Unexpected Hug

Time passed , Kim tan kept on looking at Suzy, as she explained the story enthusiastically. Seems like Suzy actually indulge telling stories . She kept on explaining the stories happily , taking few glances at times . The more he saw her mouth blabbering, the more he wanted to kiss her , the more he saw her body moment, the more he desired to hug her .

After she completed explaining the detailed story , she offered to show him around the set. Offcourse, Kim tan was more than willing to do anything in order to spend more time with her .

As he walked along with her , right next to her , his legs complementing hers , it felt like they were having a loving walk . As he walked along with her , he thought ' I want to hug you badly wifey , what should I do to hug you ' .

Time passed, the desire to hug her kept on increasing . While he was thinking ways to get in touch with her , Seems like God heard him . When suddenly Suzy turned towards him due to the sudden moment, she lost her footing and accidentally fell into his arms .

His eyes were wide open , without him doing anything, she was already in his arms , embarrassing him tightly , holding him by his waist , her head lying on his shoulder , smelling his deep fragrance . Unknowingly, Kim tan also tightened his arms around her waist , bringing her even more closer to him , taking up all her warmth . He could feel her hot breath near his neck. His ears were turning red due to stimulation .

Forgetting the whole world , they stood their still, embracing each other , taking up each other's warmth . Since they were behind the screen , most of the people did not notice them hugging each other .

A smile crept on Kim tan's face , thanking the god in his mind , he continued embracing her , enjoying her warmth .

Kim ting who was watching them from a long time , spit out the coffee abruptly, choking hard to death . Wiping himself with a tissue, clean , he looked at his brother then at Suzy with wide eyes . This was really too much for his heart to take everything just in a single day . He badly felt that , they were showing their affection to each other indirectly but he rubbed of his thought as he could not believe that Suzy might do Such things .

' i.....can....no more.....hug ...my brother ' he thought in his mind sadly .

The reason why Kim ting had such thoughts was because , after the hand shake in the banquet, Kim tan kept on looking at his right hand and smelling it , smiling to himself . sometimes he would just keep laughing to himself looking at his hand , and everytime he would have a slight blush on his face . , he did not even bath using his right hand for a long time , afraid to loose its purity which also had her sweet baby fragrance . He even stopped using his right hand for any sort of work , since he was both a right as well as left handed , he could do his work with either of his hand , including writing in left , which was a piece of cake for him .

Kim ting was indeed facing lot s

of troubles after the banquet , everyone around him were questioning the reason behind it including his parents . His brother never shook his right hand with any business man, he either shook his left or avoided hand shake most of the time .

But now , Suzy had unintentionally hugged him . He was damn sure that his brother is not going to bath for several days and the saddest thing is , he can no more hug his brother, nor can his mother. ' sigh......its better to harden my heart from right now , I'm damn sure they are going to feed me lots of dog food in the future ' he thought .

when Kim ting was still calming himself , not too far away from him , Li xiying had invisible fire around her . Her jealousy was already in peek . When she saw Kim tan responding to Suzy and having a closer talk with her , she was almost at the border , but when Suzy slipped and fell into his arms , her jealousy reached its peak . The pencil of her heels had already digged a hole in the ground with lots of temper and pressure . Her eyes were red and was almost ready to tear up , her fingers were closed and pale due to exerting force . She was looking ferocious, sending daggers to Suzy, trying to kill her with her eyes .

Atlast when li xiying had no more energy and patience , she stomped her feet and headed towards her dressing room to touch up her makeup which was almost ruined . Getting up from her seat , she headed towards the dressing room , taking large strides which was unlady like . She did not even take five steps , yet her heels broke down . She almost fell on the ground loosing her balance . This made her even more furious. Lifting up her legs , taking out that damn heels she throwed it away angrily, lifting her gown up , she went to her dressing room furiously .

Who knows how long passed , finally Kim tan and Suzy moved away looking at each others face , when they finally regained their sense , they moved away abruptly , embarrassed.

Her face was red , biting her lips , trying not to blush , Suzy stood their still , with her heads down , she said

" uhmm.....first young master Kim....uhm , I'm sorry ....I slipped my footing "

Since her head was down , she did not notice Kim tan smiling brightly ." Its ok , you dont have to apologize " lowering his voice he said " you just fit perfectly in my arms " .

Since his voice was too low , Suzy did not hear it properly , so she asked " uhm....first young master Kim, did you say anything "

Kim tan :" oh! Nothing....is your leg alright "

Suzy :" yes its fine "

Kim tan :" good , let's go back ,its too hot here " he said with concern .

Suzy nodded with a mesmerizing smile making his heart flutter again .