when will you be mine , wifey ?

Time passed , the number of bad takes continued , it went on until it reached fifth bad take . After taking continues bad take , the second Male lead was already out of energy.

The director was also displeased , if it was some other time he would have not considered it seriously, but their was certain king present today , he was an example for perfection , yet the second Male lead took continues bad takes . With no other choice , the director let the second male lead to take a break and calm his nerves .

Kim ting on the other hand was having a headache . Leaning closer to his brother , he whispered

" brother, it's just an act , take it easy . Their just doing their part , hes just playing his role "

But Kim tan did not reply , he just gave a displeased look to his brother . But still , Kim ting tried to coax him so that his sister in law won't have a headache.

" brother , if you dont intimidate him , then he will complete his part in a short time . If you continue doing the same thing , the more longer he' ll take, the more longer he will be in contact with sister in law "

But still Kim tan was not at all moved . With no other choice , Kim ting tried his last bit ,

"Brother , if you keep doing this then sister in law will get more tired . Dont you know how uncomfortable it is to be in those heavy clothes on such a hot day "

Finally , Kim tan gave up . Only then did he remember, because of him Suzy also had to take multiple takes . When he turned to look at her , she was wiping of her sweat and was faning herself . Looking at her tired face , Kim tan felt bad . The earlier coldness was replaced with worry again .

Kim ting was shocked with sudden change in emotions , earlier his brother was emitting spring everywhere, but then it turned cold when the second Male lead came close to her , and now he is worried and sad .

' seriously ... is he really my brother ? ' Kim ting thought .

Finally , after taking a short break , the second Male lead was much stable and even completed his part better than the director expected . Finally after completing his part , he heaved a deep sigh of relief . Offcourse , this was only possible because Kim tan finally stopped sending him daggers .

Finally after completing her parts , Suzy went to her dressing room to change her costume . After few minutes , finally after removing her makeup and heavy clothes , she came out Wearing a normal red short frock . she looked more relaxed , but for Kim tan , it was end of his relaxation time . She looked even more prettier and natural that his heart was beating hard , his red ears were turning even more red again . It was too hard for him to control himself from hugging her .

Though she was very near , just five steps away from him , he still felt too distant. He wanted to go towards her , sit right next to her . He was cursing the director inside , for setting him a special seat and that too far away from her .

' this won't do , I should do something if I need to get close to her , I may not get another chance to get close to her ' he thought , with a determined look , he went towards the washroom . After a while , when he came back , he spilled his coffee on the chair when no one was looking at him except his brother .

He then handed the cup to his brother . Just then the assistant director came in along with Suzy to ask something. Taking this opportunity Kim tan spoke up " my brother spilled the coffee accidentally , do we have an extra chair " he asked , throwing all the blame on Kim ting . Kim ting was dumbfounded , his eyes were wide ,, his jaw was left open. He really could not believe that his brother just sold him off for his own purpose, but he coaxed himself saying ' it's for sister in law , it's for sister in law ' .

Assistant director: " oh , that's sad , what to do now? " the assistant director said , his expression tensed.

Taking this Opportunity, Suzy spoke up sweetly " mmm , young master Kim, if you dont mind.....why dont you sit with us . We could even explain the story to you so that you'll be much familiar with story " she suggested sweetly .

Offcourse Kim tan was going to do whatever his angel was going to say , and ....it was just like ' what the nurse prescribed, was what the patient desired ' , so offcourse he was happy .

nodding his head he replied politely " hmm , miss Suzy, your suggestion makes sense. Please show the way " was what he said directly , but ' my Baby girl understands me soo well ' was what he thought in his mind .

Aside Kim ting still carried the same expression , ' is their any telepathy between them , why do I feel they are feeding me dog food separately ' he thought sadly .

Though their were many chairs , Kim tan purposefully sat just next to Suzy. Suzy placed her arms on the arm chair and started to watch out the next scene . Taking this opportunity to touch her again , Kim tan also placed his arms on the arm chair . The arm chair was joined , so both of their arms were touching each others , sending hot currents through their nerves .

Easier, when he was about to sit next to Suzy, he removed of his coat , his tie and had folded his shirt , so half of his beautiful arms was exposed to air .

When his skin touched her , soft , smooth waxed fair , bright skin , he was already starting to feel hot and good . ' it feels soo good ' he though in his mind , smiling inwardly .

Suzy on the other hand was also experiencing the same sensation , but she did not react . Neither did she take her hand off nor did she hate it. She just continued to ignore it .

Not far away from them , Kim stings jaw was soo wide , it was about to touch the ground. He could not believe what he was watching. He saw everything what his brother did , ' is....he.....really.....my.....brother . No no , I must be dreaming , bad boy , I should not dream such things , no , no way ' he thought , slapping his cheeks to get back his sense , he slapped until his cheeks started to hurt , holding his cheeks with both the hands he said ' no, I'm not dreaming , its not a dream , it's really my brother , pretty boy , get ready , your going to have lots of dog food from your inexperienced romantic brother ' he said inwardly .

Kim ting was really having a hard time during the shoot . His brother was all sweet with Suzy. His arms were still in contact with hers . He was speaking sweetly with Suzy all the time , asking her few questions , making her to speak , keeping all her attention only towards him . While Suzy was explaining everything in details , he was just looking at her lovingly , not bothering to listen to what she was saying right now . For him , the only thing he could see was her , the only thing he could hear was her sweet voice , but not her words .

Spring and love was all around them , circling around them just like an orbit. For him , she was the only person present in his present world .

' when will you be mine , wifey ? ' he thought , sighing lovingly .