" you know what iam thinking "

" Haha, okay then . Lets go with the reality show "

" okay boss . I'll arrange one of the talk show for miss Lee seung gi " the PR manager said as he got up to leave but was stopped by Suzy.

" wait , I'll arrange the show for senior Li " Suzy said thinking something deeply .

" but miss suzy ----" just as he was about to speak Suzy cut him off and said with a smile .

" don't worry , I have a better plan " she said .

" what are you planning now " Kim lan asked a little enthusiastically , Lee seung gi also looked at her curiously on what she had planned to .

" Live with Anna " was the only thing she said but Kim lan gasped.

" wait , are you saying you are actually sending Lee seung gi to ' live with Anna ' ? , damn that show is truly a bad idea " Kim lan said .

Well , indeed. 'live with Anna' is one of the top reality show . out of hundred guest , only few were unaffected but most of the celebrities were caught in one or the other scandal after that , which means , during the show, their hidden truth would be revealed either by themselves or by host. During the show , their would be various activities to entertain them but out of them one dangerous thing is the truth machine .

This show is more like a death show , the host scares the guest with their crazy and straightforward questions . Most of the current actors avoid these kind of shows inorder be safe and secure . But this show was all about the truth . Whatever the person said was always the truth . even if they lied , it was easily caught by the anchor as well as the truth machine .

Even though knowing all these things , Suzy still choose this talk show as the best one for Lee seung gi . Before confirming she asked Lee seung gis opinion .

" senior Lee, are you afraid of anything? "

" no "

" are you ready to face the truth bravely ? "

" yes iam "

" are you ready to face the consequences after that "

" yes iam "

" senior Lee , this is the last Time I'll ask you . Are you willing to go to the show ? "

" yes iam "

" perfect , then it's fixed . I'll arrange it sooner " she said happily .

" but baby, why did you choose this show ? "

" because this is the only show which can clear up everything . This talk show is like a show only for the people who are truthful . It's the only place where senior li can Express her thought freely , even if you attend plenty of shows and say the same thing it won't be that effective so the best choice is 'live with Anna' . The only thing we need to do is be brave and truthful and that's all it takes ." She said satisfying both of their curiosity.

After speaking for few more minutes , Lee seung gi left the office to complete few of her unfinished business.

Now , only Suzy and Kim lan were left in the office . Suzy and Kim lan were sipping on their teas as they listened to each other . Out of nowhere Suzy thought of something and asked " darling "

" hmm? "

" you were planning to host a new show right? "

" yes , but why? "

" I have a plan " she said as she placed her tea cup down .

" what plan ? " Kim lan asked as she was excited to know suzys plan .

" why not try a reality show where people can Express their emotions , sadness , happiness and memories? "

" like ? " she asked , as she felt this was going to be interesting .

" this show is simple . It's a reality show were you can invite successful and legendary people to share their memories, like their hardwork, their sweet memories, their untold problems which they faced . We can also ask our hackers team to get a few information and we could present it during the show "

" hmm , interesting "

" we should also invite their families and friends and give them opportunity to speak about their memories with the guest "

" wow baby you are just genius "

" offcourse iam "

" so now , I'll discuss this with the board directors , I'll make a detailed plan of it later "

" hmm good . Ask me if you need any help "

" sure . Well whom should we choose as a host "

" well , I'll leave that to you . It's better to have a host who can help the guest to enjoy the show , bring happiness along with the memories , who should be able to cheer them and most importantly...he/she should be able to understand the guest "

Hearing to all the dicription , their was only one person who came to her mind ." I got it , there is a person who fits for this position " she said as she smiled mischievously.

" oh , then that's good . Now , shall we move on with our plan " asked Suzy.

" sure baby " Kim lan said as they both went out of their room and headed down to the parking lot .

Previously , Kim lan and Suzy had decided to spend time together in suzys home and have a girls day when Kim lan returns , and now when she had finally returned after her business trip , both of them were excited about their girls day . Heading to the parking lot , they headed to suzys duplex home in her Porsche car .

It did not take much time for them to reach her house . Getting inside the house , Kim lan sat on the sofa, leaning her head back . Suzy went into the kitchen to prepare some snacks.

As she was preparing , Kim lan got up and asked hurriedly " Suzy, I want to pee. Where's the washroom? "

" first floor " she said without even lifting her head .

After finishing her nature's call , Kim lan came out of the room , closing the door from behind and she just happened to see the door of suzys next room was unlocked. Everytime she visited Suzy, this door was always locked , and whenever she asked about this room Suzy would either say nothing or change the topic , but Kim lan always felt their was something in this room and Suzy had always called this as her secret room .

With a mischievous smile , Kim lan opened the door. As it was little dark, she searched for the switches . As soon as she switched on the lights, Kim lan was shocked to the core .

" OH....MY. ...GODZILLA "