Goddess of his Heart

Moments passed , but Kim tan stood their still , his hand still tangled with Suzy. Well, Suzy was least effected , she just gave him a smile waiting for his response.

Kim ting , who was watching his brothers reaction from a while ago , was surprised . It was his first time to see his brother blush , though it was unnoticeable to others , he was surprised to see the emotions in his eyes.

Seeing his brothers sorry state , the brother loving demon was instantly activated .

Coming closer to Suzy, standing right next to Kim tan , Kim ting gave a charming smile before greeting her .

Kim ting :" hello miss Suzy, we meet again " . while greeting her , Kim ting nudged his brother by his elbow , trying to wake him from his sweet dream . When Kim tan was finally in his sense , he let go off suzys hand refractoryly.

Suzy smiled before putting her hand forward , greeting him sincerely with a smile which was not so charming like the smile she gave for Kim tan " hello second master , it's nice to see you again "

The other actors who were actually standing aside Suzy were shocked to know that Suzy was familiar to both the Kim brothers , what's more shocking was , Kim tan , the cold CEO who would avoid womens as far as possible greeted her and also shook his hand voluntarily.

Director: " Suzy, do you know first young master and second young master Kim? " the director asked , trying to compose his curiosity.

Mu Jun: " little devil , how are you related with my cousins " , even Mu jun was also quite interested to know what was their relationship , though being their cousin and being suzys best friend , he himself was not aware anything about them . ' Is their something wrong ? how does she know them ? , did my second cousin fell for her? , is she dating him now? , but why dint she tell me about anything? , well I think I should warn him once , but why is she greeting him politely? , may be shes not ready to disclose their relationship , hmm...now everything seems right ' were the thoughts going around his mind .

Offcourse , Suzy very well knew about his thought process , with an annoyed tone she said " theirs nothing going on like you think , if I did , I dont have any reason to hide from you , okay ? "

Mu Jun: " wait , how did you know what I was thinking? " he asked, surprised .

Suzy :" cookie your too easy to read , I know very well about your thought process than you do "

Mu Jun: " so tell me , how do you know them "

Suzy :" not much, we met once at a celebration banquet "

Mu Jun: " oh , what how did you meet them "

Suzy asked sarcastically, raising her left eyebrows: " what , do you want to know who was that person ? "She said , winking at him .

Mu Jun immediately understood what she meant , his ears were already turning read remembering that certain someone . He pouted:" it's not necessary "

Seeing Suzy being friendly and familiar to such a big shot , li xiying was boiling with jealousy . Two of her nails were already broken due to excess pressure she exerted while clutching her purse. Their was already two holes digged in and the outer covering of the pursue was already disfigured . Her hate towards Suzy increased even more .

Suzy was fully immersed with Kim brothers that she forgot to even look at her sisters reaction , whereas Mu jun was having hard time controlling his laughter . It was a one time opportunity to see that kind of ugly face made by certain fake goddess .

After the greetings and welcoming , the director instantly started to shoot . Everyone were well aware that this king was definitely very busy and hardly had time to waste on such matters , but only one person knew that this person had especially cleared all his schedule a week back , just to spend the whole day looking at the goddess of his heart .

The director began to shoot not wasting further time , he had especially picked up impressive scenes just to please certain king . The lead actors had few scenes which they had to act , Mu jun and Suzy had three scenes together , li xiying had one scene with the second Male lead and one with Mu jun , the second Male lead had another scene with Suzy, it was quite an intimate scene but between brother and sister , and the third female lead had only one scene .

The scenes of third female lead , Mu Jun and suzys together scene went smoothly in one take . After completing four scenes continuously the director gave a break , so that the actors could go throw their script again .

As he watched her acting , in her long red gown , with long hairs , Kim tan was having butterflies in his heart . He had totally forgotten his own self , his heart was beating aloud , his mind was in Chaos, his eyes were twinkling , everything was like a dream . To him , it was fresh sight to calm his nerves .

Next to him , Kim ting was deep in thought . ' is he really my brother , did he go somewhere when I was absent minded and someone else took his place , or Is it actually my brother in his chibi version , ah.....where's my brother , where's my cold aloof brother ? " he thought . Because the current Kim tan was emitting spring around him , he had a slight blush on his cheek, his ears were already red , his eyes were twinkling. The present Kim tan was like a little tan , who was cute . Their was no trace of that cold and aloof Kim tan , the CEO and king of the business world .

After a short break , the shoot continued . They were going to shoot the fifth scene , which was an intimate scene between first female lead and second Male lead , an intimate scene between brother and sister .

In the fifth scene , Suzy would let go of her emotions infront of the second Male lead , she would cry her heart out infront of him , and the second Male lead was supposed to coax her by holding her smooth delicate hands , rub the tears with his thumb , kiss her forehead and hug her intimately patting her back .

As the director yelled action, Suzy began performing her part . Seeing her crying pitifully, thought she was just acting, Kim tan felt his heart was about to break , he had the urge to go and console her but knowing his intentions, Kim ting was holding his arms tightly, making sure not to disturb the scene .

As the second Male lead started to act out his part as soon as Suzy completed her dialogues , he felt chills behind his back , though he tried not to shiver , he could not hold it for long , just when he was about to kiss suzys forehead , the coldness increased and he felt he was being hit by daggers . finally , when he could not take any longer , he let go of Suzy, resulting a bad take .