yellow long gown, which shined bright under the camera lights and flashlights, making one feel summer around them. She looked beautiful. As soon as she walked towards the reporters, the reporters praised before asking few questions.

Reporters:" miss li xiying, you look too beautiful "

" you look stunning goddess xiying "

Li xiying smiled before replying: " thank you for the complements "

Reporters: " miss li xiying, congratulations for your company's successful collaboration "

Li xiying:" thank you, everyone, "

Reporter:" miss li xiying, which is your next movie, when are you going to take up a new movie. Your previous movies were marvelous "

Li xiyings: " thank you, everyone, for your support ....well, about my next movie, you'll know about it soon"

Li xiying continued answering a few more questions asked by the reporters and also posed for the camera. With today's appearance, she was confident that at least in any three of the magazine she will appear in the front cover. Thinking about something, she smirked and walked inside elegantly.

Later, the Li elders, the Han family, Han yifeng and other people also entered the banquet hall

Even the Jins, Feng's and wangs also entered the celebration after posing and giving an interview.

Few more celebrities, socialites and popular faces also appeared, dressed up in millions from head to toe, showing off their wealth and status. However, it seemed more like a fashion show than a business banquet. Everyone wore dresses from different designers, which had different elegance, beauty, and style. Even the prices were different. These kinds of show off was more beneficial to the fashion magazines and news related to fashion design and designers, more than business news.

Quite a few time passed before a white Porsche car pulled in front of the red carpet. Everyone looked towards the entrance, hoping it was another celebrity. Out of the car, a young woman, tall and slim, who was fair like a fairy, looking like an angel, as beautiful as a goddess appeared in front of the camera wearing a black blue and purple contrasted dress, the galaxy, which was shining under the camera flashes, the diamonds on the dress twinkled like stars and her mesmerizing appearance was dreamy, making one feel that they were looking at the galaxy. She looked soo stunning that every reporters went blank. The cameras in the camera man's hand was lowered down, but his finger was still on the camera, clicking pictures continuously in daze. There was a pin drop silence. Before they could even get back their sense, they again fell in daze when she gave a dazzling smile showing her white teeth and her dimples, making her look even more attractive.

Everyone was soo much immersed by her beauty, they even forgot to blink, afraid that this beauty may disappear. Taking this chance to avoid their questions, Suzy walked inside, followed by the reporters' gazes. When she finally disappeared from their sight, everyone came back to their senses. They felt they just woke up after having a nice dream, few pinched themself confirming that everything was real.

Reporters:" Woah, what was that "

" did I just see a real goddess"

" she was just like an angel "

" wow, she was soo dreamy .....I felt my dream girl just came out of my dreams "

" who was she, is she a celebrity? "

" no, I don't think we have such a goddess in the industry "

" shit, I missed such a golden opportunity to interview a real goddess "

" oh, I wish I could snap few pictures "

" oh my, I captured her picture unknowingly "

" me too, oh my God, she looks beautiful even in such an angle, I wonder how her picture would come when it was taken in proper angle "...

The reporters continued gossiping forgetting their own job. After Suzy's appearance, they were no more interested to interview other celebrities or socialites. Many wished they could just enter the banquet and a few were even willing to become paparazzi just to get a few more pictures of Suzy but their bad, there were lots of bodyguards guarding at the entrance.