Rejected !!

After successfully gaining what she needed , she headed to her home back . When she went inside she saw pile of magazines on her table, on most of the magazines, her picture appeared at the front cover , and in other magazines, even if she dint appear , she had already made up to the headline. She not only appeared in the beauty magazine, she also appeared in the fashion Magazine as well as the business magazine. She had appeared in these magazines just like a celebrity , intact more than a celebrity . After heading inside her room she switch On'd the TV, she appeared even in some of the news with headlines like ' appearance of a true beauty ' , ' the young miss of the li family ' , ' Suzy, the hidden treasure of the li family ' , ' the creative brain behind the li corporations marvelous project ' , ' a person with both beauty and brain ' , ' miss suzys idea has been widely considered by the government as both beneficial for the people as well as the country '..... everyone were praising her around , the shares of li corporation also sky rocketed . Li Chao was partying inside his office when the shares gradually Increased , he felt he had actually benefited from Suzy. Now when he thought , he felt happy that his plan actually failed .

After going through the magazine , Suzy kept it aside just then her mobile started to ring . It was an unknown number.

' a call from an unknown number? ' she thought, she picked the call , the moment she heard the voice she felt annoyed , " Suzy, are you still angry on me , why did you block me ? , I'm sorry baby , I dint mean to betray you, it was just an accident "

Suzy : " what do you want? "

Han yifeng :" are you still angry on me ? , baby I'm sorry , please forgive me , I can even kneel and apologize to you , please give me a chance , I'll never even see any women again other than you , I'm sorry "

Suzy :" yifeng , I'm busy , I have some work to complete I need to hang up, and ...I have forgotten that incident , so just dont remind me about that again "

Han yifeng: " okay then , thank you "

Suzy waited for him to continue , she did not believe he called her only to apologize her , she knew he would have called with another motive , when the other end was quite she said " yifeng , if you dont have anything to say then I'm hanging up "

Han yifeng b immediately responded :"no ..... actually I need your help "

So that's the reason he called me :" hmm , I'm listening "

Han yifeng :" Suzy, I'm aiming to get collaborated with the Ge company , they are searching for the partner to collaborate with for their next project "

Suzy :" so ..."

Han yifeng :" can you make up a plan for me just like the village project , and ..... "

Suzy :" and what? "

Han yifeng: " if you make up the plan we will definitely get the project and the CEO of Ge company is impressed by you , so if you speak to him and insist him to collaborate with us then we will definitely get the project "

Suzy :" I dont think so I can do it "

Han yifeng: " what!!.....but wh...why? "

Suzy :" yifeng you already know my company's position right now , theirs lot of thinks to take care and I'm quite busy , so I can't help you for this project "

Han yifeng: " but Suzy ....this project is very important for me , if I miss the chance then I may never get a chance again , and ...."

Suzy :" yifeng , i can't help you this time .....why dont you ask dad or xiying for help , they can help you out "

Han yifeng :" but ..."

Suzy :" yifeng , I got some work , I'll call you later " tut tut... ( disconnected)

The other side han yifeng was burning in rage , next to him his parents were also pissed off

Mr Han: " who does she think she is, how dare she reject our order "

Miss han :" she dared to not follow our orders , what the hell is she busy with "

Mr han :" yifeng call brother in law , only he can do something "

Yifeng :" yes father ...."

When yifeng was contacting li Chao, Suzy was contacting the CEO of ge corporation .

In the CEO's office , the secretary picked the call first :" hello , ge company "

" hello , can I speak to the CEO "

" sorry miss , the CEO will not speak to unknown people "

" can you just connect him once , I need to discuss something with him "

" but miss...."

" I'll assure you, definitely he would like to speak with me "

" okay miss , wait a second " she then called the director and asked " sir , theirs a lady who have called me and is insisting to speak with you "

CEO: " is it the first time your getting a call , you know i dont like to speak to unknown people "

Secretary: " but sir , this lady is insisting , she said she has something important to tell you and she said you would definitely speak to her "

CEO: " okay , connect the call ....hello "

Suzy :" hello mr ge, I'm Suzy from Li corporation "

Once he found the identity of the caller , his tone became polite and his words carried huge respect .

" hello miss Suzy, never did I expect you to call me , well how can I help you with ? "

Suzy :" I know its too rude of me to call you out of nowhere and disturb your precious time "

CEO: " no no .....its fine , it's my pleasure to speak with you "

Suzy :" mr ge , I have a request , I hope you can fulfill it "

CEO: " go on miss Suzy , until it's possible, I'll fulfill your request "

Suzy :" thank you for your humbleness . Well my request is , please dint accept any project or collaboration with the han company "

CEO: " okay , I'll do as you say , I'll not collaborate with han yifeng for any of the project "

Suzy :" thank you CEO, but offcourse , I'm not going put you at loss , I dont want you to do it freely , instead I'm ready to help you if you ever need me "

CEO :" thank you miss Suzy, I really appreciate it. I'll look forward for your help , if you need me for anything you can always contact me "

Suzy :" thank you for your kindness "

Just when she ended the call , she got another call from an unknown number .

' why am I getting calls from an unknown no ' she thought , she picked the call and heard a man speaking , he might be in his fifty according to his voice frequency.

" hello , is this miss Suzy "

" yes "

" hello , this is CEO sun , the producer of " the chess " "

"hello CEO sun , what can I help you with? "

" I heard you auditioned for the second female lead today? , too bad you could not get the role . Well since I'm too humble I'm here to make an offer, if you accept my offer then I may let you in for the third female lead role "

" not interested "

" what If I say I can even make you the second female lead ?"

" mr CEO, I'm really not interested in any of your offers "

" okay , but I'll still give you time , think properly , this is such a good offer "

After saying that he hung up . Suzy smirked ' he dare to make such kind of offer ' she thought .