Make a Mark!!

After finalizing the spokesperson for the product, Luo Shen and Suzy made their way out of the meeting hall after bidding goodbye for the director and producer. When they were quite far away from people, Suzy suddenly stopped in the middle of the corridor and turned towards Luo Shen while looking at him suspiciously.

Sensing Suzy's gaze, Luo Shen touched his face in reflex and asked awkwardly "Ah…is there anything on my face?"

"No" Suzy replied plainly and continued staring at him.

Feeling uncomfortable and at the same time scared, Luo Shen shrank back and asked "Then, why are you looking at me? Is there anything wrong with my face?"

Without replying to his questions, she folded her hands in front of her chest and asked "Spill the beans"

Confused, Luo Shen asked "Beans?"

"From when is this going on?" Suzy asked

"Uhhhh….Sister, can you please tell me what's wrong? I don't have any idea on what are you talking about"