Suzy….I have something to tell you

The smile the uncle and nephew had disappeared in an instant, and a bad feeling started to build up inside their heart.

Seeing the curious gazes on her, Suzy continued "The place where he belongs is at the top floor, next to my office"

"CEO Li, you mean….."

"From now onwards, Luo Shen is going to work as my secretary as well as my assistant"

Once Suzy completed her words, silence engulfed in the whole hall. Everyone was shocked by Suzy's declaration, but more than anyone, Luo Shen was the one who was shocked out of his sense. Everything seemed to turn black and he could hear only Suzy's words.

Raising his head, when he looked at Suzy with a mixed feeling, Suzy smiled at him and patted his shoulder before saying "You deserve it. Now don't waste your time and get back to your work….you have a lot to do"