Three Sixty degree change ....

As the car drove off to Kim mansion , inside the car , Kim tan was grinning wide . He would chuckle a few times as he touched his cheek which was kissed earlier . Out of blue , he would laugh out thinking about the earlier incident shocking the driver and his bodyguard.

Beside him , Kim ting was already half dead . He was looking at his brother as if he's a ghost . He was really having lots of dog food these days . ' I need a girlfriend....soon ' he thought in his mind . Well he was actually determined to find one after seeing all those lovely incident . He wanted someone to mend his broken heart now .

Once they reached back to the Kim mansion , the head butler and the few other servants in the hall approached towards them to great them . Butler Antony has been working here since Kim tan and Kim ting were born . He was more like an uncle for them .

" good morning first young master " the butler greeted with a bow giving a polite smile .

"Oh , uncle ....very good morning to you too " Kim tan said , smiling wide . Seeing this side of Kim tan , the butler was utterly shocked .

He subconsciously holded his left side chest feeling that he may get a heart attack due to shock . The maids and the servants were also shocked to the core .Kim ting and the bodyguard almost choked seeing their happy boss .

The butler was already asking Kim ting what happened to Kim tan through his eyes . Sighing , kim ting signaled not to ask anything right now .

After changing into his business attire, Kim tan headed towards his office . He had three sixty degree change in his behavior right now . The shy , romantic, lover boy Kim tan could not be found anywhere within him . He had his cold and aloof aura surrounded him . It was like the spring earlier never exist .

Uncle Antony who earlier saw the lover boy Kim tan and now was seeing this cold business man , scratched his head in confusion and thought ' was I dreaming till now , did my boss actually changed in a minute ? ' . Still looking at his master in confusion and doubts , he bowed his head as Kim tan exited .

Kim ting was already dressed up and was waiting for his brother lazily. As he saw his cold stoic brother , his mood brightened up . His fan mood was instantly activated . Out of excitement , he gave a hard slap on his bodyguards back , making him to move two steps forward as he asked cheerfully.

" hey , hey ... am I hallucinating? Or is it really my brother "

The bodyguard looked at his childish boss in disbelief as he said " yes boss , it's really first boss " . But inside he was thinking ' ouch ! That hurts . Seriously, why did my boss had to beat me so hard....sigh ' .

As soon as he confirmed that he was not hallucinating , he ran towards his brother to hug him but his brother moved away from him and said " stay away from me " in a freezing voice .

All the way to the office , Kim ting was smiling and chuckling to himself as he peeped at his brother each second and was giggling like a teenage fan annoying both his brother and the bodyguard.

Reaching the office , Kim tan directly headed towards his Office . On the way his expression was cold and allof . The employees all greeted him along the way as soon as they saw him but Kim tan did not reply much , whereas kim ting was way more joyful today .

" hello , good morning my babies " he greeted all his female employees giving his most charming smile , which was just like an arrow for their heart .

" aww , second young master , you look too handsome today " said one of the employee

" yes yes , your the most handsome man in this universe " said the other one making him look pleased .

" second young master, your seem to be very happy today " asked one of the female employee out of curiosity.

" yes , I just got back what I was missing these days " he said , confusing all the female employees. After flirting with them he headed upstairs to his brothers office .

Suzy , as she reached home , she went upstairs and freshened before having her breakfast. Completing her meal , she headed to her secret room , where she usually handles her underworld business . Heading inside she started to check out the list of new missions which was yet to start and the list of completed mission and also the mission which was going on . Everything was going fine and steady, their organisation had good progress under her guidance . Every plan of the mission was submitted to her by her assistant since none of the member in the organization were aware about their boss .

Their was none of the mission they failed . Their were lots of members under the COBRA ( organization's name ) who were well trained and out of them their were five elite group , who were most dangerous and were applicable only to extreme missions .

Suzy was very much proud of her five famous elite group , but out of them she was very much proud of one elite group, specifically , she was proud of the leader of one of the group , the only female among the five leaders of the elite group , her cousin shanaya , daughter of her first uncle .

Everything was going on perfectly in the organization but their was only one problem and that was the European king . His attempt to find out about shadow never faded but increased even more . The European king had even kidnapped most of the Europe's best hackers only to find her . As day passed , their progress was good but was far from their reach . They atleast needed fifty years just to find out her identity . Making a note of this issue , Suzy headed out of the room .

Once she reached the hall she picked up the remote and played the current news . The current news was still about her as she expected but was way more than she expected . She was quite amused to see that people were debating about her in the news channel . A live telecast of Li mansion was also shown as the reporters were waiting for her out their when she was actually not present there .

Looking at all these foolish news , suzys lips curled up . Picking up her cell phone she called her manager and said . " hello sister biyu , I'm fine you dont have to worry much about me .....I called you because I want to hold a press meet ....yes ....please arrange them for me ....I'll be their soon " she said before hanging up .

' time to give you some sweets feng mian ' she thought smiling wickedly .

Heading to her room she changed into a simple yet elegant dress before driving off to bright star company .

As soon as the reporters were informed about the press meet , they rushed up to bright star a hour before . They were already waiting for mind blowing news . After encountering the previous press meet , they were all much aware that Suzy does not only speak through words . She will prove herself if shes never wrong , but quite in the corner of their heart , they were still having lots of doubts .

Their was still half an hour left for the press meet to begin , but the hall where the initial press meet was set was already full and in an uproar. The reporters were very much eagerly waiting for Suzy and once Suzy appeared they were all shocked .

Suzy appeared to the press meet with her mind blowing speech .