I'm here to audition for lead role!!

The next day li xiying and li Chao met the CEO along with Qin yue , they made a deal to each other and the CEO agreed after a lot of negotiations.

The next day , as per the schedule li xiying appeared in the Audition hall , so did Suzy. At first everyone were mesmerized by her beauty, later they were scared that she would snatch their roles with her beauty , this made them to have a bad feeling about her .The people started to focus on her much , than focusing on the script . Suzy remained calm , she did not come to audition for the second lead role , she knew very well that everything was already decided ansd li xiying was going to be the second female lead , but the reason she appeared here was different .

In her previous life , Suzy acted instead of li Xiying during the audition , because of her they accepted lu xiying as the second female lead , when Suzy was about to exit after her audition , the director offered her the role of female lead , the second female lead was beautiful young and should be bright , but more than the second female lead , the first female lead had to have all these characters in a higher stage than the second female lead . The director had initially decided to audition for first female lead after this and when no one would satisfy they had no choice than to invite the A lister actress, bei min , the true beauty , though she was beautiful and was best actress who won golden film award consecutively , they still thought that she lacked something which was necessary for the film .

The audition started officially, none of the actress remained for more than half minute , it was just like showing their face to the judges and coming out , it was an audition in others perspective but for li xiying it was contract signing ceremony , they only carried out the process of auditioning as a procedure , after signing the contract , li xiying headed out with her heads up , she was jumping around in joy , she thought she could humiliate Suzy infront of the nation and she would no more be afraid of her coming back to act after experiencing the humiliation .

When li xiying was enjoying to herself , Suzy went Inside . She bowed and greeted everyone politely " hello everyone, I'm suzy "

The judges were initially spell bound by her beauty , it took them a lot of time to get back their sense. One of the judge politely replied her back " sorry miss Suzy, the role is already finalized and the contract is also signed "

Suzy smiled and replied back " who said I'm here to audition for the second female lead role , I'm here to audition for the first female lead role "

Judge :" uhm , sorry miss but we have still not yet decided to audition for the first female lead role "

Just then the door opened , the assistant director entered the room . He walked towards Suzy who was standing on the stage and said in a low voice " miss Suzy, the director wants to meet you " she nodded and followed the assistant director out. Before following him , she bowed to the judges and said good bye .

A few minutes back , the director was watching the audition live in his computer inside his room along with the script writer . The director knew that an agreement was already made under the table , but he did not meddle with them , so did the script writer.

For both the second female lead did not carry much importance , they were only serious about the first female lead. When he was watching the audition leisurely Suzy caught his eyes. He too was spell bound by her beauty for few minutes " beauty ...tick " he thought inside his mind , then he heard her reply confidently ' who said I'm here to audition for the second female role.....' , " confidence ....tick " he thought again , now he only wanted to check her acting , if she successfully acted her part well , then he could give her a chance and she would definitely fit in all criteria to become the female lead . The scriptwriter was very excited after seeing Suzy. Well she was more than perfect than how he portrayed the image of the female lead . According to him She was the best candidate even if her acting was bad .

Soon Suzy entered the room after the assistant left . She greeted them politely before sitting down on the sofa .

Seeing her sitting confidently with no hint of nervousness , she looked as if she was an experienced actress . The director did not go around the Bush, he came straight to the point .

Director: " miss Suzy, what makes you this confident , are you sure your a new bie "

Suzy :" I dont think theirs any reason for me to get nervous , and yes , I'm a new bie and this is my first audition "

Director: " so miss Suzy, what makes you think your perfect for this role "

Suzy :" I think I'm perfect for this role because it's me "

Director:" dont you think your over confident? "

Suzy :" offcourse not director, I'm confident about myself "

Director :" okay then , let's discuss further after we see you act "

Suzy :" sure director, but before that I have to show you something "

Director :" what is it ? "

Suzy:" acting aside , the reason i feel i fit the role is because i have a character in me which is actually necessary for the female lead "

Director: " care to elaborate "

Suzy :" offcourse , well according to the femal lead role, the female lead should Express her feelings most of the time through her eyes and I can do that "

Director: " we would like to see then "

Suzy :" okay "

Director " sad.....happy.....love...disappointment...anger .....cold....annoyed .....confused...perfect"

as the director instructed her , she displayed the same kind of emotions only with her eyes and eyebrows and their was no change in her facial , this made the director very excited to work with her , it was his first time to see someone who could express her feelings only with her eyes with no change in her emotions .

The scriptwriter clapped in excitement " perfect , this is what I wanted in my lead role , your perfect for this role miss Suzy "

Suzy :" thank you sir " she said politely .

As per the directors instructions , she even played some of the scenes and finalized the role . The director was soo happy that he even signed the contract right then and their . Now he found the femal lead , which would actually take months , he was finally happy and relieved. Now his film was ready to shoot , he decided to officially introduce the actors in the press conference this Saturday .

After successfully gaining what she needed , she headed to her home back . When she went inside she saw