Throwing her out of the house!!!

That was not the end. Turning toward her assistant, she gestured him to hand her the list he had prepared beforehand. Taking the list from her assistant, she looked through the names and passed it to the new housekeeper Rong Wie and said " I want all these people to assemble here right now "

Nodding her head, Rong Wie received the list from Li Ben xing and started to call out the names of the maids and servants that were listed aloud. all the employees who were called out assembled in front of Li Ben xing with their heads down. When Mrs. Rong Wie finished reading out the names, she lifted her head and looked at Li Ben Xing for further orders.

Looking at the whole group of housemaids and servants assembled in front of her, she asked coldly "is everyone from the list present here?"

"Yes madam"

"hmm….from now on, you don't have to work here anymore. Receive your payment and leave the house today. You are all fired"