Lee Seung Gi's scandal

" who is it " she asked impatiently.

" miss , the video was sent over to the media through a cell phone and when we traced to whom the cell phone belonged , we found the owner was mr sun " he said shocking feng mian to the core .never did she expect he would do such a thing .

" okay , I'll deal with him " she said before hanging up the call .

"That son of a bitch , be dared to expose me infront of everyone. Who the hell does he think " she said before calling another person , within three rings the person picked the call

" miss ? "

" get that son of a bitch right now , i want him right infront of my eyes within twenty four hours ....do you understand "

" yes miss , I'll send my guys to search him right now"

Ending the call she called her secretary to clean up the mess before heading out of the office . Reaching her private elevator she exited the company quietly without getting caught by any paparazzi or reporters .

Reaching home , she threw her bag furiously on the sofa . Sitting on the sofa she sighed heavily trying to control her burning rage inside . She was really furious to know who was behind all these things . Though she was informed the sender was mr sun , she was quite sure that someone else is also behind these , watching her every move .

Calming herself after quite a long breathing, she thought ways to stop these rumors or turn peoples attention towards someone else . After thinking for a while she thought of a solution and called her hacker team ,

" release the news " was the only thing she said before hanging up the call .

Exactly at ten , a new piece of breaking news was being promulgated in all the news channel's. The news of the nations pure goddess , Lee seung gi being the wife of an American underworld don and also having a two year old baby girl with him was firing up every where in the country . " True side of nations pure goddess " , " Lee seung gi , the mistress of an underworld don " , " the goddess who was so called pure woman was actually a supporter of a vicious man " .....and further more new headlines were all over the news .

Most of Lee seungi gi's true fans heart broke when they heard their idols shocking news . They had always supported her through out her courier. They had always been with her together through thin and thick , but they broke when they heard their idol had other side of story .

Seeing her news being forgotten easily over another news , feng mian laughed in satisfaction . Though she knew she was not yet out of the hold of reporters , she was sure they would not give much attention to her .

The more interesting thing was , the company to which Lee seung gi belonged was none other than Bright star , her rival company .

Though her company might have lost a few shares, she was sure she can get double of it back when bright star was going to drown . But what feng mian had never thought was , Suzy, the master mind will never let that happen .

In the duplex house, Suzy sat on her sofa leaning back as she watched the news of Lee seung gi . she felt pity and was slight guilty .

Suzy had expected feng mian to create some drama , but she never expected that she would reveal someone else's dark secret just to suppress her misdeeds, moreover feng mian had especially released news of the actor belonging to their company . She was killing two birds with one stone and Suzy was really impressed because....she likes rough players to play with .

Even if feng mian did not release Lee seung gi's news right now , she was sure sooner or later she would . Since feng mian had revealed someone else secret to make their life miserable as well as her company's, why not turn those miserable life into something else . What Suzy wanted to do right now was .....play with her enemy by failing their plans and feng mian was a women who was too proud of her scheming ability.

The next morning, as feng mian had thought there were very few reporters standing out of her company . Stepping down her car wearing a black business suit and sunglass she appeared infront of the reporters who were waiting for her answer.

" miss feng mian , is everything In that video true ? , did you really went to their to apologize not for her so called misdeeds but to apologize for not suppressing her "

" no , everything in that video is not true . Someone has edited it , they had edited my voice so that people would get it wrong "

" and why would they? "

" I don't know , but the investigation is going on , soon we will find who is the person behind all these miss guiding news "

" then CEO feng mian , what did you actually do their "

" I had apologized , and most probably I requested him not do any harm to my step daughter . Though I'm not her mother by blood , but I love her just like my daughter "

After giving response to a few more questions she went straight towards her elevator with a smile on her face . The reporters also did not ask much questions , they just had asked a few and left the place .

At the entrance of bright star , tons of reporters were all waiting for Lee seung gi' s arrival . They were interviewing few of the employees and actors under bright star to get more information but they did not get hold of much. Most of them avoided to be interviewed and few just expressed their support to Lee seung gi .

Along with the reporters , their were large group of her ex fans and anti fans , protesting against her . They wanted justice for their honesty and the trust they had on her until yesterday.

Not too long after that , Lee seung gi appeared with four bodyguards around her shielding her from the reporters .

As soon as Lee seung gi appeared the reporters started to bombard , trying to interview but due to the bodyguards strong protection , she managed to get inside safely .

The anti fans and her ex fans also bursted out as soon they saw Lee seung gi , but they were all held by security guard befor she even appeared. Even though they broke from the security guards hold , she was already in before they could make their way towards her .

Even after she dissapeared from their sight , the people still stayed and waited for her there , hoping to get a chance to interview her .

Not long after Lee seung gi had went inside , Suzy also appeared coming out of her car with her manager . She had just happened to come right after Lee seung gi . The reporters who were disappointed for not getting an interview of Lee seung gi brightened as soon as they saw Suzy coming in . They could atleast use this time to ask few questions about the previous news .

" Suzy, Suzy...what do you feel about the previous news about your stepmother "

" Suzy, were you aware of your step mother's wrong doing ? "

" Suzy, your step mother had confessed that the video must be tampered and that's not what she actually said . Do you believe her words ? "