15th June XXXX

15 th June XXXX

On a stormy day ,the sky was dark ... full of dark grey clouds , lightning striking in between the clouds with a loud thunder .

Inside a beautiful mansion , a happy family of seven were having their dinner peacefully . Laughter was ringing at every corner of the dining table . Even though , their was a storm outside , their was spring everywhere around the dining hall , filled with warmth and love .

But this environment did not last long . One of the butler came up hurriedly as he handed over the mobile phone to Mrs kim saying it was an important call .

Keeping the phone at her ears , Mrs Kim spoke politely , but suddenly her expression changed , her eyes grew wide in shock , the mobile phone which was in her hand dropped down with a loud thud as Mrs kim lost her strength and fainted due to shock . Before she could even fall down , Mr Kim who was at her right held her by her shoulder , making her lean into his embrace . He tried to wake her up many times but she could not as she was already unconscious .

Mrs Kim was taken to the hospital as soon as she fainted . Letting his younger brothers wife next to her , to take care of her , Mr Kim and his younger brother headed out to the VIP waiting room . When they were finally at the VIP room , Mr Kim asked his assistant what had happened .

" what happened ? , who was the one who called her ? " he asked coldly , making the assistant shiver .

" S...Sir , the person who called Mrs kim earlier was the assistant of miss zhen "

" miss Zhen lans assistant? But why ? " he asked , as he had a feeling that something wasn't right .

" Miss Zhen and her daughter Li roulan .....they are dead " he said in a sad tone .

Hearing this, Mr Kim gasped and stood up in shock , as he asked in a loud voice " what ? But how? "

" they met with an accident , due to severe injury , they died on the spot " the assistant informed.

Mr Kim cletched his heart unconsciously after hearing it and asked with his head down , as his trembling hand tightened into a fist

" wh....where are they ? When did this happen? "

" They are now in the hospital , the funeral will be held tomorrow . The accident took place at six " he said before continuing " but sir .....Miss Zhen's assistant had given us a notice saying not to attend their funeral . The Li family doesnt know about lady Zhens identity , they especially dont want her husband to know that "

" hmm , I understand " he said before dismissing his assistant . A drop of tear fell from his eyes as soon as his assistant left .

He liked zhen lan as a sister , she was always sweet to him calling him brother in law and greeting him politely . More than that , he was very much connected to her daughter Li Roulan ( a.k.a Suzy) . He was always soft to her and treated her well , infact much better than his own sons. When his wife informed him that zhen lan and herself decided to pair up Li Roulan with Kim tan , he was the most happiest person , infact he had even started mental preparation of their wedding plan and he was much excited about his future grandchildren who would have genius Gene's.

But now , when he heard that his pretty baby girl died along with his sister , his heart broke into pieces. He could not even imagine how his wife may feel when she'll wake up .

When Mr Kim was in a deep thinking , a little child heart was broken into millions of pieces .

As soon as he saw his mother faint , Kim tan had a bad feeling , infact his heart was in pain , giving out a bad omen .

When his father made his way out , Kim tan , Kim ting and Kim lan also followed them behind slowly without making a sound .

When the assistant was explaining everything to Mr kim , the three children's were hiding behind the wall and were listening carefully .

The moment the assistant said that his sweetheart and his aunty were dead , he felt the whole world fell on In him . His legs fell week , as he slowly slidded down and sat on his knees, looking straight with his wide open eyes blankly . His brain stopped working , his little heart felt as though it was stabbed with thousands of arrow . Everything dissapeared slowly , and his eyes became numb . The only thing he could see was his sweetheart , her dazzling smile , her pouting face , her cute acts .....only she came infront of her eyes .

Kim ting and Kim lan who were with Kim tan from the beginning were shocked too , they felt like crying , but when they saw Kim tan , they were worried . They tried to wake him up calling his name , shaking his shoulder , but Kim tan did not even move , nor did he utter any word .

Kim lan was startled and worried , with no other choice , she went to her father and her big uncle as she cried . Hearing Kim lan , both the brothers headed out hurriedly and saw Kim tan sitting on the floor with no moments . after trying hard for a long time , Kim tan finally stood up , as he followed his father with his head down . The whole day he kept looking blank and quite. He neither cried nor spoke .

A month passed and Mrs kim was finally discharged from the hospital after getting treated for a whole month . After that incident , she had suffered depression for weeks and hence could not go out of the house . Returning back home , only then did Mrs kim learn about her elder sons condition .

After that day , Kim tan had a huge change . The sweet , cheerful , talkative and mischievous little Kim tan could no more be seen , the Kim tan they saw then was cold , distant , silent boy . He never talked nor played with his toys or his big brother . He even stopped running around and irritating his uncle Antony. That Kim tan then became was much obedient person and he especially respected and obeyed his mother .

Seeing such a condition of her son , Mrs Kim was really hurt . No Matter how much ever she tried , he did not speak nor did he show any expression . He even stopped sharing his feelings to his his younger brother and little sister .

That day , became a nightmare for Kim tan . It caused him a huge trauma . That day , the old Kim tan died and a new Kim tan was born .

After taking continuous therapy's from psychologist for almost three years , only then did Kim tan started to speak and smile , but he spoke less as if he treasured his words , his smile was not that bright like before , but still they could not get back the same Kim tan . But Mrs kim was still satisfied , she was happy that she could atleast hear his sons voice again .

Years passed and the ten year old Kim tan was twenty two now . He had especially worked hard both in studies and physical training . Due to continuous hardwork , Kim tan became the youngest businessman in the world making both his mother as well as his father proud and Kim ting became an underworld king at the age of twenty one and became the second most youngest underworld don , but he never revealed his true identity , he was known as Mr Z .

Every year on June 15th , Kim tan would lock himself inside his room the whole day . He would never come out of his room , nor have anything . He would starve for whole day . Even if there was an important meeting , Kim tan would never attend it on that particular day , so every year on thay day , None of his clients could meet him .

On June 15th , the Kim mansion would become silent . It was as if the Kim family were praying for them who were in heavens , to rest in piece showing their sincerity through silence . None of them in the mansion ever knew what their young master actually do inside the room , but they never dared to even knock his door or disturb him , they were very afraid to do so .......