The end and the beginning

mars, alpha base , 2030

"This is beta team to command, the charges are set we are moving out, over"

"This is charlie team, the singularity bomb id ready "

"This is bravo team, we are ready to end the was sir"

multiple teams of jaegers were sending in reports to the commander of the alpha base , the base closest to the enemy .The commander walked out to reveal himself to be striker one of the 5 founders of the organisation that is responsible to keep the precursors in check.

"What of the alpha team???" asked striker to a nearby officer who responded

"Still no response sir, it has been an hour since we lost contact with them when they volunteered to hold back the army of precursor armors, i am worried for them sir" she replied.

"I know , but there is no way for them to loose , they have the mark 5 armors with them, each of them is three times as powerful as the mark 4 's " he said ( author notes :: here is the image for mark 5 ..

"Send in the mark 2 Valkyries to scout the battle field, let's see what the alpha team is upto" said striker , the second generation of Valkyries had a major improvement over their predecessors ,

instead of looking like the angels of the old like the mark 1's the mark 2's looked more like the angels of death , their fighting potential had also improved to be and equalent of a mark 3 jaeger.

( author notes:: again here is the image ;;;;;;

after some time stryker received a transmission from one of the Valkyries ,

"Sir , i found them but, it seems they are having fun!!" exclaimed the beautiful Valkyrie from within her suit.

on the battlefield thousands of precursor battle armors could be seen , but instead of a uniformed army they looked like a chaotic herd of sheep, the reason could be seen to be 5 individuals in power armors wreaking havoc on the battlefield they were the alpha team the best of the best , the were equipped with the mark 5 armors which instead of the white and gold theme , had a black and red color scheme.they were shredding any battle armor they could get their hands on , one of them could be seen lifting a large piece of rubble which weight almost as much as a sky scraper and then used it smash hundreds of the battle armors, his name was Arnold Sanguise , he was the teams heavy weapons specialist, in the distance a Valkyrie in a mark 2 suit can be seen sniping many battle suits and causing confusion, this was the teams sniper , her name was Sarah Sanguise, another jaeger was cleaving his way through the army with twin plasma blades (author notes: plasma swords from halo) , this was Yuuji Sanguise , suddenly a massive beam of energy was shot out from a precursor artilary unit which decimated a part of the army, a Valkyrie could be seen in the controls of the artilary , this was the teams tech support , her name was Jane Sanguise, while all of this was going on in the middle of the army a single Jaeger unit could be seen fighting 5 mech units of the precursors , the mech units were battle armours belonging to an unknown race of giants which were later assimilated by the precursors . the single unit used the booster on his back to evade the blast from the enemy mech , he then used the twin railguns on his shoulder to cause major damage to the unit while fooling the other mechs to fire while he was still on the first mech , he then evaded in the last minute to cause the blast to hit the first mech and destroying it , he used the same strategy to bring down the other three mechs while only one was left remaining, than suddenly a gigantic blaster materialized on the shoulder of the jaeger which blasted out a beam of energy which completely vaporized the mech, this was the leader of the team and frontal assault specialist , Ryan Sanguise. The alpha team was a bunch of orphans who were recruited as children for the Jaeger project, after going through many battles they became very close and decided to become a single family , thus they created the Sanguse family and Ryan acted as the family head as well as their big brother .

"Alright boys , it's time to pack up the charges are set anf this planet is about to blow" said jane through her helmet towards her brothers and sister.

""""Affirmative""" came the response, the alpha team then immediately retreated by flying at speed of mach 10 , they retreated from the portal just as it destabilized from the singularity bombs destroying the planet of precursors , once the portal closed every one was celebrating the end of the 15 year long war .