Where did you buy the confidence to pursue me?

Taking the invitation from the secretaries hand, Suzy read the contents of the invitation and she could not help but raise her eyebrow.

The invitation was from Jiang chu and he was inviting Suzy to dine with him. To others and commoners, it might look as simple as just counting the other person but to those who were well versed in this circle knew more than that.

Though Suzy was not aware of his intentions and plan she was well aware that it was nothing good.

Signaling the secretary to leave, Luo Shen looked at his sister who was deep in thought and was playing with the invitation.

"What do you plan to do? Are you going to attend?"

"Hmm…what do you think I should do?"

"It's better if you don't. That guy must have some intention if he had invited you and it's not like your character if you go just because someone invited you"