The Good news is.....

"you…"Mr. Jiang was enraged. looking at Suzy coldly he said " Miss Suzy, give up your position"

"what if I will not?" she asked back carelessly looking at her trimmed nails.

"Miss Suzy, if you don't give up your position then we are going to withdraw our position as shareholders"

Hearing the exact sentence which she had wanted to, Suzy's eyes lit up and she said excitedly" Sure sure…..this was what I was hoping for"

Hearing Suzy's words, the other shareholders were shocked. Initially, they expected Suzy to give up her positions just for the sake of shareholders, never did they expect that she was on her toes to shoo them away,

Gritting their teeth hard, Mr. Jiang looked at Suzy coldly and said" Hmph….how will a spoiled brat know the value of shares and shareholder to a company. Hah…its of no use talking to a spoiled brat. Call Elder Mr. Li…only he can make perfect decision."