Just consider him as one!!

Hearing that question, the grey uniformed men could not help but say proudly " Yes, she is our team captain…what, do you want to fight?"

Scared, the one who asked the question immediately backed out "Woah…bro, we don't take that chance. Over leader 'Carrot' (Shanaya) is already very tough for us to handle, we don't want one more strong woman to add up to that list"

"Sigh…..women are really something, they are almost good in every aspect"


Inside a room where a monitor was placed, all the five people were sitting on a round table waiting for Suzy to speak as she was busy typing something few codes on her laptop. Wen Xiao who was sitting closer to her was observing her carefully while trying to grasp some points from. Feeling Wen Xiao's stare, Suzy slowly looked up and saw her staring at her screen. Curious, Suzy asked, " Do you understand what I'm doing?"