Who said he is going to work there?

"Luo Shen"

Turning around, he saw a young man of the same age looking extremely handsome, standing tall with an arrogant attitude. This young boy back then was Luo Shen's classmate. He was always second in every aspect whereas Luo Shen was first. Luo Shen had more number of admirers as well as marks in the whole school and was also first in sports. This indifference between them always made An Yi jealous of Luo Shen and he would always go to any extent just to come first but still…no matter what, he could not defeat Luo Shen.

Looking at the young man expressionlessly, Luo Shen did not show any interest to speak.

Seeing Luo Shen's lack of response, An Yi smiled coldly and sneered "Ah…it is Luo Shen the great"


"what…are you shocked to see me here? I bet you have never expected to see me right?"


"So sad, though you were first in everything back in school, you still lost to me...tsk tsk, now do you know who is the real winner "