Press meet !!

At seven , all the reporters from different media channels were present at hotel night where the press meet was going to be held .

Their were number of reporters belonging to different media channels , among them there were three fake reporters who were hired especially to cause trouble and ask malicious questions to Suzy , but ...too bad , suzy was not just a normal person , she had already found out the identity of the three reporters and even gathered information about them , she was just waiting for a particular time to reveal everything except the person behind.

Suzy does not want to give major cardiac arrest at once, she wanted to start by giving minute cardiac arrest to that person behind .

The press meet soon began , the PR manager welcomed the reporters before giving the stage to Suzy. As soon as suzy stepped on the stage the reporters were roaring with questions , she waited for few seconds to let the reporters calm down before speaking.

Suzy :" hello everyone " she greeted with a curtious bow before miving on " first , I would like to thank each and every reporter present here for making time to know the truth . Well I won't take much of your time , I'll answer each and every question of yours calmly "

Reporter :" miss Suzy is it true that you joined Bright star entertainment? "

Suzy " yes , its true "

fake Reporter :" dont you think what your doing is wrong , or are you stupid and a brainless person , I dont see the so called ' beauty with brain ' in you , even a small child know very well about the entertainment industry "

Another paid reporter also joined with the first reporter and criticized her bravely :" your just another actress depending on beauty to enter entertainment industry . I wonder what did the CEO of bright star entertainment see in you , was she also a muddle headed person. "

Another reporter continued :" there must be something going behind . Its only possible unless theirs an underhanded business or may be some bastard persuaded them "

The fake reporters started to slander her from the start to pull all the reporters towards their side and give no space for Suzy to give a proper explanation. The reporters were already quite affected , they too had the same thought now , the three fake reporters smiled when they saw the reporters vary , but Suzy was not at all affected by it , she just let the three reporters to slander her and that was what she wanted . The more they slander the more fake they look and the more people will accept her truth .

Thinking that Suzy was blank with no words to say, the reporters continued slandering, :" Suzy, we are not here to waste our time for you to show off our beauty , dont try to do anything underhanded, we are all righteous people , we dont like those who hurt others and those who hurt others should definitely be punished. Now , please just spit it out what you needed to tell us "

Suzy :" mr can you three please introduce yourselves first "

fake Reporter :" I dont think so its necessary miss Suzy "

Suzy :" ofcourse it is , Its too impolite to call your mr "

Fake Reporter 1 :" I'm reporter zen "

Fake Reporter 2 : " I'm reporter leon "

Fake Reporter 3 :" I'm reporter ran "

Suzy :" thank you for introducing yourself, I hope you remember what you just said now " she said them before turning towards the other reporters she said " first of all , for all the things happening , theirs a story behind " she said before signaling her manager to play the projector .

In the big screen, appeared a young lady and her father speaking to some business people , it was a certain party , then they heard a feminine voice behind , a women from nowhere appeared infront and started to mock Suzy, all the time Suzy just stood their expression less , one could easily say she was not even bothered , only then did they see a change in her expression when she spoke about her mother , suzys bright eyes suddenly turned cold even sending shivers to the reporters present. The three reporters even started to feel something bad is going to happen to them .

After the recording ended up the reporters finally had certain ideas , now they understood why Suzy had joined the entertainment industry and why did she take up the same film like her sister .

Suzy :" so now , I hope everyone got certain idea why I had entered the entertainment industry and why did I take up the same film as my sister , if not because of miss zu mey I would have never thought about becoming an actress again "

Reporter :" so miss Suzy, do you mean you entered the entertainment industry only because of that challenge and to prove yourself "

Suzy :" not exactly , zu mey is just like a catalyst , she had just provoked me , but the desire to ful fill my beloved mother's dream awakened because of her provocation "

Fake reporter;:" but Suzy, is it not just a reason your giving to us to just divert our opinions "

Fake reporter 2 :" the point we need to know is why did you have to join bright star when you had your own step mother's company "

Suzy :" mr leon , I think you did not watch the video earlier properly . In the video miss zu mey had clearly mentioned her condition that I'm not supposed to joined my own step mothers company "

fake Reporter 3:" okay miss Suzy, we will accept that but it doesnt mean you are right . Miss zu mey had mentioned not to join FM entertainment , but she did not mention that you have to join bright star entertainment "

Suzy :" yes , I do know that . Reporter ran , let me ask you , if you have you are away from your house in an unfamiliar place , would you like stay with unknown people or with the known people "

Reporter 3 replied immediately even without thinking further: " offcourse I would stay with a known person "

Suzy :" that's what even I did . The CEO of bright star , Kim lan and myself have a very close relationship , and much to your convenience , my best friend Mu jun also belongs to the same company , I'm more than willing to join the company "