I'm here to assist you!!

"Mr. Zhen, are the criminals that our enemy requested been brought?" Kim tan asked with a cold light in his eyes.

"Yes, they are currently locked inside a container. Before we locked them up, they were fed with medicines that Shadow has sent. The criminals will not be able to wake up for forty-eight hours and before locking them, we have even checked them. As a further safety measure, we have chained their hands, legs, and throat with chains. If they try to break the chain, they will be electrocuted" Genera Zhen explained patiently.

"Great…..but general Zhen, we are not going to send them along with our Army troops," Kim tan said with a cold smile.

"Mr. Kim, what do you mean?" General Zhen asked looking puzzled.

"These criminals are very dangerous. We cannot put the army's life at stake and…..we also don't know who is our traitor so…we can't take risk"
