Kiss his cheeks

As soon as he opened his eyes , his heart melted instantly. His baby girl was in his arms , lying on his left shoulder , mumbling something in her dreams , as she licked her pink cherry lips instantly turning him on . She had a soft flawless bright skin with no pores or Mark's, her baby pink lips which was now wet due to her saliva making it look sexy , her think eyelashes , few strands of hair falling on her face , as the light beamed on her face . A breathtaking view it was in the early morning . But her face was red , for nor reason.

suddenly , his eyes widened in shock as he realized where his hands was until now . Pulling his hand out , he sighed a deep sigh of relief that she was actually not awake , Or else , he was sure he would be hated to the core by her .

He tried to shake her a little , calling her name , trying to wake her up but she did not . She slept in his arms , encircling her arms around him as if she was embracing her bear .

Moments passed, it was already seven am but still both of them lied their with each other in their embrace not even bothered about the other world . Since he had to make arrangements to get out of here as he had an important meeting , Kim tan unwillingly let go of her , laying her back on the seat , smoothly and carefully so that he would not disturb her beauty sleep.

Not long after Kim tan went out , Suzy got up from her dreamy sleep , stretching her hands up as she yawned like a cat . With her baby steps , she came out of the car . Not to far away she saw Kim tan making some calls . With the same baby steps , she walked towards him beaming with a bright smile .

" good morning mr Kim....oops sorry, good morning Kim tan " she said showing her dazzling teeth fluttering his heart early In the morning.

" good morning Suzy, did you sleep well " he asked giving out a charming smile .

" yes "

" oh really , was is not uncomfortable inside the car ? " he asked expecting something.

" no no Kim tan , your car was too comfortable and was also warm . Infact , I had a nice sleep in your car than on my bed " she said smiling brightly .

Hearing her comment Kim tans ears turned red. Though Suzy thought it was his car which was comfortable, only he knew that she was actually comfortable sleeping in his embrace . ' dont worry baby , you'll have a better sleep when you'll become mine ' he said in his mind .

" so now , what should we do now " she asked with her sleepy eyes .

" I have just called my people to pick us up . They will hear soon , you dont have to worry . I'll drop you home "

" oh , thank you very much "

" thanks for you " he said as he remembered the previous days incident .

" for what " she asked confused .

" uhm , nothing " he said , trying not to be suspicious but he was actually grinning wide as he remembered this morning's incident.

Not long after that , Kim tans people pulled their car infront . They had actually traced his location and followed him till here . Their was actually three cars waiting for them , Kim ting had also joined to pick up his brother as he was bored sitting in his house . Well.....he was actually more curious to know what happened previous night . According to his perverted mind, he thinks that Suzy and kim tan must have been tempted at the moment and they had actually made their way , but poor ting , his wild imagination drowned back when he saw the car . But still he did not loose his hope .

Getting down from his car , he greeted both of them .

" good morning miss Suzy " he said , giving his charming smile obvious of the cold daggers someone was sending him .

" good morning second young master " she said politely .

but everytime Suzy wished him he felt their was something different but still he nudged the thought back of his head .

Turning towars his brother , with a mischievous smile he said " yo big brother , how was you fir--- ah!!" Before he could even complete his sentence , Kim tan stamped his brothers feet hard as he knew how his brothers blabber mouth was . Kim tans feet w was actually like a huge stone falling on his sensitive foot giving out a terrific pain .

Suzy who was startled by Kim tings sudden groan asked out of concern. " second young master, are you okay ? "

" ah ! Yes yes miss Suzy, im fine . It was just some INSECT which bit me " as he glared at his brother sideways but shuddered when he saw his brother tightening his lips . ' woah , not good , not good. I'm surely going to have my thing after reaching home. Mummy save me ' he cried inside his mind . It was definite whenever Kim tan pressed his lips hard , it meant he was in trouble . Well Kim tan was now actually jealous of his own brother who simply worried his sister in law . Kim tan never wanted his baby girl to worry about anyone else other than him just like he do .

Thinking to forget about his brother for now , he went forward and whispered something to one of his men and the men handed him a car key .

He opened the either said of the front passenger seat , as he asked Suzy politely " Suzy, please...." he gestured her to get into the car just like a gentleman. After she went in he closed the door before heading towards his side . After buckling his seat belt , he drove his car back to suzys home . He was actually going to drop her back to Li mansion when Suzy spoke up .

" uhm ,Kim tan , where are we going "

" to the Li mansion to drop you back to your home " he said as he focused on his driving .

" uhm , well I actually dont stay there " she said surprising him .

" then where do you stay " he asked looking at her .

" I have my own house , if you dont mind can you drop me there " she asked , a little hesitantly.

" sure , Suzy. Its nothing big " he said as he drives his car to her other house .

Behind his car , the two other cars followed them blindly . Looking confused , the driver asked " second boss , why is big boss driving in this way . The Li mansion is in the other way , why are we taking this way " .

Kim ting , who was sitting on the passenger seat , shook his hand lazily as he said expressionlessly looking absentminded " dont ask me . I no more understand this brother " he said as he sighed and started looking outside the window lazily . He was thinking a way to coax his brother so that he would not punish him .

As soon as they reached the duplex house , Kim tan opened the door for Suzy to get down . Just as she was about to get down , she tumbled and accidentally gave a peck on his cheeks . Her lips remained sealed on his cheeks until she abruptly pushed herself back and due to the sudden force she fell inside pulling him along with her . Moments passed but still they did not get up .

Back of Kim tans car, Kim ting who was sitting lazily choked hard when he saw the earlier incident . Even the bodyguards started to cough after seeing their sir boss being kissed on his cheeks by a cute little girl , and as soon as they fell inside , the drivers imagination started to run wild . More than theirs , Kim tings was even more higher level . He was already imagining his brothers future children running around him.