Sleeping together for the first time

As he was driving , a rock from nowhere rolled down and struck just between the middle of the road . Everything happened so suddenly but still , Kim tan managed the situation quite well . Inorder not to crash with the huge rock , in a reflex, Kim tan pulled the staring towards the left . With a screech the car changed the direction but unfortunately the car hit the tree infront with a 'bang' .

Since the car was well equipped with airbags , as soon as the car hit the tree , two airbags popped out from the front protecting them from hitting their head .

It took few minutes for Kim tan to regain his sense . As soon as he got up , the first thing he remembered was his baby girl . Forgetting about his own body , he shook Suzy hurriedly and called her name out with his horrified voice . " Suzy , Suzy....are you alright...Suzy, get up "

" ouch , ah , I'm fine mr Kim, I'm alright " she said rubbing her head .

Examining her legs , her hands , her head and her body he asked " are you sure , are you really fine . Did anything happen to you " he asked , still worried about her .

Instead of replying him , Suzy grabbed his red arm which was red and swollen . Pulling out his hand out , she said with her teary eyes . " your hurt , you need to be treated before it gets worst " . After saying that she pulled out the car dashboard and picked out a first aid kit . From the kit , she took few medicines which would help them for their current situation . She sprayed some pain reliving spray and applied some cooling cream , before bandaging his swollen hand , and handed him a pain relieving tablet .

Inorder to lessen the pain , she kept blowing cool air making his hair to stand up straight .

" how did this happen ? When did this happen ? , why were you so careless, you cant be like this , you may get hurt ....." as Suzy kept blabbering , Kim tan was blushing hard . Their were sweat drops forming on his forehead.

Earlier, when Suzy was treating his hand , she accidentally moved too closer to him , hence his arm touched her two round globes unexpectedly . It was smooth and soo soft and pluffy .he could not help but imagine her bare naked chest infront of his eyes . As he imagined such sexy scenes, his little brother which was never active until now, started to react for this stimulation .

Kim tan was infact very much shocked to see this kind of change in himself . Since he was never attracted to anyone physically, he never had experienced such thing . How much ever sexy women approached him with their sexy body trying to seduce him with their might , he felt disgusted instead of getting aroused . It was his first time getting aroused since his puberty and he was more than happy .

Only then did he snap when Suzy called out his name the third time .

" mr Kim, mr Kim ...Kim tan " she said nudging him .

" ah , oh yes Suzy " he said , feeling embarrassed. Since it was dark , Suzy could not see Kim tans red face , and his fore head sweating hard .

" what should we do know " she said , looking either side .

" let me check first " he said hurriedly and got down of his car . Once he was out , he took deep breaths number of times to calm down his raising nerves .

Checking his car once , he went to Suzy and said , with both of his hands on his waist .

" Hah, the car is in bad shape . Probably we cant go in this for now " he said , trying to figure out a way to get out of here, inorder not to scare Suzy . " wait , let me call and get someone to pick us " picking his phone out he tried to make a call , but the call did not connect . " shit , theirs no network also right now " he said .

When Kim tan was tensed up , Suzy was standing out calmly as if she was not even bothered by this situation . seeing him tensed , Suzy spoke up to calm his nerves .

"Kim tan , don't get tensed . It's already midnight. Most probably we won't get a car to get a drop . And we dont even have network to ask help , so theirs no way we can get out of here . " she said calmly . After thinking for a while she continued " since its already late , why not take rest here today and look for a way tommorow " she suggested.

Beside , Kim tan was doing all sorts of dance as he heard her suggestion. He was very very very happy to spend little more time with his babygirl .

" okay then . Since we can't sleep front , we have to sleep at the back seat " he said casually , but was grinning widely in the dark .

" okay then " Suzy accepted as she was very understanding towards the situation .

Lying at the back seat , Suzy and Kim tan were sleeping with their head lying on the either side . After walking and working for an whole day , Suzy was damn tired . As soon as she lied down she fell into a deep slumber .

Kim tan on the other hand could not even sleep having his baby girl next to him. Half an hour or so passed , Kim tan lied their with his head leaning on the window . He kept looking at his baby girl who was sleeping calmly, with her hat on . The pleasant moonlight hitting her face , making her look extra gorgeous .

Who knows how long had passed , Kim tan sat their looking at his baby girl . Taking her candid pictures through his eyes, saving it in his genius mind . His eyes traveling from her eyes ,to her nose , then to her lips . He stared at her lips for quite a long time before moving down to her chin , to her neck then unexpectedly to her chest , which was big enough .

He started to caugh hard in embarrassment, as he realized how perverted he had become in a day.

Unexpectedly, before he could even realize , Kim tan was already infront of her , closer to her , rupping her lips with his right thump. Moving forward he kissed her forehead before saying " good night my baby girl . You'll soon me mine " he said and lied next to her .

The next day morning , the way both of them were lying were totally different to the way they slept at night .

Suzy was lying on his left shoulder , with her hand on his left chest , as if listening to his heart beat and the other hand encircling him from his back . Kim tan on the other hand had his head lying on hers and his one hand keeping him steady and the other hand was unexpectedly ....uhm...inside her hoodie , on her waist , caressing her soft skin . Feeling something soft and fluffy , Kim tans hand tightened a little unexpectedly . Feeling something amiss , he opened his eyes slowly, his eyes fluttering due to the heavy sunlight falling directly into his eyes .

As he opened his eyes , his heart melted in an instant .