Your thing is small!!!

Walking inside her office, the first thing Suzy did was to call her hubby and thank him for his present.

Her earlier''Want to bang my hubby' was replaced by 'Want to kiss my hubby'. With that thought in mind, Suzy called her hubby as soon as she reached her working desk.

"Did you receive the gift?" Kim tan asked as soon as the call was connected.

"Hmm…I received"

"Do you like it?"

"Hmm….very much" after a pause, she asked, "you still remember my favorite chocolate?"

"Hmm…how can I not remember things when it comes to you?"

Giggling, Suzy cleared her throat and exclaimed "Hmm…good that you remember that" after a pause, she said "Thank you"

"Mmmm…instead of thank you why not gift me something?" Kim tan asked playfully

"Haha…what do you need?"

"A Kiss" Kim tan replied almost in a whisper

"Hmm…a kiss is too little for a gift"

"then what do you want to gift me?" Kim tan asked curiously