I guess you need to take a cold shower!!

"What? What the hell…even if my thing is not as big as my brother, it is far bigger when compared with yours"

".…" after realizing something, Assistant John asked " How do you say so?" with late realization, he stepped a back and covered his chest and asked in disbelief "Hey, you dint peek into my bathroom while I was bathing right?"

Throwing the file on the table, Kim ting almost yelled "What the hell? Do you think I am a pervert? And….why will I sneak into your room? I'm fucking straight"

Squinting his eyes, Assistant John asked: "Then…how do you know?"

Looking at him in disdain, Kim ting sneered "Do I need to see to tell that? Just by your appearance, I can say that your's is not that big"


Stepping forward, Kim ting patted his shoulder like a bro and said "Man, you need to grow up or else…don't blame yourself when your fiance run's away"