Black Market

On the way to the neighboring island where the black market was. seth can be seen gazing at the sea this was his first time traveling while on a ship even in his past life he didn't got the chance to experience riding a ship because he can't swim and was scared if the ship would get wreck but now here he was in a world where traveling using ship was a norm.

While gazing the captain went to Seth's side saying " Boss it would take us 2 days to reach the island. if you are tired you can go and rest in my cabin." the captain tried to boot lick seth in order not to make him angry.

"hmmm" seth replied with a nod. "by the way, I didn't got your name yet".

" Boss, My name is Jared also known as Half beard Jared because on my wanted poster photo I have a half beard" Jared told him.

"Hahahahahaha Let me take a look at your wanted poster" Jared hurriedly went and get his wanted poster and showed it to seth" while looking at the photo Seth kept on laughing because on his right there was a beard while on the left side it was completed bald.

"What a fitting name for you Jared" Seth told him while still laughing. " ehehehe I'm happy boss's aprreciates my Title"

After laughing for a while Seth started asking what kind of Devil Fruits are there at the black market. Jared told him that there were 4 Devil Fruits up for sale. 2 paramecia 1 zoan and 1 logia. Seth then asked what kind of fruits are they. The first paramecia was the sleep-sleep fruit that can make anyone sleepy when touched. and second was the clone-clone fruit which you can make a clone of yourself. The Zoan type was bat-bat fruit which you can produce supersonic attacks and can enhances your hearing. The last fruit was a logia type seth didn't know if it was lady luck or the unknown voice who gave him such a broken luck because the last fruit was the one he wanted the wind wind fruit.

[just wait for me my devil fruit im coming for you] thought seth.

after 2 days of travelling they finally reached the neighbor island after arriving they asked where the black market is and when will they sell the "goods". after learning what they wanted they came back to the ship.

"boss, do you have enough money to buy the wind wind fruit?" asked Jared

"buy? hmp" seth snorted " we are pirates if we like something we will steal it why would I buy those fruits if I can just take it away?". "but boss, how can we steal those fruits? they have many people and they are strong they have deep background my crew can't fight them." Jared said worried that they might not make it alive if they chose to steal the fruit.

"Jared, your job is only to bring me anywhere I want. you don't need to worry about the fruit I will take it by myself" said seth without worry. " but boss I ca-" before Jared even finished speaking seth cut him off saying " I know you want to help me even if we just met a few days ago and not in a very good way but I can handle this." seth after finishing his word jumped out on the ship and went to the black market.

after walking for 30 mins. he arrived at black market entrance wearing a tragedy mask. half was happy while the other was sad. entering the black market he used his observation haki to find where the fruit was. after searching he found where it was. the fruit was in a room underground guarded by 10 men. there were 4 boxes each containing the different devil fruits Seth decided he would just take all the fruits and let Jared one to his liking.

Seth slowly passed a couple of guards that were guarding the entrance to the underground pathway. he used his conqueror's haki to make them faint and continued to walk down after 5 mins of walking he was now right infront of the door. he kicked the door and 2 unlucky guard got blasted along with the door. the other eight automatically without even asking who he was attacked seth with their saber.

Using his observation haki seth evaded the saber's while evading he elbowed the guard attacking his right side then kick the one the left side. when all of the guards where down seth just went to the Devil Fruits and waved his hands. the fruits instantly disappeared after securing the fruits in his interspatial ring he went upstair without a care and proceeded to the ship.

On the ship Jared was shitting himself he was debating internally if he would set sail or wait for Seth. he was scared to get inficted he didn't want to get target by joker's followers. after thinking for an hour he saw Seth walking leisurely towards the ship. Jared went to Seth and started asking what happened and where was the fruit? he thought that Seth backed out because there was no way he could get in there even with his prowess.

"It's okay boss, we can find another Devil Fruit for you. no need to be act like nothing happened its okay to fail. ever-" While Jared was comforting Seth he saw a fruit just popped out of nowhere in Seth's palm his eyes almost fell off from the shock he got. he stuttered" bo bo boss. is that a devil fruit?" Jared asked. "Yes it's the wind wind fruit that I wanted." Seth said it like it was nothing.

Jared while hearing that looked like he drank some viagra he shouted at his crew " HEEEY!! SET SAIL! SET SAIL!! OMG!! WHY ARE YOU SO FCKING SLOOW!! HURRY THE FCK UP!!!!!!!" while shouting Jared ran everywhere preparing the ship to set sail. after 3 mins of running the ship finally set sail and Jared let out a sigh of relief.

"Why are you hurrying up Jared?" Seth asked teasingly to Jared. "Boss, if I didn't hurry who knows how many of joker's men will follow us." Jared said exasparated.

"HAHAHAHAHA now now, don't be like that I got you a gift here choose one of the three" with said seth waved his hands and 3 fruits appeared infront of Jared. he didn't even give a damn where the hell those 3 fruits came from all he cared about was those 3 fruits infront of him. "boss are you really giving me a devil fruit? Jared asked with tears in his eyes. " ofcourse you worked for me and didn't left me behind it's normal for me to reward don't you think?". Jared just kept nodding in approval he thank god that he didn't left Seth.