She’s going to be the death of my little brother

When Suzy was just about to get up from his lap, she was pressed back and was held by her waist tightly. Even when she tried to get up, she could not even move When she lifted her face, she saw Kim tan's dark eyes and devilish smile sending her electric current down her spine and an ominous feeling started to rise slowly.

God knows how he felt when Suzy's lips landed on his chest. When her tongue touched his skin, it was as if an electric current passed through his blood making him shudder. Looking at her grinning like a kid after marking on him, Kim tan wanted to rip her dress and mark her everywhere. His little brother was especially having a hard time to control its growth.

Shivering under his dark gaze, Suzy wanted to flee away from him, but before she could even think of escaping, she heard Kim tan's low husky voice near her lips "Since you have already marked me….isn't it right for me to make my mark"