Suzy is going to act...

Hanyifeng was also smart , for the whole family he appeared to apologize li xiying , for Suzy it felt he was apologizing her , but according to his vision , he was apologizing both , he wanted both of them and did not let them go .

Suzy wanted to clap whole heartedly , she wished she could get up and praise him and say ' bro , you good at acting .....infact your better tha xiying , you could easily fool xiying but sorry , I'm way better than her , I'm not going to fall in the trap '

Li xiying you fed on Qin yue after listening to han yifeng , she wanted to kill her and chock her to death , she wanted to Rip her apart, too bad she could not because Qin yue interrupted when her neck was squeezed.

Xiying: " you bitch , how dare you seduce bro yifeng bare the consequences "

Qin yue :" no , xiying , calm down , let me explain , I dint do it wantedly "

Xiying: " stop lieing bitch , are you saying it based bro yifengs fault ".

Qin yue :" ".

Worried that her prey would die so easily before she could play , Suzy interrupted. She didnot want Qin yue to die so early , well it would become a disadvantage to xiying but she did not want to let go of her so easily. She wanted to torture her little more before she kills her . So Suzy had to interrupt,

Suzy :" xiying let go of her , shes going to die if you continue "

Li xiying: " no , I'm going to kill her "

Suzy :" xiying let her say what she has to tell us , dont dirty your hands "

Li Chao: " xiying listen to your sister, let go of her if you dont want your carrier to drop"

So li xiying had to let her with no choice , she went and sat on her place , still breathing heavily .Suzy also went and sat beside her . Ready to continue the show , what she needed right now was a pack of popcorn and a coke . This show was to interesting to her , no one had even doubted her wiered behavior from the beginning..

It took her quite a few minute to steady her breathing, when her breathing was finally stable she answered ,

Qin yue :" I was not in my right state of mind , I think I was drugged , when I went inside my room I felt very hot and uncomfortable , everything was clouded inside my mind " though it was not her who sent the message but she thought it was her as she was not in her right state ." I indeed texted bro feng to come to my room to tell him about something, but I dont know what happened later . Xiying, Suzy I really dint do it wantedly , I was trapped , I dont know who did it but I really dint do it , please believe me " tears rolled out of her cheeks , by the time she said everything she was already kneeling .

Suzy:" okay Qin yue, since your my friend , so I'll forgive you , but not completely . Dont think this topic is going to end here , theirs going to be an investigation, if what you said is the truth then your safe , or better watch for urself " she said and left the place living the other people to do as they wish , for now she was going to let the off to do a little more scheming .

Li Chao, who was initially worried for his younger daughter suddenly remembered something , he took his phone out and called a number hurriedly . After calling numerous times also the person did not pick the call . Worry was written all over his face , he looked sternly at Qin yue and asked ,

Li Chao: " the cocktail, dint you give the cocktail to Suzy which was drugged "

Qin yue :" I indeed did give her , infact she gulped it right infront of my eyes , only after she completed the whole cocktail did I leave the place "

Li xiying :" father, why is Suzy here , shouldn't she be in her room with that big fat CEO according to the plan "

Li Chao: " she was not drugged , our plan has failed , the CEO is probably angry and hes not picking the phone "

Li xiying forgot everything what happened earlier in that instant , she was too much angered that she forgot about everything :" father what to do now , if the CEO is angry then the chances for me to get role as the second lead is very tough . Is that CEO still not picking the call? "

Li Chao: " yes, hes still not picking the call "

Li xiying was angered again , if not for this bitch everything would have gone according to her plan , but it was not the time for her to get angered. She thought of something then said , " father , why dont we ask sister to substitute me , however the audition is day after tomorrow and we can make her stay for two days , right? "

Li Chao shook his head in denial , :" I dont think so its possible now " he said .

Li xiying: " but why father , why is it not possible ?"

Li Chao: " Suzy is also going to take part in the audition , but I dont know for which role "

Li xiyings world went upside down , she was horrified :" you mean Suzy is going to act ? "

Li Chao: " yes "

Li xiying :" is that possible, dint she quit acting "

Li Chao;:" she did , but your friend zu mey awoked the tiger again and I dont think so I can stop her now "

Li xiying: " no ,no ,no...this is not possible , she can't start acting, I'm not going to let that happen."

Feng mian , the master mind spoke up after being quite for a long time , : " hubby , meet the CEO face to face tomorrow with xiying "

Li chao :" but you know what he wants "

feng mian :" well we can't give Suzy but we can atleast give him someone else " she looked at Qin yue coldly and said " Qin yue , I'll give you a chance to makeup for sleeping with xiyings boyfriend , sleep with the CEO , then my xiying will forgive you "

Qin yue was horrified by their offer , :" but--"

feng mian Looked at her coldly :" no buts , your going and that's final or else ...."

Qin yue shuddered. After reaching her room she vented all her anger whic she was holding in until now , she punched the teddy bear and started to release her anger on it :" who the hell do they think they are , do they think that I'm their servant , how the hell they dare to order me , that bitch xiying even tried to kill me , does she think shes pure and innocent, she dare to snatch han yifeng from Suzy , shes same as those mistress, shes just like her mother , a witch. Li xiying , I swear , I'm going to pay your back for what you did "