wanted criminals : helping out the chief

Reporter :" but miss Suzy the whole industry know that bright star and FM entertainment are both rivals , they had been competing with each other, you joining bright star may cause a huge damage to your step mother ".

Suzy :" I know about the rivalry between both the company's , but well it has nothing to do with me . The rivalry is between the two company s , not between my mother and me nor between my sister . We just do our duties outside and once we enter the house we are just a warm family and that's what matters to me " .

Reporter: " so miss Suzy are you saying that theirs no misunderstanding or quarrel between your sister and yourself "

Suzy :" yes , my sister is also happy for me and we both are very happy with each other, so I request everyone not to draw wedges between two loving sisters " .

Fake reporter 1 :" but Suzy why did you have to audition for the first female lead instead of second female lead ? Is it because you were jealous of your sister ? were you afraid that you might loose to your sister? "

Suzy :" offcourse not , I know about my sister very well . She had been telling me about the role a month back that she was very much interested in that role and she badly wanted to take up the role , she had discussed about the script almost five times with me . So I did not want to snatch what my sister liked , even though the chances of getting the female lead was too low , I did not dare to think off taking the second female lead role "

Fake reporter 1 :" Suzy, dont you think your little exaggerating about your relationship with your sister , it seems too fake "

Suzy smiled to the reporter and asked politely: " mr zen , can you please tell me Which media company do you belong "

Fake reporter 1 :" I dont think its necessary "

Suzy :" I wanted to praise your company for having such a wonderful reporter " .sweat drops started form on his forehead , the feeling of foreboding , but he knew he could just move forward and their was no going back , gaining his confidence back he said :" we are from a newly built company "

Suzy :" oh I see....a newly built conartist company "

Fake reporter 1 :" what do you mean , Suzy your insulting me , aren't you afraid of being charged for slandering me ? "

Suzy :" why should I be afraid of a conartist "

Fake reporter 1 :" you.....do you have any proof ? "

Suzy :" ofcourse I do " she then gestured her manager to show the evidence , on the big screen came images of three people one by one . In the left was their ID and details imthey have given during press meet and on the other side were their real identity and information , their was even a record of the three people missing from the jail and the number of times they have robbed by fooling the people , the three reporters were now panicked , they did not even imagine that they would be stripped infront of everyone and moreover, they escaped from the jail not too long , this was no good for any of them now . When they were just about to escape from their Suzy spoke up ,

Suzy :" why in hurry mr , take it easy. As you said one who hurts people have to be punished , so now it's your turn , theirs a huge gift for you waiting outside , I hope you like it .... Ah! And yes, say to your master , who ever have paid you to slander me , it's not too easy to deal with me , I hope they can try something better next time " she said before signaling the security guard to throw the three con artist out .

She then turned to the reporters , and continued " the paid fans who showed up today to criticize me and Mu jun and also the one who dared to harm Mu jun , soon your going to see my company's lawyer . Your going to be charged for slandering and assaulting us and also for hurting my friend . Whoever is trying to harm me , my company and my people, let me warn you , dont dare to mess up with me and it's not easy to do so , once you cross my bottom line I'm going to get justice without showing any mercy to you " she said looking into the camera . After thanking the reporters , Suzy went back to her home.

The reporters who appeared today were very pleased with the news and also felt proud for making a right decision , and those who did not appear were now being badly scolded by their leaders and managers in their company.

And the three conartist who appeared as reporters were taken by the police officers back to the same jail from where they escaped , the police officers were really grateful for the help Suzy and her company did and they were even going to give them an award of gratitude for helping them . Suzy was now in an even more higher level .

The next morning, every where , the news was only about Suzy, the chief police officer also showed his gratitude by speaking how Suzy and her company had helped them to catch a wanted conartist criminals . The criminals who were all arrested were now watched under high surveillance cameras .

The news were bombarding with the news about Suzy, a day before , all the news were criticizing her but now , everyone were praising her , the title ' beauty with a brain ' was renamed as ' a beauty with a brain and a pure heart ' . Many of the people were impressed by suzys love towards her step sister and her step mother , they all praised her for her thoughtfulness towards her sister , the media even highlighted suzys word ' my mother is my bottom line , if you dared to cross it then get ready to face the fury ' gaining many mother fans . The most highlighted part was the way Suzy protected Mu jun , one could clearly say they were a true best friends and nothing else . Mu juns fans who were all against Suzy apologized to herself and her fans in the Weibo , the online comments never ended ,

Fan's :" look , how cute is my husband with Suzy...they look so cute "

" I feel like Suzy is the mother who is beating up her cute dimwit son called Mu jun "

" the way suzy caught the bottle at the right time.....ah , she must be trained "

" did you see my hubby's reaction when Suzy gripped his ear , he was so soo cute "

" ' why are you pulling my ears again ? ' what does it mean "

" what else , didn't you see his other ears were red , may be Suzy had punished him earlier for something "

" an innocent boy being bullied by a cute girl , aww this is so soo cute "

The online comments continued with such topics .

A week has been passed but the fans were still in their mood , more number of fans appeared infront of the studio holding banners of Mu jun and Suzy, the days were now calm and steady not until a storm appeared from nowhere, whole media were now showing a hot news of one of the person from the ' the chess ' film ....