Nose Bleed!!

Looking at his mobile screen, Kim tan gulped a mouthful of saliva and looked at the sexy picture without moving his gaze. No matter how he tried, he could not move his gaze away from the screen.

"Kim tan…kim tan…are you okay?" Suzy asked as she saw Kim tan looking at her in trance.

Hearing Suzy's voice, Kim tan was finally back to his sense. Moving his gaze away from the scream, he started to cough abruptly. Looking at the screen from the corner of his eyes, he said in a low and husky voice " baby…cough cough….it would be better if you change your position"

"Huh? Change my position? But I feel comfr-----Ahhhh!!" finally understanding the reason behind Kim's tan's weird behavior, Suzy screamed in embarrassment and swiftly changed her position and held a pillow in front of her chest like a shield.