The hidden world - part 2

in the year 2010 , NASA had discovered a derelict ship on the suface of mars through one of it's rovers, the U.S.A secretly sent a team of astronauts to the surface of mars, as the cost and technology required to bring the said astronauts was not available at that time, the astronauts were essential sent on a suicide mission with a promise that their families will be well taken care of .

after studying the ship for 4 months the team came to a conclusion that there was a underground base somewhere n the vicinity , after searching for 2 years they found the base , but what they had found shocked them to the core, they had found human bodies at least 4 billion years old preserved in strange capsules , they also found many hieroglyphs which were similar to Egyptian, Celtic, Sanskrit and many other ancient languages, after studying the symbols for an entire year , they were able to translate them,

the symbols told them that humanity were the descendants of an ancient species known as marodians , they were the resident species of mars , they were very advance and were also the reason for existence of life on earth, it said that 4 billion years ago an inter dimensional portal was opened into a parallel dimension from which an ancient race of people known as the precursors came out, the precursors only wanted one thing, the destruction of their planet, the reason was that the precursors a parasitic race they would latch on to any thing and absorb the life force of the said object, the marodians fought with every thing they had but in the end lost , so as a final hope they used every ship they had and transported 1 % of their population onto the garden world they had created, the descendants of the marodians called earth their home and came to be known as humans. after the extinction of marodians the precursors turned the beautiful planet of mars into a red desert planet , sucking away all of it's vitality , the would have attacked the earth as well if it were not for the poisonous atmosphere on the planet, they left the solar system and went back into their dimension but the surviving few marodians knew they would come back for earth so they made a plan, all of their knowledge , their culture, their technology was sealed away in a bunker which contained a genetic lock, only the descendants of marodians would be able to open the bunker , if any other species tried then the bunker would self destruct dooming the solar system,

The astronauts found the stash which also included a space ship with which they returned to the earth , The true rulers of the nations , the ones who controlled the world from the shadows came together to form a single organisation , it would later be known as the guardians.the guardians made sure that the president and rulers of every country would never know of the truth, the president of U.S.A was informed that the operation was a failure and that the ship self destructed.

the team of astronauts were announced KIA while keeping them hidden on mars to decode more of the data they had acquired in the base.

in 2015 , a portal suddenly opened on mars from which strange armored beings came out , the were mainly of purple color and had 4 spider like limbs extending from their back while their armor looked humanoid( author notes: here is the image .....

the group of scientists confirmed that they were precursors and that they were using the assimilated marodian battle suits, Thankfully in the past 5 years humanity had built their own powered armors ,

(author notes : here is the image for mark 1 armor ...

the human army which utilized the battle armor were known as Jaeger pilots and the armors were known as Jaegers ,the female version of the armors were known as the Valkyries (author notes: this is the female version art is not mine i am just using it as referrence).

every precursor would need a team of Jaeger and Valkyrie to defeat, the Valkyrie would provide ranged support while the Jaeger would go up close and personal. later on as the war continued , the armors were improved as well, by the year 2023 mark 5 Jaeger armors came to be appearance wise they were exactly the same as their predecessors , but performance wise they were capable of fighting a thousand precursor armors by themselves , the reason was that they required the pilot to go through enormous genetic modifications and physical and mental augmentations to wield the armor. the Valkyries had not changed much but they were now capable of going toe to toe against a 6 th generation IS , if they ever produced one that is, by the year 2030 the war was on near it's end as humanity had cornered the precursors on their home world. The precursors had used every weapon and technology they had ever assimilated in their millions of years of existence but they simply could not stand against the Jaegers which required at least a thousand Valkyries working together to bring one down .