A New Breaking news

Looking at the little pluffy puppy, which was playing with its tail, Suzy was once again in aww . To her , only the puppy was visible , she did not even see a person next to her was in aww as he kept looking at her lovingly .

" do you like me ? " Kim tan voiced out his thought absent mindedly before he realized what did he say just now .

" hmm , did you say anything " Suzy asked as she thought she might have not heard him .

" ah , nothing nothing , I just asked whether you like the puppy " he said , trying to cover up his out spoken truth.

" oh , I dont only like it but I also love it . Thank you , thank you very much " she said happily , as she kept playing with the puppy .

" why don't you name it so that it would be easy for us to call " he suggested .

" oh , that's a great idea . Hmm , let me think what shd I name it .....hmm , yes i got it " she said with a wide grin plastered on her face .

" what name did you think off " he asked curious to know what name does his baby girl want to give to their little puppy .

" since it's a gift from a person who is very different from everyone , the name of the puppy should also be different "

" so ....? "

" I would like to name to suki " she said happily .

" suki? "

" since it's a gift from you and I own it now , I would like to name it suki . su from Suzy and ki from Kim tan , so I would like to name it as suki " she said and kept looking at the puppy not even bothering to look at certain someone who was already in his dream land . The name suki , which is the combination of both his and suzys name kept playing in his mind .

Though he looked expressionless , he was already partying inside.

As they kept playing with new little pluffy puppy , both of them did not realize when time had passed . It was already five at the evening . Since it was already late , Kim tan had to go back to his home though he was not willing to. Before going out he asked " uhm , Suzy, if you dont mind can I visit suki a few times, only when your home . I'll visit only if you are ok with it , no force " .

" ofcourse you can , you can come whenever you want , I dont mind . And you dont have to ask my permission to visit our little puppy " she said.

"Thank you " he said before biding his goodbye and went straight to his car which was parked outside .

Along the way he kept chuckling to himself as he kept mumbling something. " suki , Haha...what a nice name ....Haha. su from Suzy and ki from Kim tan so suki . Haha , baby your really smart " he said as he chuckled again.

After Kim tan left the place, Suzy carried her little puppy to her room and placed it at a quite place before exciting room . After closing the door without making a sound , she went straight to her secret room . For quite some time , she kept editing something on her computer . After editing it she checked it out to find any errors , when she found nothing which could make one doubtful, she emailed it to her assistant .

After the email was sent successfully , Suzy called her assistant and informed. " uncle, I want that video to be published on each and every channel. No matter what , I want that video to be on the screen by seven...hmm...you know what to do . I will leave this work to you " she said , before hanging up and exiting her room and went back to her room to play with her little suki .

As Suzy instructed , the video was being telecasted in every news . It was a video of the conversation of feng mian and mr sun at the cafe . Suzy had edited a few minor parts and had completely erased Li xiyings name . The conversation consisted only of Qin yue , mr sun and feng mian . As feng mian had stated to the press , she indeed apologized behalf of Suzy but the reason was quite different . Feng mian had actually apologized him for not being able to stop Suzy from revealing everything to the press and she even stated that she would find some ways to suppress her .

It had just been an hour or so , the new video was released, but it was already on the top in the search rank . People were cursing out feng mian for being so rude to Suzy. Suzys fans once again had started to protest to get justice for their idol .

The news channels were also discussing the same topic everywhere and were also interviewing people around . The news headlines " step mother's true face " ," feng mian indeed visited Mr sun to apologize , not because of the love she had on her but to suppress her " , " CEO feng mian trying to suppress her own step daughter " ," CEO feng mian , is she a wolf in a disguise ? " " what's the true colour of feng mian " " was Suzy always being bullied by feng mian " " a battle between a daughter and a step mother " " was it CEO feng mian who was behind all these things " were visible everywhere in the news .

The news was also been shown on the biggest screen of city x , and the passer by who watched all had different opinion. few had no opinions, Few were agitated , few felt pitty seeing Suzy, few were angered , few people who also suffered just like Suzy prayed in their heart that Suzy will not face the same thing .

Teenagers and die hard fans of Suzy were all angered to death seeing her being bullied . Suzys wiebo account also sky rocketed as soon as the news was released . The banner ' justice for Suzy resurfaced ' , few of suzys die hard fans even created a group named as " we are the knights " ready to fight for Suzy at her crucial times .

When most of the people in the country were supporting Suzy, feng mian was all messed up . Her office was turned into a mess , there were broken glass pieces and torn papers all over the ground . The computer screen had a few cracks causing damage to its display .

The cushions of sofa was also torn .

Feng mian was fuming as she sat on the ragged couch , breathing heavily . Due to frustration she had pulled her hairs which was all messed up . She no more looked like a CEO , she looked more like a street begger , but they would might look far better than her .

Earlier when she saw the news she was shocked . Though she had deleted the video in each and every server , but still someone had got hold of the video . Not long after the video was released , the share holders and directors were all calling at a time , the ringing sounds of her cell and the telephone were giving her head ache .

Within an hour , the shares of FM entertainment depleted in a large sum . Few of the share holders even decided to drop out . Just as she was thinking a way to deal with all these matters, she received a call from an unknown person .

" hello ? "

" miss , we found the sender . It was quite tough , after trying various tough key codes we finally found who was the sender , but we could not find the location "

" who is it " she asked hurriedly , but when she heard who it was she was shocked to the core .