Too many annoying flies...get rid of them..

Hearing that, Suzy chuckled lightly and said with a smile " Lousy company? Well…I hope Mr. Jiang won't change his words and attitude after hearing the news. So, I will not make you wait any longer..…Everyone the good news is....the Kim corporation and the Li corporation is going to work together in their next project and Kim corporation is even willing to make future deals with Li corporation if we succeed in this project and….the Li corporation is going to receive forty percent of the profit which is likely a big amount for the Li corporation"

Once Suzy completed her announcement, shock was visible on everyone's face including Elder Li.

"Li..little Zy…thi-this…are you saying the truth?" Elder Mr. Li asked out of shock but there was a tinge of excitement in his deep black eyes.

Looking at her grandfather lovingly, she said with a smile "yes grandpa….its indeed true. We have sealed the deal long back"

"Im…impossible" one of the board of director mumbled