Childhood sweetheart

Suzy , who was preparing their snacks halted when she suddenly remembered that unlocked door . She was very careless and had forgotten lock it before she headed out of her house .

As soon as the light bulb lit up , Suzy ran upstairs . She was very sure about her best friends curiosity towards this particular room . Increasing her phase , she ran upstairs hurriedly but she was too late .

Before she could even pull Kim lan out , Kim lan was already in shock after she saw what was inside , as she commented with her wide eyes "OH...MY....GODZILLA " and Suzy could only bite her lips .

Suzy was utterly embarrassed to face her bestfriend right now . Leaning back to the door , she kept her head down , hiding her face which turned crimson red , biting her lips hard not having the courage to look at Kim lan .

Tuning around slowly , kim lan looked at Suzy " am I dreaming? " she asked robotically as she looked at Suzy with a blank expression . Suzy nodded her head as if saying ' yes you are ' but shook her head the next second as if saying ' no you are not ' confusing Kim lan .

" is this the so called secret room of yours " she asked robotically again and Suzy nodded in response .

" was this the reason you shove me away whenever I wanted to enter this room " she asked with the same expression and again Suzy nodded in response .

Taking her gaze off Suzy, she looked up front blankly , as she said " can I have a cup of coffee? " and started to walk down robotically and even stumbling a few times and Suzy just followed her like a little chipmunk .

Going downstairs , Kim lan let her shocked body fall on the couch, as she lied her head on her hand resting on the arm chair , still looking blank and Suzy busied herself making a cup of coffee as she took a couple of glance of her bestfriends reactions but saw nothing other than a blank expression .

Flash back , a few minutes before .......

As Kim lan opened the door , she was utterly shocked , her mind became numb . She felt as if her soul was pulled out of her body as she said " OH...MY....GODZILLA " under her breath with a blank expression on her face . What she saw inside the room was really surprising .

( and I know my readers are very curios to know what was that thing which surprised her to this extent ...😉 )

The Secret Room~~

It was quite a big room painted in red , infact bigger than suzys room . Their was an attached spacious bathroom with a walkin closet , a white leather wing chair , and a king size pluffy white bed at the middle .

The walls of the room were covered with photographs in various size and frame of a man .

The photo collection had various different photos of the man starting from the age of five until twenty four , that is his current age .

Their were many candid pictures among them . Their was also a huge photo frame of the young man just above the headboard of bed , wearing a white shirt and a black pant with blank sunglasses on . He looked much younger and handsome and offcourse he was looking sexy in that formal dress , completely different from his usual look .

Their were also few photos which was hung using a satin ribbon . The ceiling above was painted showing a five year old kid holding a five year old girls little hand , as they licked their lollipop walking hand-in-hand . It was a heart welming picture . In one sentence " it was Suzys little world " .

The man in all those picture and painting was none other than Kim tan . Their were picture of him with a little cute girl of same age as they both played sand castle . Their was a picture where Suzy and Kim tan stood together , showing their teeth holding their two pretty dolls as they stood near their sand castle .

Their was another photo of a cute girl , dressed as princess as she was presenting a pretty pink gift to the boy as he blushed while taking it . Their were lot more pictures but it was comparably less . They had pictures of them together only until age ten . The remaining pictures were all of Kim tans which she had taken secretly after stalking for days .

Present .....

Kim lan had the last drop of her coffee as she looked at her friend., " I think theirs an explanation for this " she said as she put the cup down with a thud , seriousness showing all over her face .

Suzy smiled sheepishly before she smiled

" actually , baby th----" but Suzy was cut off by Kim lan as she gave her friend an annoying look before she said " I want the truth "

" hehe , actually---"

"Straight to the point " Kim lan said sternly and Suzy could only give up before she started .

" your cousin brother is my childhood sweetheart. We grew together until we were ten years old but we parted unfortunately "

Kim lan nodded as she gestured her to continue and Suzy could only sigh and continue " I met him when we were five . Kim tans mother and my mom were both best friends during their childhood. Both of them graduated and married at the same time. They both got pregnant at the same time too . When they both reunited , we both were five years . As soon as we met each other we became really good friends...may be more than that " she said shyly before continuing " I started to like Kim tam very much , no I loved him very much , the only man I had ever loved "

" then what about your finance Han yifeng? " Kim lan asked as she was puzzled why would Kim lan choose han yifeng when she actually loved her cousin brother .

Suzy's eyes darkened as she said with a smirk " Han yifeng ? , I never loved him . Its was only an engagement made between my so called father with my stepmothers brother just to take advantage of me . after Kim tan , I decided not to love any man and no one could even take his place in my heart "

" wait , I'm a little confused "

She sighed before she said " forget about about my family for now "

" oh , okay but what happened then ? "

" Kim tan and myself started to get close , infact very close that it was tough to separate us once we unite . Aunty Kim and my mom had to do lots of sweet talks and promises just to take us back home "

" hmm....and..."

" As both of our mothers saw us getting along together , my mother and aunty Kim already considered us as a couple and even dreamed about it . The first time when they said us about it we did not understand what they meant , but we quite liked it . We even started to play husband and wife and even had our toys as our children....haha" she giggled as she remembered those lovely moments . But then her eyes turned dark and sad , noticing that Kim lan asked worriedly

" baby what happened? "

" what I wish should have never happened . I got to know about my mother's death and after that I was completely taken away by father and then suddenly my step mother appeared . No one else other than myself knew about my mother's connection with aunty Kim , even I could not do anything but just become dead in Kim tans vision . Later I dont know what happened to him after that " she said as she sighed , but later she started to giggle as she said mischievously " but I got a paparazzi to click his photo and send it to me " she said as she beamed and Kim lan giggled. Well she knew what actually happened later on.....


Haha...Hey guys .

well I actually saw every comment of yours and I found many of you curios about Suzy's odd behavior and the reason why I had not clarified and let your imagination go wild was because of this twist I wanted to give . I hope many of you will be surprised ...waiting for your reactions , and please do share how did you feel after reading the chap....😉😉