Enlightened By Suzy

" Suzy, how do you feel about your step mother " the reporters kept questioning her but Suzy just moved on .

When she was finally infront of her office entrance she climbed two steps up and turned around to give a better view for ever reporter . Taking one of the mic from a reporter she answered for all their questions in one go " hello everyone . Please stay quiet so that I can answer every one of yours question . About yesterday's news , I dont have much opinion about it . I'm sure she loves me and I'm not at all bothered by the news , and wether she did it or not , if she did , thank you it made me strong , if not , still , thank you for not doing it " she said before handing the mic back . She turned around and was just about to walk when one of the reporter asked her

" Suzy, Suzy...wait a minute . One more question " he asked , a bit louder .

Suzy halted on her place and turned to face the reporter " yes please "

" Suzy, what do you think about the scandal of Lee seung gi , what do you think about her after seeing her true colour . Do you still respect her as your senior or do you feel disgusted? " he asked and the other reporters also looked at her eagerly , stretching their mic forwards waiting for her reply .

Suzy smiled wickedly before replying " huh....true colour ? ...mister , can you please tell me what true colour are you talking about ?"

" Suzy , please dont deviate the topic or play dumb " one if the reporter said rolling his eyes .

"No , iam not " she retorted innocently.

seeing her innocent look , the reporter raised his hand as if defeated by her innocence and continued briefly " Suzy, Lee seung gi has been a wife to an American don and Also have a daughter with him . She had been hiding this all along and acted pure infront of the public , now that her true colour has been revealed , what do you say about it " .

" mister , you should better correct your vocabulary , because the true colour your saying has never changed . She had not been acting pure and innocent infront of public and evil inside . Shes pure outside as well as inside . The scandal your talking about is her being a wife of an American don and not being vicious or wicked "

" so Suzy, what do you mean ? , do you say that we are wrong and we are at fault for actually criticizing her misdeeds " one of the reporter asked arrogantly.

" offcourse not .but what I mean is you never understood senior Lee " she said

" how is it possible. We understand her way more than public. " one of the reporter said coldly , boosting as if they knew her the most .

Suzy Looked at the reporter with an amazed look as she spoke

" understand? , oh pls...don't spoil its meaning. If you did understand then you would never criticizing her harshly " looking at the reporters who were loocking at her with mixed emotions she continued " have you ever thought what were the hard things she had faced ? , have you ever thought why she might have taken that decision ? , Have you ever asked her what difficulties did she face ? , have you ever asked why did she do it ? Have you ever given them a chance to speak ? do you truly understand her feelings ? " she said and the reporters took a step back in shame , " and ..." looking at those anti fans who were all protesting earlier, she asked them sarcastically " you people ...you people call urself as her fans but when shes facing something worst you people turn into her anti fans . Have you guys ever thought why your idol had actually not shown her vulgar side ? If you did you would never be standing here holding those banners protesting against her " hearing suzys straightforward words , the anti fans and ex fans lowered their head and stepped back . " I , Suzy, request you all not to judge a book by its cover. The person might appear happy but she might be struggling inside , she may act good but she might be vicious inside . You can't judge anything just by hearing one side story " she said before turning around but suddenly one of the reporter raised his hands up and asked in a low voice , " Suzy do you also have a dark and painful secret " making Suzy to halt on her place . Turning her head back ,with a sad smile on her face she said " I do " before leaving the place .

Since the interview was broadcasted live on few news channels, which the other channels also followed , the tables were already half turned . This news quite stirred up the public's attention. Each and every word from Suzy was like an arrow to each and everyone's head . Many of the citizens who also had the same opinion as the reporters changed after hearing suzys interview which was like buddha's enlightenment to each and everyone . among them there were few who were still stubborn but that was not a matter at all .

The reporters were also enlightened with new thoughts . The fans who were all harsh earlier turned softer and were determined to know everything about their idol and support her .

The employees , staff and the actors of bright star who were all watching live broadcast clapped their hand feeling proud to have such an amazing person within their company .

When Suzy walked inside a passing through the employees , the staff all greeted her with a wide smile ,as they clapped their hands in unison . They continued clapping and cheering even when she disappeared inside the elevator .

Reaching the top floor , Suzy went directly to Kim lans office . Just as she entered , before she could even look at the people inside , someone bumped her , hugging her as she kept thanking her . Pulling that person back , Suzy wiped her tears before saying " senior Lee, you don't have to cry. You did nothing wrong , I know it was really tough for you . You have worked hard " she said as she gave a pretty smile


" thank you very much Suzy. You were the only one who had actually voiced out my

thoughts . Thank you " she said , as she hugged her again .

" hehe , senior Lee actually I'm also one of your fan " she said as she giggled like a little child , and Lee seung gi just laughed as she was amazed to see the earlier brave women now acting childish and cute infront of her .

After speaking to Lee seung gi , Suzy went forward and hugged her darling Kim lan .

" oh , my baby I missed you soo much you know " Kim lan said as she hugged her tightly .

" I missed you too darling , I missed you so soo much . You left me for a week " she said as she hugged her tightly , cuddling each other .

Lee seung gi smiled as she saw the too sweet bff hugging each other like anything and she was quite shocked at the same time . Kim lan , the cold and strict CEO was acting childish infront of Suzy and Suzy was also acting childish with her .

After cuddling , giggling and hugging , they finally sat on the coach to speak business . The earlier childishness was replaced by seriousness on both of their face. It was like the earlier childish friends did not even exist and Lee seung gi was once again amazed .

The PR head also entered the office just after they settled to discuss about Lee seung gi's current situation .

He had tried his might to suppress the news but he could not as someone stronger was actually not allowing him to .

After suggesting few ways to clear the rumours he waited for Kim lans further instruction.

Kim lan glanced at Suzy as she asked " what do you think ? "

Suzy gave a playful smile as she replied " you know what I'm thinking "