Snatching away the Limelight!!

Inside the banquet hall, li xiying was dazzling among the crowd. Few of the Male socialites were eyeing on her, wanting to make her their girlfriend, few even thought for a marriage proposal, whereas women were jealous and envious. Li xiying was enjoying everyone's gaze and limelight on her.

Next to her was Qin Yue, who was also dressed beautifully, she too received a few envious and jealous gaze. Though she could not outshine Li xiying, she was happy that she could outshine Suzy and she could even get some rich boy as her boyfriend, the two women were enjoying the limelight for themselves, but not until when someone gasped looking towards the entrance.

Suzy walked slowly inside from the entrance. Everyone looked at her, stunned, amazed, dumbfounded. Though her speed was normal, she appeared to walk slowly in everyone's eyes, just like a fairy goddess. The limelight was instantly shifted to her.

Even before men could approach her, few older women's, .middle aged women and a few young women approached her with proposals. Few wanted her to become their granddaughter in law, few women wanted her to become their daughter in law, few wanted her to become their sister in law.

Suzy was crowded by a group of women who bombarded her with questions but were very sweet and gentle towards her,

" Hey, young lady, what's your name ? which family do you belong to? "

" your so beautiful, who's your parents? "

" young lady, marry my son, I'll Make sure he'll give all his assets to you "

" hey, stop that nonsense, who needs your little assets. young lady marry my grandson, my family asset will all be yours "

" do you think she looks like a gold digger. Young lady, marry my grandson, I'll make sure he gives you lots of babies "

" no, sister In law, marry my brother, he's soo handsome, you both will be a perfect match "...

The group of women started to throw on their proposals without giving her space to reply. Whereas, on the other side, few young masters even though not soo close grouped up and started to discuss their opinions among themselves

" what do you think of her ?"

" Only one word, ' goddess' "

" a real goddess "

" shes soo beautiful, she doesn't look like those who appear to be an angel but are actually fox inside "

" shes actually dreamy "

" I wish I could make her my girlfriend, no no...I wish I could make her my wife "

" do you think you hold a chance "

" shes pure, she won't even give a glance to leeches like you "

" thank God I still did not give up my first time "

" I wonder who will be that lucky man, who'll get this goddess's heart "

" that lucky person might have done a lot of good work in his previous life "

" Hmm, he might have done it "

" ah, how can she be soo beautiful "

" yeah dreamy "

" just like an angel "

" just like a Phoenix "

" just like a princess "

" no, like a real princess "

The group of men continued their praises, whereas a group of women was also discussing and praising her,

" ah! , soo beautiful "

" shes so gorgeous "

" Did she go under the knife "

" no, no way.....shes a natural beauty, shes a pure one, she doesn't even have thick makeup. She's a perfect beauty "

" do you think shes a fox disguised as an angel "

" no, I don't think so, she's well mannered and appears to be innocent. She doesn't look like one. Well, even if she is a fox, there could be at least something missing which could at least give us a hint "

" didn't you see, she doesn't look comfortable with all those women's who are throwing proposals to her, yet she's not arrogant but shes respecting them by listening to them quietly "

" dint you just see how a so-called goddess was acting all innocent and pure. How much ever carefully she acted, she still had flaws "

" yeah, li xiying was acting as if she was the most beautiful women In the world and she was a little arrogant the whole time, she even ignored a little servant who came to get her autograph, but this beautiful women, oh, I wish I was a man, I would give my all to make her mine ".....

Not too far away from them, a beautiful young lady who was smiling innocently and was enjoying the limelight was now standing in a corner, watching everyone praise Suzy. Her eyes were red, just like her face, angered to death, breathing heavily, ready to explode any minute. Next to her, another person was also burning in anger. They both looked like a red tomato . not able to hold on, li xiying burst out.

Li xiying: " father, what the hell is that bitch doing, those praises, those envious gazes, the limelight, everything was mine, how dare she snatches it away from me "

Li Chao appeared calm, he did not sense anything wrong:" xiying, calm down, don't be so loud "

Li xiying:" how can I father, that bitch stole what was mine, and now you're trying to make me calm down "

Qin Yue:" yes uncle, xiying is right, what Suzy did is unfair. How could she outshine xiying, its betrayal, you can't let her off "

Li Chao glanced at one of the fat CEO, seeing his reaction li Chao was satisfied, infact he was satisfied more than he expected:" let's talk about it later, now don't do anything nonsense, stick to the plan . Xiying your limelight will be yours again, just wait for some time "

Li xiyings eyes lit up when she remembered their plan. With a sneer, she smiled evilly and nodded to her father.

On the other side of the banquet, the temperature was lower than the temperature in Antarctica, a man was giving cold vibes around him. The glass which was in his hands a few minutes back was now broken into pieces. Kim tan was burning in rage, his eyes were very cold, next to him, his brother was also angry.